Opinion Mining

In the era of Web 2.0 the Internet has become the forum where consumer products are widely discussed and evaluated. The opinions expressed by the users provide businesses with valuable information at to how the customers rate their products, what difficulties they face using them and how they resolve those. Despite this information being freely accessible, the effort required to regularly read and manually assess it is immense. 

By contrast, opinion mining enables automatic analysis and classification of opinion statement obtained from publicly available sources. In order to give a practical insight into the field, the course on offer will comprise several projects for group work. For instance, the participants can choose to:

  • program an opinion-mining system for a specific domain
  • examine various research methods and approaches
  • compare existing opinion mining systems
  • collect language data for opinion mining.


Prof. Dr. Melanie Siegel is a Professor of Information Sciences at Hochschule Darmstadt.