Senior Lecturer in Ancient History

Dr. Christian Rollinger
University of Trier
Department of History (FB III) 
BZ 25
54286 Trier
Tel.: +49 (0) 651/ 201-2268
E-Mail: rollinguni-trierde

Orcid / Academia / Researchgate / Twitter

Research Activity


  • Late antique imperial ceremonial
  • The Roman imperial court
  • Discourses of corruption in late antique diplomacy
  • Early hellenistic monarchy
  • Trust as an economic ressource
  • Risk as a factor in ancient maritime activity


  • Early hellenistic period
  • Late Roman republic and early Empire
  • Late Antiquity (esp. 5th-7th. c.)

Areas of Research

  • Cultural history (ancient monarchies; royal and imperial courts and court societies; construction of authority, legitimacy and power; corruption)
  • Social and Economic History (cultural frameworks of ancient econopmies; Monetary systems and systems of credit and debt; elite networks)
  • Maritime History (sea power; maritime risks; representations and receptions of sea power)
  • Classical Receptions (antiquity in modern mass media and pop culture, especially in video games)
  • Historical Network Research

Recent publications

Classical Antiquity and Video Games: Playing with the Ancient World (Bloomsbury: 2020, Hg.)


From gaming consoles to smartphones, video games are everywhere today, including those set in historical times and particularly in the ancient world. This volume explores the varied depictions of the ancient world in video games and demonstrates the potential challenges of games for scholars as well as the applications of game engines for educational and academic purposes. With successful series such as “Assassin's Creed” or "Civilization” selling millions of copies, video games rival even television and cinema in their role in shaping younger audiences' perceptions of the past. Yet classical scholarship, though embracing other popular media as areas of research, has so far largely ignored video games as a vehicle of classical reception.

This collection of essays fills this gap with a dedicated study of receptions, remediations and representations of Classical Antiquity across all electronic gaming platforms and genres. It presents cutting-edge research in classics and classical receptions, game studies and archaeogaming, adopting different perspectives and combining papers from scholars, gamers, game developers and historical consultants. In doing so, it delivers the first state-of-the-art account of both the wide array of 'ancient' video games, as well as the challenges and rewards of this new and exciting field.

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The Ties That Bind: Ancient Politics and Historical Network Research (JHNR 4: 2020; Hg. mit Wim Broekaert und Elena Köstner)


During the last decade, the field of ancient history and classics has witnessed a slow but steady increase of publications applying to Greco-Roman history the concepts of social network analysis (SNA). While initially mainly introducing the concept of networks and connectivity in a metaphorical sense, recent research increasingly turned to the more quantitative aspects of network analysis. It is therefore quite remarkable that few attempts have been made to apply the tools of formal network analysis to a research topic ideally suited for this particular approach, viz. Greco-Roman politics. Literary sources, inscriptions and papyri offer a wealth of information on municipal and imperial elites, careers, selection procedures, and most importantly, the ties of family, marriage, friendship, patronage, and bribery that connected them. As the case studies in this special, guest-edited issue of The Journal of Historical Network Research show, SNA promises to offer new perspectives on a research field mainly dominated by more traditional prosopographical studies and at the same time provide a powerful tool for analyzing and visualizing social and political connections in ancient societies.


Wirtschaft und Wiederverwendung: Beiträge zur antiken Ökonomie (Scripta Mercaturae: 2019, Hg. mit Patrick Reinard und Christoph Schäfer)


In Zeiten knapper Ressourcen und des Postulats, mit der Umwelt so umgehen zu wollen, damit sie auch weiteren Generationen Nahrung, Arbeit und Wohlergehen bescheren kann, mutet es vielleicht etwas überraschend an, wenn wir auch der Antike einen Markt für Abgelegtes, Altes, Nutzloses – kurzum: einen Second-Hand-Market – nachsagen und tatsächlich den Wiederverwendungsaspekt im Militärischen, im Literarischen, im täglichen Leben und in der Kunst erkennen. Papyri als Verpackungsstoff für ein »Leben nach der Erstverwendung« und die Umarbeitungen von Skulpturen nach dem Tod der Dargestellten sind schon länger bekannt – nun kommen auch andere Güter hinzu, die man auf den ersten Blick nicht erwartete. Die Trierer Tagung vom September 2016 bietet dieses Kaleidoskop; die Produktion ist auch der Anfangspunkt des Wiederauflebens der Publikationen im wissenschaftlichen Portfolio des Scripta Mercaturae Verlags.

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