Family firms and family offices

Executive pay in family firms and hiring of non-family managers

  • Kragl, J., Palermo, A., Xi, G. Block, J. (2023). Hiring family or non-family managers when non-economic (sustainability) goals matter? A multitask agency model. Small Business Economics. 61: 675-700.
    (article - open access)

  • Jaskiewicz, P., Block, J., Combs, J., Miller, D. (2017). The effects of founder and family ownership on hired CEOs' incentives and firm performance. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 41(1): 73-103.

  • Jaskiewicz, P., Block, J. Combs, J., Miller, D. (2017). Founder versus family owners' impact on non-CEO top manager pay dispersion: Implications for firm performance. Journal of Management, 43(5): 1524-1552.

  • Block, J., Millan, J., Roman, C., Zhou, H. (2015). Job satisfaction and wages of family employees. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 39(2): 183-207.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J. (2011). How to pay a non-family manager in a family business – a multi-task principal-agent model. Family Business Review, 24(1): 9-27.
    (article, working paper version)

Family firms as employers

  • Block, J., Fisch, C., Lau, J., Obschonka, M., Presse, A. (2019). How do labor market institutions influence the preference to work in family firms? A multilevel analysis across 40 countries. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 43(6), 1067-1093.
    (article - open access)

  • Block, J., Fisch, C., Lau, J., Obschonka, M., Presse, A. (2016). Who prefers working in a family firm? An exploratory study of individuals' organizational preferences across 40 countries. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 7(2): 65-74.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J. (2010). Family management, family ownership, and downsizing: evidence from S&P 500 firms. Family Business Review, 23(2): 1-22.
    (article, working paper version)

Family firms and their importance for the region and country

  • Block, J., Hirschmann, M., Kranz, T., Neuenkirch, M. (2023). Public family firms and economic inequality across societies. Journal of Business Venturing Insights. 19: Article e00376.

  • Baù, M., Block, J., Discua Cruz, A., Naldi, L. (2021). Bridging locality and internationalization – A research agenda on the sustainable development of family firms. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development. 33(7-8): 477-492.
    (article - open access)

  • Block, J. (2015). Unternehmertum auf dem Land: Gründungen, Hidden Champions und Familienunternehmen. In: H. Arend, G. Troeger-Weiß (Hrsg.), Starke Wirtschaft - Starke Regionen. Gute Aussichten für das Land. Mainz: ZIRP, S. 49-52.

  • Stough, R., Welter, F., Block, J., Wennberg, K., Basco, R. (2015). Family business and regional science: "bridging the gap". Journal of Family Business Strategy, 6(4): 208-218.

  • Block, J., Spiegel, F. (2013). Family firm density and regional innovation output: an exploratory analysis. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 4(4): 270-280.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Spiegel, F., Block, J. (2013). Regionale Bedeutung von Familienunternehmen in Westdeutschland. Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 61(1-2): 7-34.
    (article, working paper version)

Innovation in family firms

  • Block, J., Hansen, C., Steinmetz, H. (2023). Are family firms doing more innovation output with less innovation input? A replication and extension. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 47(4): 1496-1520.
    (article, working paper version, data set)

  • Jell, F., Block, J., Henkel, J., Spiegel, F., Zischka, H. (2015). Cross-functional patent management in family firms. Journal of Business Economics (former Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft), 85(2): 181-203.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J., Spiegel, F. (2013). Family firm density and regional innovation output: an exploratory analysis. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 4(4): 270-280.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J., Miller, D., Jaskiewicz, P., Spiegel, F. (2013). Economic and technological importance of innovations in large family and founder firms: an analysis of patent data. Family Business Review, 26(2): 180-199.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J. (2012). R&D investments in family and founder firms: an agencyperspective. Journal of Business Venturing, 27(2): 248-265.
    (article, working paper version)

Family employees

  • Block, J., Millan, J., Roman, C., Zhou, H. (2015). Job satisfaction and wages of family employees. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 39(2): 183-207.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J., Goerke, L., Millan, J., Roman, C. (2014). Family employees and absenteeism. Economics Letters, 123(1): 94-99.
    (article, working paper version)

Succession in family firms

  • Moritz, A., Graffius, M., Felden, B., Block, J. H. (2023). Unternehmenskäufe und -verkäufe im Rahmen der Nachfolge von KMU in Deutschland – Eine empirische Untersuchung. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis. 2: S. 249ff.
    (working paper version)

