Talks and Conference contributions
Invited talks
Willmes, S. Satellite remote sensing of Polar Regions. German-Turkish “Antarctic Science Program” workshop. Istanbul, Turkey, June 2014.
Willmes, S. and G. Heinemann. Sea-ice wintertime lead frequencies and regional characteristics in the Arctic, 2003-2015. ESA/JAXA Workshop on Remote Sensing of Sea, Tokyo, Japan, January 2017.
Willmes, S.: Sea-ice monitoring through remote sensing. IMPETUS/APECS workshop “Techniques in Polar Ocean Observation and Monitoring”, St. Petersburg, Russia, November 19-22, 2008
Other talks (only first author contributions listed)
Willmes, S., Reiser, F. and G. Heinemann. Spatial and temporal patterns of Arctic and Antarctic sea-ice leads, 2002–18. International Sea Ice Smyposium, Winnipeg, CA, August 2019.
Willmes, S., Preusser, A., Reiser, F. and G. Heinemann. On the potential of thermal infrared satellite imagery for high-resolution sea-ice monitoring during wintertime. EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, Tallinn, Estland, September 2018.
Willmes, S., Reiser, F. and G. Heinemann. Spatial and temporal patterns of Arctic and Antarctic sea-ice leads, 2002–18, POLAR 2018, SCAR & IASC Conference, Davos, CH, June 2018.
Willmes, S. and G. Heinemann. Sea-ice wintertime lead frequencies and regional characteristics in the Arctic, 2003-2015. Arctic Frontiers, Tromsö, Norway, January 2018.
Willmes, S. and G. Heinemann. Sea-ice wintertime lead frequencies and regional characteristics in the Arctic, 2003-2015. ESA/JAXA Workshop on Remote Sensing of Sea, Tokyo, Japan, January 2017.
Willmes, S. and G. Heinemann. Sea-ice wintertime lead frequencies and regional characteristics in the Arctic, 2003-2015. AGU Fall meeting 2015, San Francisco, USA, December 2015.
Willmes, S. and G. Heinemann. A quasi-daily pan-Arctic lead product from MODIS thermal infrared imagery. High Latitude Dynamics workshop. Bergen, Norway, March 2015.
Willmes, S. (invited). Satellite remote sensing of Polar Regions. German-Turkish “Antarctic Science Program” workshop. Istanbul, Turkey, June 2014.
Willmes, S. and G. Heinemann. Pan-Arctic sea-ice lead detection from MODISthermal infrared imagery. International Symposium on Sea Ice in a Changing Environment, Hobart, Australia, March 2014.
Willmes, S., Nicolaus, M. and G. Heinemann, R. Timmermann, M. Hoppmann, S.Paul, P. Hunkeler, U. Baltes. Sea Ice Mass Balance influenced by Ice Shelves. Int. deutsche Polartagung, Hamburg, 18.-21. March 2013.
Willmes, S., Nicolaus, M., Haas, C. Hemispheric contrasts in the seasonal evolution of snowmelt on sea ice. IGS International Symposium on Sea Ice, Tromsö, Norway, 30 May - 4 June 2010
Willmes, S., Haas, C. and M. Nicolaus: High Radar-backscatter Regions on Antarctic Sea Ice and their Relation to Sea-ice and Snow Properties and Meteorological Conditions. IAMAS/IAPSO/IACS Joint Asssembly: Our Warming Planet. Montréal, Canada, July 2009.
Willmes, S., Adams, S., Schröder, D. and G. Heinemann: Spatiotemporal Variability of Sea-ice Coverage, Thin Ice Fraction and Ice Production in the Laptev Sea as Derived from Passive Microwave Sensor Data between 1979 and 2008. AMAS/IAPSO/IACS Joint Asssembly: Our Warming Planet. Montréal, Canada, July 2009.
Willmes, S., C. Haas, J. Bareiss and M. Nicolaus: Satellite microwave observations of the interannual variability of snowmelt on sea ice in the Southern Ocean. European Geosciences Union (EGU), General Assemby, Vienna, Austria, April 20-24, 2008.
Ernsdorf, T., D. Schröder, G. Heinemann, S. Adams, A. Helbig, R. Timmermannn, and S. Willmes: Simulation of Laptev Sea polynya dynamics using the FESOM model with different atmospheric forcings. European Geosciences Union (EGU), General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, May 02-07, 2010.
