The Institute for European Constitutional Law was, among others, involved in the following publications:


I. Constitutional Law

Encyclopedia of World Constitutions

In the context of the comparative constitutional law the research project "Constitutions of the World" has been created. This considerable project - accomplished in cooperation with numerous authors from the whole world - shows a systematic view about the constitutions of all countries in the world. The articles integrate the most important information of the constitutional frameworks and are available as an encyclopedia in English language.

For more information to the "Encyclopedia of World Constitutions"

Reform of federalism in Germany

The institute always attends to current topics of the important constitutional developments in Germany. At September 1st., 2006 the first part of the reform of federalism came into force. This reform is the most extensive readjustment of legislative competences between the Federal Government and the Federal States since the foundation of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The articles, which are published in edited volumes, containing a detailled presentation of the main changes caused by the reform of federalism, an evaluation in respect of the further seperation of the Federal Government and the States, an estimation on the effects of the reform referring to the European process of Integration and a forecast on the second part of the reform, which deals with the rearrangement of financial structures between the Federal Government and the States; for this important duty another commission has been created, the so-called "Föderalismuskommission II".

For more information about this publication, please use this link.

II. Church-State-Relations

State and Church in the European Union

Subject matter of the project is the comparison of the systems of state-church-relations within the member states of the European Union. In cooperation with the European Consortium for State-Church-Research a broad study of constitutional comparisons has been published; so far it is available in German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Czech, Hungarian and Greek.

For more information about this publication, please use this link.

Religion-Related Norms in European Union Law

The religious regulations of the European Union are multilingual (German, French, English, Italian).

For more information about this collection, please use this link.

Religion in Public Education - La religion dans l'éducation publique

The 22nd annual conference of the European Consortium for Church and State Research “Religion in Public Education” took place from 11th to 14th November 2010 in Trier, Germany. The present proceedings contain the opening lectures, all country reports and a report on the European Union law. The majority of the contributions are in English, some in French.

For more information about this publication, please use this link.

Religion and Discrimination Law in the European Union - La discrimination en matière religieuse dans l'Union européenne

The 23rd annual conference of the European Consortium for State and Research „ Religion and Discrimination Law in the European Union” took place from 29th September to 2nd October 2011 in Oxford. The present proceedings (edited from Prof. Mark Hill QC) contain some thematic overviews, all country reports and european reports. The majority of the contributions are in English, some in French.

For more information about this publication, please use this link.

III. Comparative Law

The Legal Systems of the European States

In this project were the introductions into numerous European legal systems, at first in the particular national language, in cooperation with authors from the appropriate countries developed. These introductions are already translated into different languages.

For more information