Intellectual property


  • Block, J., Lambrecht, D., Willeke, T., Cucculelli, M., Meloni, D. (in press). Green patents and green trademarks as indicators of green innovation. Research Policy.
    (article - open access)

  • Hirschmann, M., Block, J. (2022). Trademarks and how they relate to the sustainability and economic outcomes of social startups. Journal of Cleaner Production. 376: Article 134320.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Fisch, C., Meoli, M., Vismara, S., Block, J. (2022). The effect of trademark breadth on IPO valuation and post-IPO performance: an empirical investigation of 1,510 European IPOs. Journal of Business Venturing. 37(5): 873-892.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J., Fisch, C., Ikeuchi, K., Kato, M. (2022). Trademarks as an indicator of regional innovation: Evidence from Japanese prefectures. Regional Studies. 56(2), 190-209.

  • Castaldi, C., Block, J., Flikkema, M. J. (2020). Editorial: why and when do firms trademark? Bridging perspectives from industrial organisation, innovation and entrepreneurship. Industry and Innovation, 27 (1-2): 1-10.
    (article - open access)

  • De Vries, G., Pennings, E., Block, J., Fisch, C. (2017). Trademark or patent? The effects of market concentration, customer type, and venture capital financing on start-ups' initial IP applications. Industry and Innovation, 24(4): 325-345.
    (article - open access, working paper version)
  • Zhou, H., Sandner, P., Martinelli, L., Block, J. (2016). Patents, trademarks, and their complementarity in venture capital funding. Technovation, 47: 14-22.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J., Fisch, C., Hahn, A. Sandner, P. (2015). Why do SMEs file trademarks? Insights from US firms in innovative industries. Research Policy, 44(10): 1915-1930.
    (article, working paper version)

  • Block, J., Fisch, C., Sandner, P. (2014). Trademark families: Characteristics and market values. Journal of Brand Management, 21(2): 150-170.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Block, J., De Vries, G., Schumann, J., Sandner, P. (2014). Trademarks and venture capital valuation. Journal of Business Venturing, 29(4): 453-484.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Sandner, P., Block, J. (2011). The market value of R&D, patents and trademarks. Research Policy, 40(7): 969-985.
    (article, working paper version)

Green patents

  • Block, J., Lambrecht, D., Willeke, T., Cucculelli, M., Meloni, D. (in press). Green patents and green trademarks as indicators of green innovation. Research Policy.
    (article - open access)

Patents from universities

  • Fisch, C., Block, J., Sandner, P. (2016). Chinese university patents: Quantity, quality, and the role  of subsidy programs. Journal of Technology Transfer, 40(2): 318-345.
    (article, working paper version)
  • Fisch, C., Hassel, T., Sandner, P., Block, J. (2015). University patenting: A comparison of 300 leading universities worldwide. Journal of Technology Transfer, 40(2): 318-345.
    (article, working paper version)

Patents from China

  • Fisch, C., Block, J., Sandner, P. (2019). The impact of acquisitions on Chinese acquirers' innovation performance: An empirical investigation of 1,545 Chinese acquisitions. Journal of Business Economics / Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 89(2), 125-153.
    (article - open access)

  • Fisch, C., Sandner, P., Regner, L. (2017). The value of Chinese patents: An empirical investigation of citation lags. China Economic Review, 45, 22–34.
  • Fisch, C., Block, J., Sandner, P. (2016). Chinese university patents: Quantity, quality, and the role  of subsidy programs. Journal of Technology Transfer, 40(2), 318-345.
    (articleworking paper version)