Dipl.-Umweltwissenschaftler Lars Ebner

Wissenschaftlicher Projektmitarbeiter


Mitarbeit im Drittmittelprojekt: 

Laptew-See Transdrift 2013-2016



Ebner, L., G. Heinemann, V. Haid and R. Timmermann, 2013. Katabatic winds and polynya dynamics at Coats Land, Antarctica. Antarctic Science, FirstView , 1-18, DOI: 10.1017/S0954102013000679

Bauer, M., D. Schröder, G. Heinemann, S. Willmes & L. Ebner 2013: Quantifying polynya ice production in the Laptev Sea with the COSMO model. Polar Research 32, 0, DOI: 10.3402/polar.v32i0.20922

Hollands, T., V. Haid, W. Dierking, R. Timmermann and L. Ebner, 2013. Sea ice motion and open water area at the Ronne Polynia, Antarctica: Synthetic aperture radar observations versus model results. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118, 1940–1954, DOI: 10.1002/jgrc.20158

Ebner, L., D. Schröder and G. Heinemann, 2011: Impact of Laptev Sea flaw polynyas on the atmospheric boundary layer and ice production using idealized mesoscale simulations. Polar Research 2011, 30, 7210, DOI: 10.3402/polar.v30i0.7210

Poster / Vorträge

Ebner, L., D. Schröder, G. Heinemann, S. Adams, S. Willmes, M. Bauer and R. Timmermann: Coupled and Stand-alone High Resolution Simulations of Polynya Dynamics and Physical Processes in the Laptev Sea using the Sea ice – Ocean Model FESOM and the Atmosphere NWP Model COSMO. IPY Conference, Montréal, Canada, April 22-27, 2012.

Ebner, L.,  G. Heinemann, V. Haid and R. Timmermann: Mesoscale modeling in the Weddell Sea using a regional NWP model and a global sea ice-ocean model. European Geosciences Union (EGU), General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 03-08, 2011.

Ebner, L., D. Schröder and G. Heinemann: Impact of Laptev Sea flaw polynyas on the atmospheric boundary layer and ice production using idealized mesoscale simulations. COSMO/CLM User Seminar, Langen, Germany, March 02-04, 2010.