CID (Computing with Infinite Data), 2017-2023, EU project
WERA (Wrapping representations in Exact Real Arithmetic), 2016-2022, supported by DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
CAVER (Comparative Analysis and Verification for Correctness-Critical Systems), 2014-2019, supported by DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), Geschäftszeichen Be 1267/14-1, and RFBR (Russian Foundation for Basic Research) (Eike Best and Irina Virbitskaite, in cooperation with Peter Buchholz, Louchka Popova-Zeugmann, Norbert Müller).
COMPUTAL (Computable Analysis) 2012-2015, EU project in the SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME - Marie Curie Actions - People International Research Staff Exchange Scheme, PIRSES-GA-2011- 294962