Veröffentlichungen 2010

  1. Buske-Kirschbaum A, Ebrecht M, Hellhammer DH. (2010). Blunted HPA axis responsiveness to stress in atopic patients is associated with the acuity and severeness of allergic inflammation. Brain Behav Immun, 24(8):1347-1353

  2. Doane LD, Kremen WS, Eaves LJ, Eisen SA, Hauger R, Hellhammer D, Levine S, Lupien S, Lyons MJ, Mendoza S, Prom-Wormley E, Xian H, York TP, Franz CE, Jacobson KC. (2010). Associations between jet lag and cortisol diurnal rhythms after domestic travel. Health Psychol. 29(2):117-23.

  3. Franz CE, York TP, Eaves LJ, Mendoza SP, Hauger RL, Hellhammer DH, Jacobson KC, Levine S, Lupien SJ, Lyons MJ, Prom-Wormley E, Xian H, Kremen WS. (2010). Genetic and Environmental Influences on Cortisol Regulation Across Days and Contexts in Middle-Aged Men. Behav Genet. 40(4):467-79

  4. Gierens, A., Pütz, P., & Hellhammer, D.H. (2010). Biochemische Verfahren. In Heinz Holling & Bernhard Schmitz (Eds.), Handbuch Statistik, Methoden und Evaluation (Band 13), (S. 112-119). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

  5. Hellhammer, D, & Hellhammer, J. (2010). Neuropattern: Psychobiologische Diagnostik für die Praxis. In N. Bergemann (Hrsg.), Dauner Dokumentationen: Aktuelle Behandlungskonzepte psychischer Erkrankungen (S. 1-20). Heidelberg: Wolfsbrunnen.

  6. Hellhammer, D.H., Stone, A. A., Hellhammer, J., & Broderick, J. (2010). Measuring Stress. In George Koob, Michel Le Moal & Richard F Thompson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience (Vol. 2, pp. 191-196). Oxford: Academic Press.

  7. Kremen WS, O'Brien RC, Panizzon MS, Prom-Wormley E, Eaves LJ, Eisen SA, Eyler LT, Hauger RL, Fennema-Notestine C, Fischl B, Grant MD, Hellhammer DH, Jak AJ, Jacobson KC, Jernigan TL, Lupien SJ, Lyons MJ, Mendoza SP, Neale MC, Seidman LJ, Thermenos HW, Tsuang MT, Dale AM, Franz CE. (2010). Salivary cortisol and prefrontal cortical thickness in middle-aged men: A twin study. Neuroimage, 53(3):1093-1102.

  8. Kumsta, R., Entringer, S., Koper, J. W., van Rossum, E. F., Hellhammer, D. H., & Wust, S. (2010) Working memory performance is associated with common glucocorticoid receptor gene polymorphisms. Neuropsychobiology, 61(1), 49-56.

  9. Meinlschmid, G., & Hellhammer, D.H. (2010). Biologische Grundlagen der Psychotherapie. In Wolfgang Lutz (Ed.), Lehrbuch Psychotherapie (pp. 105-125). Bern: Huber.

  10. Pluess M, Bolten M, Pirke KM, Hellhammer D. (2010). Maternal trait anxiety, emotional distress, and salivary cortisol in pregnancy. Biol Psychol. 83(3):169-75.

  11. Pütz, P., Bellingrath, S., Gierens, A., & Hellhammer, D. H. (2010). Neuroendocrine Measures in Behavioral Medicine. In A. Steptoe (Ed.), Handbook of Behavioral Medicine. Berlin: Springer. pp 659-670

  12. Wingenfeld K, Nutzinger D, Kauth J, Hellhammer DH, Lautenbacher S.(2010). Salivary Cortisol Release and Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal Axis Feedback Sensitivity in Fibromyalgia Is Associated With Depression But Not With Pain. J Pain, 11(11):1195-1202.

  13. Wingenfeld, K., Heim, C., Schmidt, I., Spitzer, C., & Hellhammer, D.H. (2010). Chronischer Alltagsbelastungen und frühe Traumatisierung: Auswirkungen auf die aktuelle PTSD Symptomatik. Trauma und Gewalt, 4(3), 214-220.

  14. Schulz S, Laessle RG. Associations of negative affect and eating behaviour in obese women with and without binge eating disorder. Eat Weight Disord. 2010 Dec;15(4):e287-93.