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3rd issue of the RuZ published

[Translate to Englisch:] RuZ 3/2021

The third issue of the open access publication RuZ - Recht und Zugang has been published.



2nd issue of RUZ published

The second issue of the open access publication RuZ - Recht und Zugang has been published. In the first four contributions, the authors summarise the results of the two-part expert workshop "Strategies for making copyright-protected text collections usable for research by third parties", which was jointly organised by the Trier Center for Digital Humanities and the IRDT and funded by the DFG. In addition to a contribution by the organisers, Prof. Dr. Christof Schöch and our Institute Director Prof. Dr. Benjamin Raue on "Access to large text corpora of the 20th and 21st centuries with the help of derived text formats - reconciling copyright and text-based research", there will also be contributions by Dr. Florian Jotzo, Karina Grisse, Dr. Frédéric Döhl, Prof. Dr. Achim Rettinger, Prof. Dr. Evelyn Gius, JProf. contributions by Dr Florian Jotzo, Karina Grisse, Dr Frédéric Döhl, Prof. Dr Achim Rettinger, Prof. Dr Evelyn Gius, JProf. Dr Peer Trilcke, Dr Peter Leinen, Prof. Dr Fotis Jannidis, Dr Maria Hinzmann and Jörg Röpke.


Participation in the interdisciplinary conference at Villa Vigoni

Prof. Raue participated in the interdisciplinary conference on  "Digital Ethics - The Issue of Images" at Villa Vigoni. With his presentation about the different layers of IP an data rights, he presented a model of inbformation layers as a way of structuring conflicts of interests arising of digital images.


Prag EU Law Days

Upon invitation of the former Chairman of the JURI Committee, Prof. Raue visited the Prague EU Law Days, an annual conferenceon EU law. In his speech he talked about the Copyright law reform and gave an overview of recent cases of EU Intellectual Property Law especially the cases ECJ C-516/17 - Spiegel Online/Vilker Beck and ECJ C-469/17 - Funke/Deutschland. These cases aroused public interest as the covered questions concerning the right of making information documents available to the public.

Public reproduction on websites of fotos which are otherwise available

In the GRP 4/2019 Prof. Raue informed Internet users about the use of protected subject matter on the Internet without the author's consent. The occasion was the ECJ-Judgement of 7.8.2018 - CV-161/17 (State of NRW/Dirk Renckhoff). This based on the question if a picture can be uploaded on the own Website when it is available on another Website. Further information find at → IRDT Trier

Lecture on Art. 17 DSM-RL (Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market) and the new liability regualtions for platforms

Prof. Raue informed about the new Art. 17 DSM-RL at the Judicial Academy in Wustrau and whether the use of uploadfilters as the new standard on digital platforms can be avoided. In his lecture he focused on Art. 17 which is considered as controversial. This article requires the obligation of platforms to use uploadfilter in order to "filter" uploaded contents of users by copyright infringing contents. For further information see →  IRDT Trier


New publications on text and data mining

Journalists and scientists at universities and in companies can breathe. As they had expressed the need for a legal regulation to reach an appropriate balance of interests during our conference "Text and Data Mining - in law, sciene and society"  (http://text und in the past year, Prof. Raue's analysis in the ZUM 2019, page 698 ff. after the adoption of the Directive (EU) 2019/790 on Copyright in the Digital Single Market ( is:

"Art. 3 of the Directive (EU) 2019/790 creates the urgently required legal certainty for text and data mining in scientific research." In the scientific area the "right to read" includes indispensably the "right to mine" and thereby the entitlement for an automated analysis of legally accessible contents.

For further information see Homepage des IRDT.

See publication:

New publication on rights of the property owner by the data collection

What rights does the property owner have at the collection of data?
This question is now being dealt by the Director of the IRDT Prof. Raue in an article of the current issue of NJW 2019, P. 2425-2430.
The often deplored gap in the economic allocation of non-personal data can, already de lege lata, be filled to a sufficient extent by a teleological development of the right of property. As the property owner can prohibit any collection of data for which a personal contact with his property is required, such as the installation of sensors in a car or the readout of the memory card of the smartphone.
The property makes a preliminary protection of privacy possible, because the owner can create an environment free of data collection. Moreover, it assigns the economic value of the data collection to the owner.

To the article:

The fight for frames (round 2) - BGH referral VG Bild-Kunst

Does the circumvention of technical protection measures against framing create a "new public" and thereby infrige the right of communication to the public?
On the issue, IRDT Director Prof. Raue comments on Kluwer Copyright Bolg by giving an overview of the referral procedure in the case VG Bild-Kunst v Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek. According to Raue, the ECJ will probably confirm the referred question and see the circumvention of technical protection measures against framing as a communication to the public.
"If right holders limit the referencing possibility by machine-readable means (which has disadvantages for them as this limits visibilty on third-party platforms) they leave that referencing system. As the restriction is clearly comprehensible for othe internet users it is no longer justifeid by the functioning of the internet to restrict the "high level of [copyright] protection" (recital 9 InfoSoc Directive).

