Felix Dittrich
Trier University
Faculty of Geograpgy and Geoscience
Soil Science Department
Campus II, H 329
D-54286 TRIER
Tel: +49 651/201-3254
Fax:+ 49 651/201-3809
Consultation by arrangement
Research Interests
- Microbial soil properties and their relation to soil fertility and plant nutrition
- Effects of inter- and cover cropping on soil properties
- Agricultural land use and tillage
- Field methods to assess soil quality
- since 01/2018 Research associate at the soil science department, University of Trier
- 2014 - 2017 Master of Science: Soil, inland waters and contaminated land, University and university of applied sciences Osnabrück, Master thesis: "Iron rods as indicators for soil aeration of arable fields"
- 2010-2014 Bachelor of Sience: Renewable resources and biobased products, University of Hohenheim, Bachelor thesis: "Effects of HTC-biochar on erodibility of loess"
Conference contributions
Dittrich, Felix, und Averdiek, Audrey und Fründ, Heinz-Christian (2017): Eisenstäbe als Indikatoren der Bodenbelüftung – Erfahrungen bei der Beurteilung landwirtschaftlicher Flächen. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft (DBG) "Horizonte des Bodens", 2.-7. September 2017 in Göttingen (oral presentation). Online available: eprints.dbges.de/1284/