German Mittelstand
Our research related to SMEs overlaps strongly with the research areas of start-up financing, hidden champions and family businesses. The overview on this page is therefore incomplete.
Soziale Verantwortung der Unternehmen (CSR) im Mittelstand
In the following paper, we discuss conceptually the extent to which medium-sized companies differ from other companies in terms of CSR. We also summarize the empirical evidence on the topic.
Block, J., Moritz, A. (2015). Corporate Social Responsibility im Mittelstand: theoretische Überlegungen und empirische Evidenz. In: G. Fahrenschon, A. G. Kirchhoff, D. B. Simmert (Hrsg.), Mittelstand - Motor und Zukunft der deutschen Wirtschaft. Erfolgskonzepte für Management, Finanzierung und Organisation. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, S. 145-159.
Internationalization of SMEs
In an empirical study with a specially conducted survey among SMEs in Germany, the influence of personal characteristics of the CEO (e.g. age, education) on the internationalization behavior of the companies was analyzed at the Chair of Corporate Management.
Fisch, C., Block, J. (2013). Die Bedeutung des CEO für die Internationalisierung von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen. Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, 60(1): 139-153.
(working paper version)
SME Financing
The professorship studies the specifics of financing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). One focus is on discovering financing patterns of SMEs in Europe. In another project, we investigate the financing of micro firms.
Masiak, C., Block, J., Moritz, A., Lang, F., Kraemer-Eis, H. (2019). How do micro firms differ in their financing patterns from larger SMEs? Venture Capital. An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, 21(4): 301-325.
(article, working paper version)Moritz, A., Block, J., Heinz, A. (2016). Financing patterns of European SMEs - An empirical taxonomy. Venture Capital–an International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, 18(2), 115-148.
(article, working paper version)Moritz, A. (2015). Financing of small and medium-sized enterprises in Europe – financing patterns and ‘crowdfunding’. Dissertation.