Welcome to Cultural and Political Geography

Cultural and Political Geography is a research group dedicated to exploring the intricate interplay between space, power, and human experience. Deploying both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, using historical, longitudinal and contemporary data analysis, our research crosses disciplinary boundaries and into the policy realm to offer nuanced insights into the complex dynamics that shape our spatial realities.

At the heart of our inquiry lies the concept of 'carcerality,' a theoretical framework that extends beyond traditional notions of incarceration to encompass a spectrum of spatial practices of control and confinement. We delve into the depths of various environments, from prisons to the vast expanses of the ocean, revealing how spaces themselves become agents of governance and resistance.

Our work engages scholars from a variety of disciplines to enhance the teaching, research and knowledge exchange opportunities in this area within our University, and invite collaboration from others who share these interests. Please feel to browse our website to learn more about the research and teaching that we are engaging in.

A photo of protest art in Berlin
A photo of a new shoot growing to represent project development
A photo of a laptop and some books

Our Cultural and Political Geography Team

A photo of Jennifer Turner
Prof. Dr. Jennifer Turner
A photo of Anna Schliehe
Dr. Anna Schliehe (MSCA Postdoctoral Fellow)
A photo of Maximillian Haße
Maximillian Haße, M.Sc. (Research Assistant)
A photo of Ute Stenkamp
Ute Stenkamp (Secretary)
A photo of Leonie Willems
Leonie Willems (Student Assistant)