Burghard B. Rieger:

Empirical Semantics and Computational Linguistics.
On the automatic reconstruction of word meanings in East- and West-Germannews paper texts to detect differing semantic dispositions

In: Raben, J./Sugita, S./Kubo, M. (eds.): Toward a Computer Ethnology. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium at the Japan National Museum of Ethnology. [Senri Ethnological Studies No. 20], Osaka (National Museum of Ethnology) 1987, pp. 97-120


In view of an introductory illustration rather than a detailed and qualifying discussion, some of the standard concept and word-meaning representational formats in memory models and knowledge systems will be compared, in order to motivate our rather strict departure from them in developing and using some statistical means for the analysis of texts and for the representation of the data obtained, which will briefly be introduced as the semantic space model. Starting from the notion of priming and spreading activation in memory as a cognitive model for comprehension processes, we will deal with our procedural method of representing semantic dispositions by way of inducing a relation of lexical relevance among labeled concept representations in semantic space. In conclusion, two or three problem areas connected with word meaning and concept processing will be touched on which might be tackled anew and perhaps be brought to a more adequate though still tentative solution under an empirically founded approach in procedural semantics.

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