The Forum Celtic Studies

The Forum Celtic Studies was founded by students and lecturers of different disciplines at the University of Trier on 12 September 2006. The members currently and formerly participating represent English Studies, Geography, German Studies, History, Classical Archaeology, Classical Philology, Art History, Media Studies, Roman Studies and others. They come or came from France, Ireland, Luxemburg, Poland, the Ukraine and Germany.

Objectives of the Forum

The objectives pursued by the Forum since its foundation are:

  • developing and promoting academic reasearch in the field of Celtic Studies by means of projects, conferences and networks, in particular with an interdisciplinary focus; 
  • conducting courses and lectures of various kinds to convey knowledge, methods and skills in Celtic Studies for students of all disciplines, for interested parties and within the "Campus of the Generations"; 

  • mediating well-founded information to the general public, media, economics, politics etc. to call attention to Celtic Studies, to find support and to contribute to the identity formation at the European level.
  • In all this, the aspect of leisure activities plays a role for the members, who mostly work on a voluntary basis, at research, training and information events as well as social gatherings.