IRDT Lecture

Jérôme Peeters and Mathis Bruck, patent attorneys from LIPPERT STACHOW gave a lecture on the topic "patents for computer-implemented inventions"

Wednesday,  26th June 2019 von 10.15-11.45 a.m. in Room C2

Graduate School 2019 in Trier

For this year's Graduate School more than 20 graduates an professors from 9 different universities from all over Germany were guests in Trier. Instructive workshops an discussions as well as a lively exchange about the individual dissertation projects were embedded in a cultural and culinary programme.

Lecture at the 15th Forum for Comsumer Law in Bayreuth

In May, Prof. Raue gave a lecture at the 15th Forum for Consumer Law "Updates - for the duration of digital quality standards" and thereby illuminated the copyright dimension of updates. The objective of the meeting was to work out the implication of updates and their consequences for the duration of digital quality standards from jurisprudential, legislative and interdisciplinary perspective. Their impact on practice was also taken into account. In regards to the law of obligations and liabilities of updates, he has already published in the past:

  • Raue, Reichweite der vertraglichen Pflicht zur Aktualisierung von IT-Lösungen aufgrund von Gesetzesänderungen. Eine Untersuchung der vertraglichen Leistungssicherungspflichten gem. § 241 Abs. 1 BGB, CR 2018, 277-285
  • Raue, Haftung für unsichere Software, NJW 2017, 1841-1846

Trier Talks in May

In this semester, the Trier Talks in may deal with the subject "Manipulation". It started with an event on 20.05.2019 with the Hamburger data protection lawyer Dr. Jann Cornels and Prof. Dr. Maximilian Becker from the University of Siegen. The speakers focused on the controversial topic of data-driven advertising on the internet from a customer's perspective. On this ocassion, the importance, the function and the benefit of online-advertising was highlighted more closely. In doing so, Dr. Cornels who acts as consultant of numerous advertising companies, asked for a online-marketing friendly view and posited the thesis that personalised advertising is even usefull for the customer. Prof. Becker represented the opposite position. He illustrated in an exemplary manner the data processing which is processed by calling up various news portals. A global net of data connections arises whereby the usage behavior can be screened completely. At least, he made a proposal how the purchase of data free products can be made possible. The event ended with a lively discussion which was rounded to have a personal conversation with the speakers over a glass of wine or water.




Data law - the new "Super Law"?

Dr. Malte Beyer-Katzenberger from the European Commission will discuss current legal political issues in his lecture:

  • Do we need a "data law" - and wouln't this be a "Super Law"?
  • Do we need (more) "rights to data"?
  • What questions arise in addition to the data law?

15. May 2019 • 2.00 pm • Room P 14

Prof. Raue stays in Trier

Prof. Raue has accepted the retention agreement and refused the appointment for a chair for European and International Information and Data Law at the Passau University.

Now he is looking forward to establish the Institute for Digital Law (IRDT) together with Prof. Hebeler, Prof. Reiff and Mrs. Prof Ungern-Sternberg and to provide new ideas.

He thanked for the appointment from Passau and the constructive discussions. He would be pleased with the further scientific exchange und the cooperation with the colleagues from Passau on the issue for the future "Digitalisation".


New Focus Mayor Course (SPB 8) "Law of the Information Society and Intellectual Property"

The Faculty Council has decided on 07th December 2016 to introducea new Focus Mayor Course (SPB 8) "Law of the Information Society and Intellectual Property". The course is open to students of the Law Faculty beginning at the summer semester 2017. For further information →SPB8

Habilitation thesis published

At beginning of the year 2017, the habilitation thesis "Die dreifache Schadensberechnung (The trible damage calculation)"  from Prof. Dr. Raue has been published as 5th volume of the series "Neue Schriften zum Zivilrecht" by Nomos-Verlag.

Further information you will find here.

Lecture: How free is information? The (copy)right frame for automatic processing and the data analysis

Prof. Dr. Benjamin Raue gave a lecture in the colloquium of Informatic Sciences on 9.1.2017 to the legal framework of  data analysis

Lecture: Overview of the Law of the Information Society

Oveview of the Law of the Informaiton Society, 1.12.2016, scientific colloquium "Digital Humanities in Practice", University Trier


Prime Minister visits the Trier Center for Digital Humanities

Prime Minister Malu Dreyer has visited the Trier Center for Digial Humanities of the Trier University on 24th October. More information about the visit, you will find here.

Lecture at the GRUR-Conference

Prof. Raue gave a lecture on the topic "Copyright of the scientific society" at the annual conference of the "Deutschen Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtschutz und Urheberrecht (GRUR) in Munich on 13.10.2016. In particular, he focused on the plans of the EU Commission to introduce a text and data mining exception as well as to the teaching barrier.



Keynote speech at the 71. German Legal Conference

At the 71. German Legal Conference in Essen, Prof. Raue gave a lecture on the topic "Digitalisation of the German Civil Code (BGB)" and a keynote speech to the question of liability of software manufactures for defective programmes.