Jürgen Zeidler

Extraordinary professor, Dr phil., M.A., Lecturer in classical philology, Indo-European studies, history and Egyptology.

Studies in Egyptology and classical philology at Würzburg University, additionally ancient Oriental studies and history of religion at Tübingen University. 1988 M.A. degree. 1992 Doctorate in Tübingen, Ph.D. thesis: Pfortenbuchstudien I-II. 1995-1999 Attendance of courses and colloquia in Indo-European and Celtic studies at the universities of Trier and Bonn. 2001 Habilitation in Trier, Venia legendi in Egyptology, habil. thesis: Der kosmologische Diskurs im alten Ägypten.

1989-1993 Research assistent in Trier. 1994-1998 Habilitation scholar of the German Research Foundation (DFG). 1999-2002 Freelancer at Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier. 2002-2003 Research assistant in the collaborative research centre (SFB) 600, projects A1, A2 and Z. Since that time lecturer.

Prizes and distinctions: Since 2010 honorary member of the Société Belge d'Études Celtiques.

Co-founder of the Forum Celtic Studies in 2006. Since then organiser and active participant in workshops, scoil seminars and projects such as the travel guide to monuments of Celtic regional history. Co-organiser of the First European Symposium in Celtic Studies in 2013.

Fields of interest: Celtic and Indo-European linguistics and religion, Celtic art, cultural and social history.

Contact via celticuni-trierde