Prof. Dr. agr. habil. Sören Thiele-Bruhn

Universität Trier
Fachbereich VI
Fach Bodenkunde
Campus II, Raum H 140
Behringstraße 21
D-54286 TRIER

Tel.: + 49 (0)651 201-2241
Sekr.: +49 (0)651 201-2242
Fax.: + 49 (0)651 201-3809

soeren.thiele-bruhnuni-trierde / thieleuni-trierde 

Consultation-hour: Di. 13:00h - 15:00h

Oral examinations: Mo. 14:00 – 17:00 Uhr (if not differently announced).
Please ask Mrs. Biewer, secretariate, for fixed dates.


Research Interests

Main aspects of the current research are (i) the characterization of the composition, fractions and properties of organic matter in forest and agricultural soils as well as from organic fertilizers and (ii) the fate of organic xenobiotics, nutrients and toxic elements in soils and substrates. Experimental approaches of soil chemistry, biology and physics are combined and chemical and mathematical analytical methods are used for the evaluation and prognosis of the fate of compounds and soil pollution. The major aim is to elucidate the basic mechanisms and processes with regard to the composition of the relevant soil (micro)compartments and especially the interactions with soil organic matter and its respective variability. This includes considering on the one hand physicochemical parameters on a molecular scale and on the other hand local soil properties. The overriding goal is to characterize soil functions with their influence on the fate and effects of natural and anthropogenic compounds and their exchange with adjacent environmental compartments (plants, water). Research projects of the last years were especially focused on the diffuse input, fate and effects of polar xenobiotics, especially pharmaceutical antibiotics in soil.


1986 – 1992: Studium der Agrarwissenschaften an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Spezialisierung Pflanzenproduktion.

1992 – 1997: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Bodenkunde der Universität Bonn, Prof. G.W. Brümmer. Projekte zur Bioremediation und fraktionierenden Extraktion PAK-belasteter Böden. Promotion zum Dr. agr., 1997.

1997 – 1998: Postdoktorand im Laboratory of Soil Biochemistry, Prof. J.-M. Bollag, Pennsylvania State University. Charakterisierung gebundener Rückstände von Nitroaromaten in Böden.

1999 – 2004: Hochschulassistent am Institut für Landnutzung, FG Bodenkunde der Universität Rostock, Prof. P. Leinweber. Untersuchungen zum Eintrag, Verbleib und Wirkung antibiotischer Pharmazeutika in Böden. Habilitation im Fach Bodenkunde, 2004.

2005 – 2006: Privatdozent am Institut für Landnutzung der Universität Rostock.

2005 – 2006: Stipendiat des Heisenberg-Programms der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.

seit Mai 2006: Lehrstuhlinhaber und Leiter des Faches Bodenkunde im Fachbereich VI, Geographie/Geowissenschaften der Universität Trier.

Mitglied der Kommission GB 7.4 ”Bodenfunktionskartierung” im DWA.

Gutachter für 25 Fachzeitschriften und verschiedene Förderinstitutionen.

Stellvertretender Vorsitzender der Kommission II der DBG.


Selected publications of Prof. Dr. Sören Thiele-Bruhn


Klaes B., Kilian R., Wörner G., Thiele-Bruhn S., Arz H.W. (2018) Middle to Late Holocene mobilization of DOC-bound Pb and Y in the Magellanic moorlands (53° S) as a function of sea spray fertilization, climate variations and volcanic fallout? A preliminary report. E&G Quaternary Sci. J. 67, 1-6.

Vohland M., Ludwig M., Thiele-Bruhn S., Ludwig B. (2017) Quantification of soil properties with hyperspectral data: Selecting spectral variables with different methods to improve accuracies and analyse prediction mechanisms. Remote Sensing, accepted.

Muñoz K., Buchmann C, Meyer M., Schmidt-Heydt M., Diehl D., Thiele-Bruhn S., Schaumann G.E. (2017) Physicochemical and microbial soil quality indicators as affected by the agricultural management system in strawberry cultivation using straw or black polyethylene mulching. Applied Soil Ecology 113, 36–44.

