JProf. Dr. Pascal Warnking
Universität Trier
Fachbereich III - Maritime Antike
54286 Trier
Tel.: +49 (0) 651/ 201-2438
► Kolloquium "Probleme des römischen Westens", Dienstag, 18-20 Uhr, Raum B 21
► ZAT-Kolloquium "Ägypten - Griechenland - Rom: Neue Forschungen", Donnerstag, 18-20 Uhr, HS 10
The non-profit organisation has the aim of supporting research, teaching and study in the subjects of Egyptology, Ancient History, Classical Philology, Medieval History and Papyrology.
The objective of FoRuM is the co-operation of the disciplines in the research of Roman archaeology and maritime antiquity. The aim is to bundle and expand research into the archaeology and history of the north-west provinces of the Roman Empire and their cultural, economic, social and religious connections, among other things to the Mediterranean world, as well as research on maritime antiquity.
International, Franco-German study programme in History
The programme, which is located at the University of Trier, is recognised and supported by the Franco-German Academy. It is characterised by the extent of study abroad and the consistent combination of German and French students in joint TRISTRA modules across semesters on central topics of European history, society and politics.