Agile Workflows

Workflow technology is widely used to control the execution of business processes. The basic constituents of workflows are tasks that describe an activity to be performed by an automated service (e.g. within a service-oriented architecture) or a human (e.g. an employee). The procedural rules for the tasks are usually described by routing constructs like sequences, loops, parallel and alternative branches that form a control flow for the tasks.


A significant limitation of traditional workflow technology is the missing flexibility of the workflow concept in general and the limited flexibility of workflow engines. Workflows are specified in a modeling phase during. Once described, they are executed repeatedly in the same manner over a long period of time. In order to address today’s requirements concerning easy and fast adaptation of workflows, a new class of workflow systems is currently emerging, called agile workflows. Agile workflow systems break the traditional separation between workflow modeling and execution. Workflows can be created (for example based on a template) for a particular demand or business case. Workflows can also be adapted even after they have already been started, for example if some unforeseen events occur.

For further information on agile business process management, see:

Roe (2010). An Introduction to Agile Business Process Management. CMS Wire.

Our competences


We are one of the leading research groups working on agile worfklows since the field emerged in 2006. We developed a new representation language for agile workflows called Cake Flow Cloud Notation (CFCN). It considers the agility by providing a suspension mechanism using breakpoints, which prevent the workflow engine from overrunning tasks that are about to be modified. Further, placeholder tasks allow to roughly declare activities to be carried out, while their details can be filled in later, when the workflows is already progressing.


In line with the agile modeling language, we develop novel algorithms, persistency concepts and software components to provide workflow engines with the ability to interweave workflow modeling and execution, which is an inevitable prerequisite to enable flexibility. Further, new concepts for user-interaction with agile workflow technology are developed, particularly including workflow modeling and adaptation. We aim at enabling business users to model and adapt their workflows without the need for advanced IT knowledge. Intelligent technologies will help future business to master this new endeavor in agility.   


Summary of competences:

  • design and use of agile workflow modeling languages
  • development of agile workflow engines and agile workflow modeling tools
  • research on methods for adaptation of agile workflows
  • research on tools to support business users in agile workflow modeling



Current projects

Completed projects

Completed student projects

  • 2009-2010: Workflow Unterstützung für Geographisches Informations-Management
  • 2006-2007: Zustandsverfolgung in Prozemodellen durch Beobachtung der Bearbeitungsergebnisse (Auftraggeber: Firma rjm business solutions GmbH)