Horn P., Schlichting A., Baum C., Hammesfahr U., Thiele-Bruhn S., Leinweber P., Broer I. (2017) Fast and sensitive in vivo studies under controlled environmental conditions to substitute long-term field trials with genetically modified plants. Journal of Biotechnology 243, 48–60. 2016


Khorshid M.S.H., Thiele-Bruhn S. (2016) Contamination status and assessment of urban and non-urban soils in the region of Sulaimani City, Kurdistan, Iraq. Environmental Earth Sciences 75, 1171-1186.

Zhou D., Thiele-Bruhn S., Arenz-Leufen M.G., Jacques D., Vereecken H., Engelhardt I. (2016) Impact of manure-related DOM on sulfonamide transport in arable soils. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 192, 118–128.

Vohland M., Ludwig M., Harbich M., Emmerling C., Thiele-Bruhn S. (2016) Using variable selection and wavelets to exploit the full potential of visible-near infrared spectra for predicting soil properties. JNIRS—Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 24, 255–269.

Vohland M., Harbich M., Ludwig M., Emmerling C., Thiele-Bruhn S. (2016) Quantification of soil variables in a heterogeneous soil region with VIS-NIR-SWIR data using different statistical sampling and modelling strategies. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, PP, 1-11 doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2016.2572879.

Ahmed A.A., Thiele-Bruhn S., Leinweber P., Kühn O. (2016) Towards a molecular level understanding of the sulfanilamide-soil organic matter-interaction. Science of the Total Environment STOTEN-D-16-00327R1..

Jung A., Vohland M., Thiele-Bruhn S. (2015) Use of a portable camera for proximal soil sensing with hyperspectral image data. Remote Sensing 7, 11434-11448.

Michelini L., Meggio F., Reichel R., Thiele-Bruhn S., Pitacco A., Scattolin L., Montecchio L., Alberghini S., Squartini A. and Ghisi R. (2015) Sulfadiazine uptake and effects in common hazel (Corylus avellana L.). Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22, 13362-13371.

Reichel R., Michelini L., Ghisi R., Thiele-Bruhn S. (2015) Soil bacterial community response to sulfadiazine in the soil-root zone. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 178, 499–506.

Thiele-Bruhn S., Wessel-Bothe S., Aust M.-O. (2015) Time-resolved in situ pH measurement in differently treated, saturated and unsaturated soils. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 178, 425–432.

Schwarz J., Knicker H., Schaumann G.E., Thiele-Bruhn S. (2015) Enzymatic transformation and bonding of sulfonamide antibiotics to model humic substances. Journal of Chemistry, Article ID 829708, 11 pg.,

Ludwig M., Achtenhagen J., Miltner A., Eckhardt K.-U., Leinweber P., Emmerling C., Thiele-Bruhn S. (2015) Microbial contribution to SOM quantity and quality in density fractions of temperate arable soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 81, 311–322.

Ahmed A.A., Thiele-Bruhn S., Aziz S.G., Hilal R.H., Elroby S.A., Al-Youbi A.O., Leinweber P., Kühn O. (2015) Interaction of polar and nonpolar organic pollutants with soil organic matter: Sorption experiments and molecular dynamics simulation. Science of the Total Environment 508, 276-287.

Vithanage M., Rajapaksha A.U., Zhang M., Thiele-Bruhn S., Lee S.-E., Ok Y.S. (2015) Acid activated biochar increased sulfamethazine retention in soils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22/3, 2175-2186.

Diehl D., Schneckenburger T., Krüger J., Goebel M.-O., Woche S.K., Schwarz J., Shchegolikhina
A., Lang F., Marschner B., Thiele-Bruhn S., Bachmann J., Schaumann G.E. (2014) Effect of multivalent cations, temperature, and ageing on SOM interfacial properties. Environmental Chemistry 11, 709-718.

Diehl D., Schaumann G.E., Schwarz J., Bachmann J., Woche S.K., Goebel M.-O., Shchegolikhina A., Marschner B., Schneckenburger T., Thiele-Bruhn S., Krüger J., Lang F. (2014) Effect of multivalent cations, temperature, and ageing on SOM thermal properties. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry DOI: 10.1007/s10973-014-3989-7.

