Workpackages :

WP 1: Laeken Indicators

Deliverable 1.1:State-of-the-art of Indicators on Poverty and Social Exclusion

WP 2: Estimation

Deliverable 2.1:Parametric Estimation of Income Distributions and Indicators of Poverty and Social Exclusion

Deliverable 2.2: Small Area Estimation of Indicators on Poverty and Social Exclusion

Deliverable 2.2 supplement:Small Area Estimation of Indicators on Poverty and Social Exclusion

WP 3: Variance Estimation

Deliverable 3.1: Variance Estimation for Complex Surveys

Deliverable 3.2:Variance Estimation for Indicators of Poverty and Social Exclusion

WP 4: Robustness

Deliverable 4.1:R Programmes for Robust Procedures Including Manual

Deliverable 4.2:Robust Methodology for Laeken Indicators

WP 5: Data Quality

Deliverable 5.1: Quality of EU-SILC data

WP 6: Simulation

Deliverable 6.1:The AMELI Simulation Study

Deliverable 6.2:Synthetic Data Generation of SILC Data

WP 7: Analysis

Deliverable 7.1: Report on the Simulation Results

Deliverable 7.1 Appendix:Report on the Simulation Results (Appendix)

WP 8: Visualization

Deliverable 8.2: Visualisation Tools

WP 9: Support of Policy

Deliverable 9.1:Policy Use of Indicators on Poverty and Social Exclusion

WP 10: Final Report

Deliverable 10.1 - 10.2:Policy Recommendations and Methodological Report

Deliverable 10.3: R packages plus manual

 AMELI citations


AMELI bibtex-file
