Vorträge und Poster


Schröder, D., S. Willmes, S. Adams, G. Heinemann, and R. Timmermann:Simulation von Dünneisdicken in den Laptev-See Polynyen mit dem Ozean-Meereismodell FESOM, DACH Meteorologen-Tagung, Bonn, 20-24 September 2010.

Schröder, D., G. Heinemann, S. Adams, S. Willmes, M. Bauer, S. Kohnemann, and R. Timmermann: Simulation of thin ice thickness distributions in the Laptev Sea Polynyas with the ocean - sea ice model FESOM, UK Sea Ice Group Meeting, Southampton, 16-17 September 2010.

Schröder, D., G. Heinemann, L. Ebner, S. Willmes, T. Ernsdorf, and R. Timmermann: Sea ice production in the Laptev sea: Case studies with a coupled high resolution atmosphere sea-ice ocean model. Symposium "Climate System North Atlantic", Hamburg, Germany.

Schröder, D., G. Heinemann, L. Ebner, S. Adams, S. Willmes, and R. Timmermann: Polynya studies in the Laptev sea with a fully coupled high resolution atmosphere sea-ice ocean model. 8th InternationalSRNWP-Workshop on Non-Hydrostatic Modelling, Bad Orb, Germany.

Schröder, D., G. Heinemann, L. Ebner, S. Adams, S. Willmes and R. Timmermann: Polynya studies in the Laptev sea with a fully coupled high resolution atmosphere sea-ice ocean model. IAMAS/IAPSO/IACS Joint Asssembly: Our Warming Planet. Montréal Canada, July 2009

Schröder, D.,L. Ebner, G. Heinemann, R. Timmermann, J. Stadler, and T. Ernsdorf: Polynya studies in the Laptev sea with a fully coupled high resolution atmosphere sea-ice ocean model. European Geosciences Union (EGU), General Assemby, Vienna, Austria, April 20-24, 2009.

Schröder, D., G. Heinemann, and D. Mironov: Implementation of a thermodynamic sea ice module in COSMO and its impact on polynya studies in the Laptev Sea. COSMO/CLM User Seminar, BTZ Langen, 09 March – 11 March 2009.

Schröder, D., H. Hebbinghaus, G. Heinemann, and R. Timmermann: A high resolution fully coupled atmosphere ocean sea ice model to investigate polynya processes in the Laptev Sea. European Geosciences Union (EGU), General Assemby, Vienna, Austria, April 13-18, 2008.

Schröder, D. and W.M. Connolley: Sensitivity to sea ice initial conditions in the Hadley Centre Climate Model (HADCM3) on timescales from seasonal to decadal, European Geosciences Union (EGU), General Assemby, Vienna, Austria, April 15-20, 2007.