Burghard B. Rieger:

Feasible Fuzzy Semantics.
On some problems of how to handle word meaning empirically

In: Eikmeyer, H.J./Rieser, H. (eds.): Words, Worlds, and Contexts. New Approaches in Word Semantics (Research in Text Theory 6), Berlin/New York (W. de Gruyter) 1981, pp. 193-209


Word-semantics and its empirical procedures faces at least two problem areas:
a) the specification of the language data to be analysed empirically, preferably by aid of computer, and
b) the sort of operational procedures, preferably algorithmic, to be employed in view of both, word meaning analysis and representation.
Current research in the field of quantitative and computational linguistics - being concerned with statistical methods of text-analysis and formal notations of fuzzy sets theory - suggests these to be applied to problem-area b). Before introducing the procedures developed, and producing the results tested in our project, some frame-conditions - complying with problem-area a) - will be discussed which the basic language material analysed has to satisfy in order to make our approach work.

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