Reichel R., Patzelt D., Barleben C., Rosendahl I., Ellerbrock R.H., Thiele-Bruhn S. (2014) Soil microbial community responses to sulfadiazine-contaminated manure in different soil microhabitats. Applied Soil Ecology 80, 15–25.

Reichel R., Radl V., Rosendahl I., Albert A., Amelung W., Schloter M., Thiele-Bruhn S. (2014) Soil microbial community responses to sulfadiazine antibiotic-contaminated manure under different soil moisture regimes. Applied Microbiology Biotechnology 98, 6487-6495.

Thiele-Bruhn S., Leinweber P., Eckhardt K.-U., Siem H.-K., Blume H.-P. (2014) Chernozem properties of Black Soils in the Baltic region of Germany as revealed by massspectrometric fingerprinting of organic matter. Geoderma 213, 144–154.

Vithanage M., Rajapaksha A.U., Tang X., Thiele-Bruhn S., Kim K.H., Lee S.-E., Ok Y.S. (2014) Sorption and transport of sulfamethazine in agricultural soils amended with invasive-plant derived biochar. Journal of Environmental Management 141, 95–103.

Vohland M., Ludwig M., Thiele-Bruhn S., Ludwig, B. (2014) Determination of soil properties with visible to near- and mid-infrared spectroscopy: effects of spectral variable selection. Geoderma 223-225, 88-96.

Reichel R., Rosendahl I., Peeters E.T.H.M., Focks A., Groeneweg J., Bierl R., Schlichting A., Amelung W., Thiele-Bruhn S. (2013) Effects of slurry from sulfadiazine- (SDZ) and difloxacin- (DIF) medicated pigs on the structural diversity of microorganisms in rhizosphere soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 62, 82–91.

Lahl K., Unger C., Emmerling C., Broer I., Thiele-Bruhn S. (2012) Response of soil microflora and enzyme activities on the decomposition of cyanophycin producing potatoes during overwintering in soil. European Journal of Soil Biology 53, 1–10.

Lang F., Schaumann G.E., Thiele-Bruhn S., Schaeffer A., Fründ H.-C., Schwarzbauer J. (2012) Coevolution of organic substances and soils: links between soil forming processes and the stabilisation of organic substances. Journal of Soils and Sediments 12, 1209-1210. Editorial.

Michelini L., Reichel R., Werner W., Ghisi R., Thiele-Bruhn S. (2012) Sulfadiazine uptake and effects on Salix fragilis L. and Zea maize L. plants. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 223, 5243-5257.

Schneckenburger T., Schaumann G.E., Woche S.K., Thiele-Bruhn S. (2012) Short-term evolution of hydration effects on soil organic matter properties and resulting implications for sorption of naphthalene-2-ol. Journal of Soils and Sediments 12, 1269-1279.

Schneckenburger T., Lattao C., Pignatello J.J., Schaumann G.E., Thiele-Bruhn S., Cao X., Mao J. (2012) Preparation and characterization of humic acid cross-linked with organic bridging groups. Organic Geochemistry 47, 132–138.

Schwarz J., Thiele-Bruhn S., Eckhardt K.-U., Schulten H.-R. (2012) Sorption of sulfonamides to dissolved soil colloids - batch experiments with model compounds and computational chemistry, ISRN Soil Science 2012, Article ID 159189, 10 pages; doi:10.5402/2012/159189.

Thiele-Bruhn S., Bloem J., de Vries F.T., Kalbitz K., Wagg C. (2012) Linking soil biodiversity and agricultural soil management. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 4, 523-528.

Schaumann G.E., Thiele-Bruhn S. (2011) Molecular modeling of soil organic matter: Squaring the circle? Geoderma 166, 1-14.

Alemayehu E., Thiele-Bruhn S., Lennartz B. (2011) Adsorption behaviour of Cr(VI) onto macro and micro-vesicular volcanic rocks. Separation and Purification Technology 78, 55-61.

Godlinski F., Aust M.-O., Travis G., Hao X., Thiele-Bruhn S., McAllister T.A., Leinweber P. (2011) Phosphorus and trace metal distribution under confined cattle feeding operations in Southern Alberta. Landbauforschung – vTI Agriculture and Forestry Research 61, 249-260.