Heinemann, G. , D. Schröder, S. Willmes, L. Ebner, S. Adams, T. Ernsdorf, A. Helbig, and R. Timmermann: Air-sea-ocean interaction processes and impacts on polynya formation and sea ice production in the Laptev Sea of the Siberian Arctic. European Geosciences Union (EGU), General Assembly, Vienna, Austria,May 02-07, 2010.
Schröder, D., G. Heinemann, L. Ebner, S. Willmes, T. Ernsdorf, and R. Timmermann: Sea ice production in the Laptev sea: Case studies with a coupled high resolution atmosphere sea-ice ocean model. Symposium "Climate System North Atlantic", Hamburg, Germany, November 2009.
Schröder, D., G. Heinemann, L. Ebner, S. Adams, S. Willmes, and R. Timmermann: Polynya studies in the Laptev sea with a fully coupled high resolution atmosphere sea-ice ocean model. 8th InternationalSRNWP-Workshop on Non-Hydrostatic Modelling, Bad Orb, Germany, October 2009.
Adams S., Willmes S., Heinemann G., Rozman P., Gerdes R. & Timmermann R.: Validation of simulated sea-ice concentrations from sea-ice/ocean models using satellite data and polynya classification methods. IAMAS/IAPSO/IACS Joint Asssembly: Our Warming Planet. Montréal, Canada, July 2009.
Adams S., Willmes S., Heinemann G.: Validation of simulated sea-ice concentrations from sea-ice ocean models and polynya classification methods in the Laptev Sea area using satellite data. EGU General Assembly. Wien, Österreich, April 2009.
Willmes, S., T. Krumpen, S. Adams, G. Heinemann and J. Hoelemann: Cross-Validation of Polynya monitoring methods from multi-sensor satellite data: A case study. European Geosciences Union (EGU), General Assemby, Vienna, Austria, April 20-24, 2008.
Willmes, S., C. Haas and M. Nicolaus: High Radar backscatter regions on Antarctic sea ice and their relation to sea-ice and snow properties and meteorological conditions. European Geosciences Union (EGU), General Assemby, Vienna, Austria, April 20-24, 2008.
Willmes, S. Haas, C. and Nicolaus, M., 2008, Hemispheric Contrasts in the Succession of snowmelt on sea ice as indicated through micorwave satellite data and modelling results, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, USA, Dec 2008.
Krumpen, T., S. Willmes, L. Rabenstein, M.A. Morales Maqueda, A.J. Willmott, J. Hoelemann und C. Haas, 2008. The West New Siberian Polynya: Ice and salt flux computations and results from the TRANSDRIFT XIII expedition. SCAR/IASC open science conference, July 2008, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Willmes, S., C. Haas, und J. Bareiss. Snowmelt dynamics on Antarctic sea ice – MeDAntS data set. European Geophysical Union Conference 2008. Vienna, Austria.
Willmes, S., 2007. Investigations of snowmelt on Antarctic sea ice by means of in-situ and satellite data. International Graduate School, March 2007. University of Trier
Willmes S., J. Bareiss, C. Haas und M. Nicolaus, 2005. The seasonal cycle of sea ice brightness temperatures in the Weddell Sea – Results from the ISPOL drift station and SSM/I swath data. International IGSsymposium on sea ice, 5-9 December, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Bareiss J., S. Willmes, C. Haas und M. Nicolaus, 2005. Spatial and temporal variability of diurnal melt-freeze cycles in the Weddell Sea during summer 2004/2005 derived from sub-daily SSM/I brightness temperatures. International IGS-symposium on sea ice, 5-9 December, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Nicolaus M., C. Haas, S. Willmes und J. Bareiss, 2005. Snow melt and formation of superimposed ice on Arctic and Antarctic sea ice. International IGS-symposium on sea ice, 5-9 December, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Willmes, S., J. Bareiss, C. Haas und A. Helbig, 2006. Bestimmung des Einsetzens der Schneeschmelze über Festeis in Nordwestspitzbergen aus NOAA/AVHRR-Daten. DACH-Conference, Karlsruhe, 2004.
Willmes S., und J. Bareiss, 2005. Temporal and spatial variability of surface processes on summer sea ice; 22. Internationale Polartagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung, Jena, September 2005.
Willmes, S., J. Bareiss und A. Helbig, 2004. Bestimmung des Einsetzens der Schneeschmelze über Festeis in Nordwestspitzbergen aus NOAA/AVHRR-Daten. DACH-Conference, Karlsruhe 2004. CD-ROM: Conference Proceedings.