Support the iZ

We are worth it! Support us!

Financial Support:

Do you think what the iZ is doing is good and important? Through your financial support you can help us continue our work. We are a registered organization and therefore will be able to give you a tax-deductible receipt for you contribution.

Our account data:
Internationales Zentrum e.V.
Volksbank Trier
Account number: 344647
Bank code: 58560103
IBAN: DE75 5856 0103 0000 3446 47

We would be happy to welcome you as an active or supporting member in our organization so that you can inspire and support us financially on a regular basis.


Material Donations:

There is always a need for things within our big team and all our projects. Talk to us, if you would like to support us with things that you think we could use.


Link for registration form:

Do you want to become a member and to support us with it, to offer a lots of great events to which you can participate naturally?

Then you can register with our registration form.