Hammesfahr U., Bierl R., Thiele-Bruhn S. (2011) Manure and the antibiotic sulfadiazine are interacting on microbial biomass and structure. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 174, 614-623.

Hammesfahr U., Kotzerke A., Lamshöft M., Wilke B.-M., Kandeler E., Thiele-Bruhn S. (2011) Sulfadiazine contaminated fresh and stored manure modifies the function and structure of soil microbial community. European Journal of Soil Biology 47, 61-68.

Heuer H., Solehati Q., Zimmerling U., Kleineidam K., Schloter M., Müller T., Focks A., Thiele-Bruhn S., Smalla K. (2011) Accumulation of sulfonamide resistance genes in arable soils due to repeated application of manure containing sulfadiazine. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77, 2527-2530.

Kotzerke A., Hammesfahr U., Kleineidam K., Lamshöft M., Thiele-Bruhn S., Schloter M., Wilke B.-M. (2011) Influence of difloxacin-contaminated manure on microbial community structure and function in soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils 47, 177–186.

Neykova N., Obando J., Schneider R., Shisanya C., Thiele-Bruhn S., Thomas F.M. (2011) Vertical root distribution in single crop and intercropping agricultural systems in Central Kenya. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 174, 742-749.

Aust M.-O., Thiele-Bruhn S., Seeger J., Godlinski F., Meissner R., Leinweber P. (2010) Sulfonamides leach from sandy loam soils under common agricultural practice. Water Air & Soil Pollution 211, 143–156.

Hammesfahr U., Kotzerke A., Lamshöft M., Wilke B.-M., Kandeler E., Thiele-Bruhn S. (2010) Sulfadiazine contaminated fresh and stored manure modifies the function and structure of soil microbial community. European Journal of Soil Biology, doi: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2010.10.004 .

Kleineidam K., Sharma S., Kotzerke A., Heuer H., Thiele-Bruhn S., Smalla K., Wilke B.-M., Schloter M. (2010) Effect of sulfadiazine on abundance and diversity of denitrifying bacteria by determining nirK and nirS genes in two arable soils. Microbial Ecology DOI 10.1007/s00248-010-9691-9

Kotzerke A., Hammesfahr U., Kleineidam K., Lamshöft M., Thiele-Bruhn S., Schloter M., Wilke B.-M., Influence of difloxacin-contaminated manure on microbial community structure and function in soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils, accepted Ms. No. BFSO-D-10-00218R2.

Schwarz J., Aust M.-O., Thiele-Bruhn S. (2010) Metabolites from fungal laccase-catalysed transformation of sulfonamides. Chemosphere doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2010.08.053 .

Blume H.-P., Horn R., Thiele-Bruhn S. (Hrsg., 2010) Handbuch des Bodenschutzes, 4. Aufl., Wiley VCH, Weinheim; darin:        
– Blume H.-P., Thiele Bruhn S.: Böden als Filter, Puffer und Transformatoren           
– Litz N., Thiele Bruhn S., Wilcke W.: Weitere organische Chemikalien        
Thiele Bruhn S.: Pathogene Agenzien und gentechnisch veränderte Organismen              
– Hüttmann S., Thiele Bruhn S.: Sanierung und Sicherung kontaminierter Böden und Sub­strate


Aust M.-O., Eckhardt K.-U., Thiele-Bruhn S., Leinweber P. (2009) Composition of organic matter in particle size fractionated pig slurry. Bioresource Technology 100, 5736-5743.

Schauss K., Focks A., Heuer H., Kotzerke A., Schmitt H., Thiele-Bruhn S., Smalla K., Wilke B.-M., Matthies M., Amelung W., Klasmeier J., Schloter M. (2009) Analysis, fate and effects of the antibiotic sulfadiazine in soil ecosystems. Trends in Analytical Chemistry 28, 612-618.

Schauss K., Focks A., Leininger S., Kotzerke A., Heuer H., Thiele-Bruhn S., Sharma S., Wilke B.-M., Matthies M., Smalla K., Munch J.C., Amelung W., Kaupenjohann M., Schloter M., Schleper C. (2009) Dynamics and functional relevance of ammonia-oxidizing archaea in two agricultural soils. Environmental Microbiology 11, 446–456.

