Dr. Sumit Deole

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2023
Research Assistant at the Institute for Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the European Union (IAAEU) and the University of Trier. 

2023– 2024
Research assistant (Post-doc) at Trier University.

2022 – 2023
Research assistant (Post-doc) at the Bundeswehr University München.

2019 – 2021
Research assistant (Post-doc) at the Technical University Dortmund.

2013 – 2019
Doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.) at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.


Research report and monographs

3) How Do New Immigration Flows Affect Existing Immigrants? Evidence from the Refugee Crisis in Germany, with Y. Huang, in: World Scientific Handbook of Global Migration, Ed.: Sauer, R., World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.

2) Immigration and the Rise of Far-right Parties in Europe, with L. S. Davis, in: ifo DICE Report, 15 (4), 10-15.

1) Population density, optimal infrastructure, and economic growth, with A. E. Gallaa, in: The Economics of Infrastructure Provisioning, The Changing Role of the State, Ed.: Picot, A., Florio, M., Grove, N., Kranz, J., CESIfo Seminar Series; The MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, USA.


Essays in journals with review procedures

6) Suffering and Prejudice: Do Negative Emotions Cause Immigration Concerns?, with Y. Huang, in: Journal of Population Economics, 37: Art. 54. 

5) The Immigrant-native Gap in Risk and Time Preferences in Germany: Levels, Socio-economic Determinants, and Recent Changes, with M. O. Rieger, Journal of Population Economics, 36(2), 743–778.

4) Home Sweet Home: Working from Home and Employee Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the UK, with Y. Huang and M. Deter, Labour Economics, 80: 102295.

3) Refining the Salience Hypothesis: Does the Response to Immigration Differ Across Countries?, with L. Davis, International Migration, 59(1), 21–37.

2) Justice Delayed is Assimilation Denied: Right-wing Terror and Immigrants' Assimilation in Germany, Labour Economics, 59, 69-78.

1) Human Capital Consequences of Violence in Schools: Estimating the Impact of Violence in Schools on Education Outcomes in Brazil, Review of Development Economics, 22(1), 287-310.