Prof. Dr. Jan Hofer

Office hours during Summer Term 2024:

Wednesday, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. on appointment via E-Mail.

Office hours during term break on appointment via  E-Mail.



Research Topics

- Personality and motives
- Development and behavioral correlates of motives
- Relationship between implicit and consciously represented motives
- Development of self and identity
- Correlates of subjective well-being
- Equivalence of measurements in cross-cultural research

Current Research

- Successful aging and implicit motives
- Developmental correlates of implicit motives in early childhood
- Effects of motives in early mother-child interaction

Participation in international research cooperations

- Social axioms in different cultures
- Identity in different cultures



Please follow this link (pdf, 283 KB).


Professional Positions

1994 ‐ 1995
Research associate at the Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald, Developmental and Educational Psychology

1996 ‐ 1997
Research associate at the Friedrich‐Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Developmental and Educational Psychology

Research Affiliate at the University of Zambia in Lusaka, Sambia (Department of Psychology)

1998 ‐ 2001
Research associate at the Friedrich‐Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Developmental and Educational Psychology

2001 ‐ 2006
Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Osnabrück, Research Group "Cross-Cultural Life-Span Psychology"

2006 ‐ 2011
Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Psychology, University of Osnabrück

since October 2011
Chair of Developmental Psychology (W3), University of Trier


Academic Qualification

1987 ‐ 1993
Psychology student at the Friedrich‐Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
Degree: Diploma in Psychology

2000 (June)
PhD (Dr. phil.), Friedrich‐Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany 
(Subject: "Integrating own and foreign cultural elements - Values and life goals of adolescents in Zambia: Identity development in the area of conflict of cultural an social changes")

2007 (January)
Habilitation, University of Osnabrück, Germany (venia legendi for Psychology)