Wilke B.-M., Thiele-Bruhn S. (2009) Organische Schadstoffe. In: Blume H.-P. et al. (Hrsg.) Scheffer/Schachtschabel - Lehrbuch der Bodenkunde. Kap. 10.3, 16. Aufl., Wiley VCH, Weinheim.


Aust M.-O., Godlinski F., Travis G.R., Hao X., McAllister T.A., Leinweber P. & Thiele-Bruhn S. (2008) Distribution of sulfamethazine, chlorotetracycline and tylosin in manure and soil of Canadian feedlots after prophylactic use in cattle. Environmental Pollution, doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2008.03.011 .

Aust M.-O., Thiele-Bruhn S., Jandl G. & Leinweber P. (2008) Determination of sulfonamides used for livestock medication in environmental matrices by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 17, 331-340.

Hammesfahr U., Thiele-Bruhn S., Manzke B., Heuer H. & Smalla C. (2008) Effect of sulfadiazine and pig slurry on the structural diversity of soil microorganisms, Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40, 1583-1591.

Kotzerke A., Sharma S., Schauss K., Heuer H., Thiele-Bruhn S., Smalla K., Wilke B.-M., Schloter M. (2008) Alterations in soil microbial activity and N-transformation processes due to sulfadiazine loads in pig-manure. Environmental Pollution 153, 315-322.


Thiele-Bruhn S. (2007) Verteilung von Antibiotika nach Eintrag in Böden. In: Tierarzneimittel in der Umwelt. 115-133; Münchener Beiträge zur Abwasser-, Fischerei- und Flußbiologie 58, Oldenbourg Industrieverlag, München.

Thiele-Bruhn S. & Peters D. (2007) Photodegradation of pharmaceutical antibiotics on soil surfaces. FAL Agricultural Research 57, 13-23.


Thiele-Bruhn S.
(2006) Assessment of the soil phosphorus mobilization through microbial reduction. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 169, 784-791.

Worch E. & Thiele-Bruhn S. (2006) Einfluss der Sorption auf den Transport organischer Schadstoffe. In: Sickerwasserprognose und Stofftransport, Kap. 4, 35–69, DWA-Themen, Bonn.


Thiele-Bruhn, S. & Beck, C. (2005) Effects of sulfonamide and tetracycline antibiotics on soil microbial activity and microbial biomass. Chemosphere 59, 457-465.

Thiele-Bruhn S. (2005) Microbial inhibition by pharmaceutical antibiotics in different soils  ‑ dose-response relations determined with the iron(III) reduction test. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24, 869-876.

Thiele-Bruhn S. & Brümmer G.W. (2005) Kinetics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) decrease in long-term polluted soils during bioremediation. Plant and Soil 275, 29-39.


Thiele-Bruhn S. (2004) Stoffdatenblatt: Tetracycline. In: Litz N., Wilcke W., Wilke B.-M. (Hrsg.) Bodengefährdende Stoffe. Kap. VI-2, 1-24. ecomed Verlagsgesellschaft, Landsberg/Lech.

Thiele-Bruhn S. (2004) Einträge, Verbleib und Wirkung pharmazeutischer Antibiotika in landwirtschaftlich genutzten Böden. Habilitationsschrift, Universität Rostock. 231 S.

Thiele-Bruhn S. (2004) Antibiotische Pharmazeutika. In: Blume H.-P. (Hrsg.) Handbuch des Bodenschutzes. Kap. 2.7.7, 483-492, 3. Aufl., ecomed Verlagsgesellschaft, Landsberg/Lech.

Thiele-Bruhn S. & Aust M.-O. (2004) Effects of pig slurry on the sorption of sulfonamide antibiotics in soil. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 47, 31-39.

Thiele-Bruhn S. & Brümmer G.W. (2004) Fractionated extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from polluted soils - estimation of the degradable PAH portion. European Journal of Soil Science 55, 567-578.

