Prof.'in Dr. Sabine Bollig
Since January 2019 I fill in the Professor of Social Pedagogy at the University of Trier leading the deparment of Social Pedagogy II in the Educational Science program here. My main focus in research and teaching are welfare- and practice-analytical approaches to childhood, youth and family as well as research on organisations and institutions in the fields of child and youth care.
Following vocational training as a special needs caregiver, as well as several years of occupation in the field of special needs and community psychiatry, I completed the Educational Science program at the University of Trier in 2005 to become a graduated pedagogue. Of the years which followed, several were spent working as a research associate at the Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main (in the Department of Childhood Research), as well as at the Université du Luxembourg (Department of Social Work), where I carried out/co-led various third-party funded projects in the area of educational childhood research, and taught in the programs of education, educational science and social pedagogy. With my ethnographically oriented dissertation, “Childhood Development as an Observation Project”, I received a doctorate from the University of Bielefeld in 2013. In January 2019, I accepted the appointment as Professor of Social Education with a focus on Educational Institutional Research at the University of Trier.
Alongside my research and publications, I apply my interdisciplinary knowledge in the field of social- and educational childhood- and institutional research as a member of various societies (DGfE, DGS, EECERA, etc.), and as a consultant for a wide range of international periodicals (Childhood, Children’s Geographies, Diskurs, ZSE, Journal for Family Research, etc.) and research sponsors (BMBF, SNF, etc.). I have been active on the board of the section, “Sociology of Childhood”, of the German Sociological Association (DGS) since 2013, and as section spokesperson since 2016. The German online journal, “Falki – Fallarchiv kindheitspädagogische Forschung“ (Case Archives for Childhood Education Research), of which I am a co-founder, has been issued since 2018.
Areas of Research:
- Childhood, youth, parenthood and family in welfare- and socio-pedagogical contexts
- Childhood studies
- Early childhood education and care
- Qualitative research, ethnography and practice theory
- Materiality of the “social” (space, objects and bodies)
Recent publications:
Bollig, S., Alberth, L. & Schindler, L. (eds.) (2020) Materialitäten der Kindheit. Körper – Räume – Dinge. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag
Bollig, S. (2020). Children as becomings². Kinder, Agency und Materialität im Lichte der neueren ‚neuen Kindheitsforschung‘. In J. Wiesemann, C. Eisenmann, I. Fürtig, J. Lange & B. Mohn (eds.): Digitale Kindheiten. Reihe Medien der Kooperation. Springer VS Verlag.
Bollig, S. (2019). Ethnografie. In J.M. Lorenzen, L.M. Schmidt & D. Zifonun (eds.), Methodologien und Methoden der Bildungsforschung. Quantitative und qualitative Verfahren und ihre Verbindungen (S. 32-43). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa (in cooperation with M. Schulz).
Bollig, S. (2019). ‚Elternbeiträge‘: Eltern als individuelle wie kollektive Wohlfahrtsproduzenten im Feld der frühen Bildung, Betreuung und Erziehung. Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation, 2/2019, S. 134-151 (in cooperation with M. S. Baader)
Bollig, S. (2019). Transnationale Kindheiten. Transnationalität als Perspektive zur Erforschung der Dynamiken globaler und lokaler Entwicklungen in kindheitssoziologischer Perspektive. In Burzan, N. (ed.), Komplexe Dynamiken globaler und lokaler Entwicklungen. Verhandlungen des 39. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Göttingen 2018. Art. 39. (in cooperation with F. Eßer).
Bollig, S. (2019). Kindergarten. In Schreiber, V. & Hasse, J. (eds..): Kindheitsräume. Ein Glossar (S. 159-164). Bielefeld: transcript.
Recent lectures/Scientific activities
Mai 2020/Konferenz-Beitrag Enacted temporal orders and the ‘native’ concepts of development in early childhood preventive checkups. Conference “Childhood and Time”, Tampere University/Finland.
Mai 2020/Konferenz-Beitrag Programmatic positionings. “Partnerships“ between children, parents and professionals in ECEC services as discursive boundary objects (gem. m. T. Betz). Conference “Childhood and Time”, Tampere University/Finland.
März 2020/Kongress-Symposium Complex Constellations of Optimization. Relationships between Families and Early Childhood Education and Care Organizations in European Countries (gem. m. T.Betz), DGfE/GERA-Kongress Köln (cancelled)
November 2019/Expertenworkshop: Wie kann Forschungs-Praxis-Transfer gelingen? Ungleichheitssensible Praxismodelle im Kontext von Bildungs- und Erziehungspartnerschaften entwickeln. 1. Transferworkshop im BMBF-Verbundprojekt PARTNER, Trier.
Oktober 2019/Konferenzbeitrag: „Zwischen ‚morally engaged public ethnography‘ und praxisbezogenen ‚Transferprodukten‘ – Wissenstransformationen im Kontext einer grundlagen- wie anwendungsbezogenen ethnographischen Ungleichheitsforschung“ (gem. mit S. Göbel & A. Sichma). Konferenz „Going Public. Erziehungswissenschaftliche Ethnographie und ihre Öffentlichkeiten“, Halle.