Curriculum Vitae
Since 2023
Research Assistant at the Institute for Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the European Union (IAAEU) and the University of Trier.
2023– 2024
Research assistant (Post-doc) at Trier University.
2022 – 2023
Research assistant (Post-doc) at the Bundeswehr University München.
2019 – 2021
Research assistant (Post-doc) at the Technical University Dortmund.
2013 – 2019
Doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.) at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.
Research report and monographs
3) How Do New Immigration Flows Affect Existing Immigrants? Evidence from the Refugee Crisis in Germany, with Y. Huang, in: World Scientific Handbook of Global Migration, Ed.: Sauer, R., World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.
2) Immigration and the Rise of Far-right Parties in Europe, with L. S. Davis, in: ifo DICE Report, 15 (4), 10-15.
1) Population density, optimal infrastructure, and economic growth, with A. E. Gallaa, in: The Economics of Infrastructure Provisioning, The Changing Role of the State, Ed.: Picot, A., Florio, M., Grove, N., Kranz, J., CESIfo Seminar Series; The MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, USA.
Essays in journals with review procedures
6) Suffering and Prejudice: Do Negative Emotions Cause Immigration Concerns?, with Y. Huang, in: Journal of Population Economics, 37: Art. 54.
5) The Immigrant-native Gap in Risk and Time Preferences in Germany: Levels, Socio-economic Determinants, and Recent Changes, with M. O. Rieger, Journal of Population Economics, 36(2), 743–778.
4) Home Sweet Home: Working from Home and Employee Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the UK, with Y. Huang and M. Deter, Labour Economics, 80: 102295.
3) Refining the Salience Hypothesis: Does the Response to Immigration Differ Across Countries?, with L. Davis, International Migration, 59(1), 21–37.
2) Justice Delayed is Assimilation Denied: Right-wing Terror and Immigrants' Assimilation in Germany, Labour Economics, 59, 69-78.
1) Human Capital Consequences of Violence in Schools: Estimating the Impact of Violence in Schools on Education Outcomes in Brazil, Review of Development Economics, 22(1), 287-310.