Thiele-Bruhn S., Seibicke T., Schulten H.-R. & Leinweber P. (2004) Sorption of sulfonamide pharmaceutical antibiotics on whole soils and particle-size fractions. Journal of Environmental Quality 33, 1331-1342.


Thiele-Bruhn S. (2003) Pharmaceutical antibiotic compounds in soils - a review. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 166, 145-167.

Thiele-Bruhn S. (2003) Antibiotika. in Blume H.-P., Felix-Hennigsen P., Fischer W.R., Frede H.-G., Horn R., Stahr H. (Hrsg.) Handbuch der Bodenkunde. Kap. 6.5.5, 1-19, 15. Ergänzungslieferung, ecomed Verlagsgesellschaft, Landsberg/Lech.

Thiele-Bruhn S., Mogk A. & Freitag D. (2003) Einsatz von Tierarzneimitteln zur Anwendung bei landwirtschaftlichen Nutztieren in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Berichte über Landwirtschaft 81, 374-391.


Thiele-Bruhn S. (2002) Agricultural soils in Europe - special demands related to intensive agriculture in an industrialized environment. In: Agricultural Sciences. Lal R. (Ed.), in: Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), developed under the auspices of the UNESCO, EOLSS Publishers, Oxford [].

Thiele S., Fernandes E. & Bollag J.-M. (2002) Enzymatic transformation and binding of labeled 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene to humic substances during an anaerobic/aerobic incubation. Journal of Environmental Quality 31, 437-443.

Thiele S. & Brümmer G.W. (2002) Bioformation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil under oxygen deficient conditions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 34, 733-735.

Wang C.J., Thiele S. & Bollag J.-M. (2002) Interaction of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene and 4-amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene with humic monomers in the presence and absence of oxidative enzymes. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 42, 1-8.


Kahle P. & Thiele S. (2001): Rendzina, Rügen - Königsstuhl; Podsol, Rostock Graal Müritz; Schwarzerde ähnliche Böden, Insel Poel. In: Umweltbundesamt (Hrsg.): Reiseführer - Zu den Böden Deutschlands. Böden sehen - Böden begreifen. 70-73, 78-79; Berlin.

Thiele S. & Leinweber P. (2001) Parameterization of Freundlich adsorption isotherms for heavy metals in soils from an area with intensive livestock production. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 164, 623-629.


2000 und früher
Thiele S. (2000) Adsorption of the antibiotic pharmaceutical compound sulfapyridine by a long-term differently fertilized loess Chernozem. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 163, 589-594.

Brümmer G.W. & Thiele S. (1998) Gefäßversuche zum mikrobiellen Abbau von PAK (polycyclischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen) in belasteten Böden. Materialien zur Altlasten-Sanierung und zum Bodenschutz, LUA NRW, Essen, 4, 212 S.

Thiele S. & Brümmer G.W. (1998) PAK-Abnahme in Bodenproben verschiedener Altlaststandorte bei Aktivierung der autochthonen Mikroflora. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernährung und Bodenkunde 161, 221-227.

Thiele S. & Brümmer G.W. (1998) Influence of soil moisture on the remobilization of previously bound PAH residues in contaminated soils. In: Führ F., Ophoff H. (Hrsg.) Pesticide Bound Residues in Soil. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Wiley/VCH, Weinheim, 117–122.

Thiele S. (1997) PAK in belasteten Böden: Untersuchungen zur Charakterisierung, Optimierung und Prognose des mikrobiellen PAK-Abbaus sowie zur Abschätzung der für Pflanzen verfügbaren PAK-Fraktion. Bonner Bodenkundliche Abhandlungen 22, 318 S.

