Research Papers in Economics

2011AuthorTitlePublished in
No. 12/11Ludwig von AuerThe Generalized Unit Value Index (replaces No. 1/09)Review of Income and Wealth
No. 11/11Normann Lorenz / Dominik SachsOptimal Nonlinear Taxation, Minimum Hours, and the Earned Income Tax CreditScandinavian Journal of Economics
No. 10/11Verena Dill / Uwe JirjahnEthnic Residential Segregation and Immigrants' Perceptions of Discrimination in West GermanyUrban Studies
No. 9/11Christian Bauer / Bernhard Herz / Alexandra HildStructured Eurobonds
No. 8/11Verena Dill / Uwe Jirjahn / Georgi Tsertsvadze Residential Segregation and Immigrants' Satisfaction with the Neighborhood in GermanySocial Science Quarterly
No. 7/11Uwe Jirjahn / Vanessa LangeReciprocity and Workers' Tastes for Representation
No. 6/11Uwe JirjahnGender, Worker Representation and the Profitability of Firms in GermanyEuropean Journal of Comparative Economics
No. 5/11John S. Heywood / Uwe JirjahnVariable Pay, Industrial Relations and Foreign Ownership: Evidence from GermanyBritish Journal of Industrial Relations
No. 4/11Verena Dill / Anke HammenEinkommensdifferenziale zwischen Bachelor- und Diplomabsolventen - Humankapital oder Signal?
No. 3/11Uwe Jirjahn / Steffen MuellerNonunion Worker Representation, Foreign Owners and the Performance of EstablishmentsOxford Economic Papers
No. 2/11Uwe Jirjahn / Erik PoutsmaThe Use of Performance Appraisal Systems: Evidence from Dutch Establishment DataIndustrial Relations
No. 1/11Per G. Fredriksson / Xenia Matschke / Jenny MinierTrade Policy in Majoritarian Systems: The Case of the U.S.Canadian Journal of Economics


Matthias Neuenkirch