Teaching Activities

Englische Zeichnung Mathematical and Computational Modeling

Competence Field "Mathematical and Computational Modeling"

As a problem-solving competence, mathematical modeling plays a key role in interdisciplinary research. In conjunction with numerical simulation / scientific computing and optimization, it is a key driver of developments and progress in a wide range of industrial applications and is indispensable for engineers and scientists. It mediates between mathematics and applications. The interplay stimulates basic mathematical research on the one hand and uses the results obtained to solve practical problems on the other.

With this in mind, my courses (and theses) are designed to introduce students to current research topics with practical relevance. Modeling seminars and projects play an important part in this. Here, real problems from technology, economics or life sciences are tackled in small groups. The task is to model the problem mathematically, i.e. to translate it into the language of mathematics in order to then solve it using mathematical methods and simulate it on the computer. The results are then interpreted and critically discussed against the background of the real problem. In addition to problem-solving skills, these seminars promote the development of soft skills that are crucial for professional life, such as teamwork, communication and conflict management. Theo-Prax projects with industrial companies, which I organize as part of the Theory & Practice programme, a Germany-wide initiative to promote exchange between university and industry, offer an even more targeted preparation for future professional requirements and are exerted under "real" industrial working conditions. Tight project, time and money management in particular, as well as negotiations with the client (customer), present unusual challenges that sometimes have to be dealt with during the whole project. However, once the project has been successfully completed, the pride in the achievement is all the greater, as is the confidence for the upcoming career start.

Graduation theses focus on the applicability of mathematical results and can be written in cooperation with engineering/natural sciences departments or industrial companies. My academic interests include the modeling of physical processes, asymptotics, numerics and optimization of stochastic and partial differential equations.