Dr. Abubakari Ahmed

Abubakari is a post doc researcher of WaterPower project. He has an interdisciplinary academic background in planning, environmental governance and sustainability science. His research over the past years has focused on the sustainability assessment of biomass energy production by bridging natural science and social science perspectives. 

Research Interests

Political ecology and political economy of urban development, renewable energy transition and water-energy-food nexus.


Maltitz, G., Henley, G., Ogg, M., Samboko, P.C., Gasparatos, A., Read, M., Engelbrecht, F., and Ahmed, A. (2018). Institutional arrangements of outgrower sugarcane production in Southern Africa, Development Southern Africa, DOI: 10.1080/0376835X.2018.1527215

Chaiyapa, W., Nguyen, K. N., Ahmed, A., Vu, Q. T. H., Bueno, M., Wang, Z., … Esteban, M. (2018). Public perception of biofuel usage in Vietnam. Biofuels, 1–13. http://doi.org/10.1080/17597269.2018.1442667

Ahmed, A., Kuusaana, E.D., and Gasparatos, A (2018). The role of chiefs in the political economy of large-scale land acquisitions in Ghana: insights from the jatropha sector. Land Use Policy, 75: 570–582.

Ahmed, A. Gasparatos, A and Campion, B.T (2018). Towards a classification of the drivers of jatropha collapse in Ghana from multiple stakeholder perspectives. Sustainability Sciencehttps://doi.org/10.1007/s11625-018-0568-z

Ahmed, A., Jarzebski, M.J. and Gasparatos, A., (2017). Using the ecosystem service approach to determine whether jatropha projects were located in marginal lands in Ghana: Implications for site selection. Biomass and Bioenergy, DOI:10.1016/j.biombioe.2017.07.020.

Ahmed, A. Gasparatos, A and Campion, B.T. (2017). Biofuel development in Ghana: policies of expansion and drivers of failure in the jatropha sector. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 70:133-149.

Gasparatos, A., Doll, C.N.H. Esteban, M., Ahmed, A. and Oliang. T. A. (2017). Renewable energy, ecosystem change and biodiversity loss: Implications for transitioning to a Green Economy. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 70:161-184 

Ahmed, A., Rahim, A.A., Osumanu, I. K., and Salia, R. A., (2016). The contribution of donor support programmes to decentralised development: learning from Ghana. International Journal of Public Administration http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01900692.2015.1035790

Ahmed. A., and Puppim de Oliveira, J.A. (2016). Integration of biodiversity in urban planning instruments in developing countries: the case of Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly, Ghana.  Environmental Planning and Management. 39 (11), 821-832.  DOI: 10.1080/09640568.2016.1255183

Ahmed, A., Lawson, E.T, Mensah, A., Gordon, C. and Padgham, J. (2016). Gender and climate change adaptation in semi-arid regions: evidence of gender inequalities in three agrarian districts of Ghana. Environmental Development, 20, 45-58.

Ahmed, A., Gasparatos, A., (2016). Rapid sustainability appraisal of collapsed jatropha projects in Ghana using local community perceptions: Methodological implications for sustainability science, in Esteban, M., Akiyama, T., Chiahsin, C., Ikeda, I. (Eds.), Sustainability Science: Field Methods and Exercises. Springer, Berlin.

Padgham, J., Ahmed, A., and 14 others (2015). Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in Semi-Arid Areas in West Africa. ASSAR working paper #1, IDRC and DFID.