Research Projects


Assessing Soil Organic Matter (SOM) on a Landscape Scale by Combining Non-Invasive (Spectroscopic) and Invasive Methods – SOMScapes (DFG)
Bewertung organischer Bodensubstanz von Böden auf der Landschafts-Skala durch Kombination nicht-invasiver (spektroskopischer) und invasiver Methoden – SOMScapes (DFG)

Effects of Veterinary Medicines on the Structural Diversity of the Microbial Community in the Rhizosphere under the Impact of temporal Moisture Gradients – GradMic (DFG)
Zeitliche Feuchtegradienten verändern die Effekte von Veterinärmedikamenten auf die strukturelle Diversität der mikrobiellen Gemeinschaft der Rhizosphäre – GradMic (DFG)

Abbauresistenz und Wirkung Cyanophycin produzierender transgener Kartoffelpflanzen im Rhizosphärenbereich auf physikochemische Parameter und die mikrobielle Population von Böden - Teilprojekt innerhalb des Verbundes Biopolymer (BMBF)
Decay resistance and effects of cyanophycin producing transgenic potato plants in the rhizosphere on physicochemical parameters and the microbial community in soil - Subproject within the joint project Biopolymer (BMBF)

ForeStClim - EU INTERREG IVB NWE-Projekt

Variabilität des Boden-pH bei kontinuierlicher Messung. Mit EcoTech, Bonn.
Variability of the soil pH during continuous measurement. With EcoTech, Bonn.

Lysimeterversuche zum Bodentransport pharmazeutischer Antibiotika mit dem Sickerwasser
Lysimeter studies on the soil transport of pharmaceutical antibiotics with seepage water

Azofarbstoffe als Umweltschadstoffe – Nachweis und Verbleib in Böden sowie resultierende Ökotoxizität

Characterization of manure and manure derived dissolved organic matter and its influence on the transport of antibiotics in soil


HyMap – Abbildung von Bodeneigenschaften in der Agrarlandschaft Bitburger Gutland auf der Basis von hyperspektralen Bilddaten; M. Vohland, S. Thiele-Bruhn, C. Emmerling, 20.08.2009 – 31.12.2009

Hydration affected soil:water sorption processes of xenobiotics – experiments and modeling approaches - HydraSorb; DFG TH 678/10-1;  04.2009 – 09.2010. DFG SPP 1315 „Biogeochemical Interfaces in Soils“.

Veterinary Medicinal Effects on the Prokaryotic Structural Diversity in Soil Microcompartments; DFG TH 678/6-3, 05.2008 – 04.2011. DFG FOR 566 „Veterinary Medicines in Soils   Basic Research for Risk Analysis”.

Characterization of manure and manure derived dissolved organic matter and its influence on the transport of antibiotics in soil – MAXEMOB. Cooperation with T. Gallé, L. Zwank, U. Leopold, CRTE Henri-Tudor, Luxembourg.

Bodenmonitoring des Großherzogtums Luxemburg, 2006 und 2007. Administration de l'Environnement, Division des Déchets, Luxembourg.

Eigenschaften und Verbreitung Schwarzerde-ähnlicher Böden in der küstennahen jungpleistozänen Landschaft Nordostdeutschlands und Polens. Mit P. Leinweber, Rostock, H.-P. Blume, H.K. Siem, Kiel, u.a.; seit 03/2005.

Effects of Veterinary Medicines on the Structural Diversity of the Microbial Biomass in Soils. DFG TH 678/6-1; 05.2005 – 04.2008; DFG FOR 566 „Veterinary Medicines in Soils   Basic Research for Risk Analysis”.

Transformation und Festlegung antibiotischer pharmazeutischer Substanzen in Gegenwart von Huminstoffmonomeren und organischen Bodensubstanzen. DFG TH 678/4-1; 10.2002 – 10.2004: Mit P. Leinweber;Univ. Rostock, H. Knicker, TU München.

Fate of antibiotic veterinarian compounds in soil - effects on microorganisms – FACIS-EOM. EU 5. Framework program: Marie Curie Development Host Fellowship N° MCFH-2001-00382; 07.2002 – 07.2004.
Sorptions¬verhalten von Veterinär-Antibiotika in Böden und Bodenfraktionen. DFG TH 678/3-1; 10.2001 – 10.2003: Mit P. Leinweber.

Charakterisierung gebundener Rückstände von organischen Umweltchemikalien (TNT) in Böden mit Hilfe eines Silylierungsverfahrens und der NMR-Spektroskopie unter Verwendung Isotopen-markierter Substanzen sowie eines künstlichen Bodensubstrates. DFG TH 678/1-1, TH 678/1-2; 09.1997 – 11.1998.