
The colloquium of the Research Priority Program usually takes place during the lecture period of semesters in the seminar room (2nd floor library) at Johanniterufer 15. Dates and changes to venue will be announced here.

Guests are cordially invited to the colloquium! We look forward to interdisciplinary exchange.

Time / Venue


Wednesday 12.12.2018, 18:00-20:00. JU, Seminar room / Library 2nd floor (Room 2.120)

Prof. Dr. Urs Fischbacher (University of Konstanz, Thurgauer Wirtschaftsinstitut) Title: tba

Wednesday 21.11.2018, 18:00-20:00. JU, Seminar room / Library 2nd floor (Room 2.120)

Prof. Dr. Tobias Kalenscher (University of Düsseldorf) Title: tba

Wednesday 17.10.2018, 9:00-18:00. JU, Seminar room / Library 2nd floor (Room 2.120)

Internal - Project Presentations and Fall Retreat for PIs

Wednesday 20.06.2018, 18:00-20:00. JU, Seminar room / Library 2nd floor (Room 2.120)

Prof. Dr. Philipp Kanske (TU Dresden) "Psychopathologie des sozialen Gehirns: Von Emotionsregulation bis Empathie und Theory of Mind"

Wednesday 11.04.2018, 18:00-20:00. D435

Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrichs (University of Freiburg) "Hirn, Hormone und Vertrauen: Perspektiven für eine psychobiologische Therapie"; Vortrag im Rahmen der Colloquia Treverensia; Abstract

Wednesday 24.01.2018, 18:00-20:00. D435

Dr. Bastian Schiller (University of Freiburg) "Effects of stress on in-group favoritism and out-group discrimination"

Wednesday 17.01.2018, 18:00-20:00. D435

Prof. Dr. Julian Schmitz (University of Leipzig) "Soziale Angststörung im Kindesalter: Autonome, neuronale und kognitive Korrelate von emotionaler Reaktivität und Regulation"

Wednesday 06.12.2017, 18:00-20:00. D435

Dr. Gesa Hartwigsen (Max-Planck-Institute Leipzig) "Modulation von Sprachnetzwerken: Kombination von nicht-invasiver Hirnstimulation und funktioneller Bildgebung"

Friday 03.11.2017, 9:00-18:00.  JU, Seminar Room 3rd floor

Internal - Fall Retreat for PIs

Wednesday 28.06.2017, 15:00-16:00. D435

Internal - Project Presentations

Wednesday 21.06.2017, 18:00-20:00.D435

Prof. Dr. Olga Pollatos (University of Ulm) "Interozeption und Gesundheit"

Wednesday 14.06.2017, 15:00-17:00. JU, Library 2nd floor (Room 2.120)

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Boris Quednow (Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Zürich) "Stress , soziale Kognition und Kokain"

Wednesday 17.05.2017, 15:00-16:00. D401

Internal - Project Presentations

Wednesday 26.04.2017, 14:00-16:00. D401

Internal - Project Presentations
