President Prof Dr Eva Martha Eckkrammer and Chancellor Dr Ulrike Graßnick warmly welcomed the trainees to the campus. "Trier University is not only a place of science and study, but also an important employer in the region. Training young people is an important concern for us and a social responsibility that we are happy to take on," emphasised Chancellor Graßnick.
President Eckkrammer added: "We are delighted that you have decided to train at our university. You will not only learn a profession, but also experience the exciting and diverse topics that we deal with every day at Trier University."
Trier University offers nine different apprenticeships
In addition to the four new apprentices, one or two more apprentices are expected to start their training at Trier University at a later date. Like many other training companies, Trier University was unable to fill all of its training places due to a lack of suitable applicants. Trier University is offering a total of 37 apprenticeships in nine professions - including IT specialist, media and information services specialist and digitalisation management assistant. The President and Chancellor hope that Trier University's attractiveness as an employer will once again convince more people interested in training in the coming year.
The trainees can enjoy the numerous benefits of a campus university: they can take advantage of the sports facilities, attend academic lectures or get involved in university groups. They also benefit from discounted meals in the canteen and the short distances on campus in both senses of the word.
The application phase for the start of training next year begins in autumn 2024, and interested students can gain an insight into the various training professions as part of a career discovery internship.
More information on apprenticeships at Trier University