  • Xi, G., Block, J., Lasch, F., Robert, F., Thurik, R. (2020). The survival of business takeovers and new venture start-ups. Industrial and Corporate Change. 29(3): 797-826.
    (article - open access)

  • Xi, G., Block, J., Lasch, F. Robert, F., Thurik, R. (2018). Mode of entry into hybrid entrepreneurship: new venture start-up versus business takeover. International Review of Entrepreneurship, 16(2): 217-240.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Xi, G., Block, J., Lasch, F., Robert, F., Thurik, R. (2018). Work experience from paid employment and entry mode to entrepreneurship: business takeover versus new venture start-up. Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, 17(2): 91-112.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J., Thurik, R., Van der Zwan, P., Walter, S. (2013). Business takeover or new venture? Individual and environmental determinants from a cross-country study. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 37(5): 1099-1121.
    (article, working paper version)

Performance of family firms

  • Jaskiewicz, P., Block, J., Wagner, D., Carney, M., Hansen, C. (2021). How do cross-country differences in institutional trust and trust in family explain the mixed performance effects of family management? A meta-analysis. Journal of World Business. 56(5), Article 101196.

  • Hansen, C. (2020). Financial performance and capital structure of family firms: Meta-analytical investigations. Dissertation.

  • Hansen, C., Block, J. (2020). Exploring the relation between family involvement and firms’ financial performance: A replication and extension meta-analysis. Journal of Business Venturing Insights. 14.

  • Hansen, Block, J., Neuenkirch, M. (2020). Family firm performance over the business cycle: A meta-analysis. Journal of Economic Surveys, 34(3): 476-511.

  • Wagner, D. (2016). A meta-analysis about the relationship between family firms and firm performance. Dissertation.

  • Wagner, D., Block, J., Miller, D., Schwens, C., Xi, G. (2015). A meta-analysis of the financial performance of family firms: Another attempt. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 6(1): 3-13.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J., Miller, D., Jaskiewicz, P. (2011). Ownership versus management effects on performance in family and founder companies: a Bayesian reconciliation. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 2(4): 232-245.
    (article, working paper version)

Financing of family firms

  • Block, J., Fathollahi, R., Eroglu, O. (2024). Capital structure of single family office-owned firms. Journal of Family Business Strategy. 15(3): 100596.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Hansen, C., Block, J. (2021). Public family firms and capital structure: a meta-analysis. Corporate Governance: An International Review. 29(3): 297-319.
    (article - open access)

Social responsibility and sustainability management in family firms

  • Lorenzen, S., Gerken, M., Steinmetz, H., Block, J., Hülsbeck, M., Lux, F. S. (2024). Environmental sustainability of family firms: a meta-analysis of handprint and footprint. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 48(5): 1266-1284.
    (article, working paper version, data set)

  • Doluca, H., Wagner, M., Block, J. (2018). Sustainability and environmental behaviour in family firms: a longitudinal analysis of environmentally-related activities, innovation and performance. Business Strategy and the Environment, 27(1): 152-172.

  • Block, J., Stiglbauer, M., Kühn, A. L., Wagner, D. (2015). Corporate Social Responsibility communication of German family firms: a content analysis. UmweltWirtschaftsForum, 23(4): 251-257.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J., Wagner, M. (2014). The effect of family ownership on different dimensions of corporate social responsibility: Evidence from large US firms. Business Strategy and the Environment, 23(7): 475-492.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J., Wagner, M. (2014). Ownership versus management effects on corporate social responsibility concerns in large family and founder firms. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 5(4): 339-346.

  • Block, J. (2010). Family management, family ownership, and downsizing: evidence from S&P 500 firms. Family Business Review, 23(2): 1-22.
    (article, working paper version)

Family offices

  • Block, J., Eroglu, O. (in press). Cash-holdings of single family office-owned firms. Entrepreneurship Research Journal.

  • Block, J., Fathollahi, R., Eroglu, O. (2024). Capital structure of single family office-owned firms. Journal of Family Business Strategy. 15(3): 100596.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Eroglu, O. (2023). Single family offices and their portfolio firms: financial performance, cash holdings, and capital structure. Dissertation an der Universität Trier.

  • Block, J. Fisch, C., Vismara, S., Andres, R. (2019). Private equity investment criteria: An experimental conjoint analysis of venture capital, business angels, and family offices. Journal of Corporate Finance, 58: 329-352.
    (article - open access)