Study programs

The educational concept of Trier Mathematics is based on intensive personal communication between teachers and students. The very good student support has been positively highlighted in a whole series of evaluations. We offer the following courses of study:

BSc/MSc Business Mathematics


The two bachelor's and master's degree programs in business mathematics at the University of Trier combine content from application-oriented mathematics and economics. Since business mathematics have to be adaptable with regard to new professional developments, the education is designed for a broad teaching of the basics of application-oriented mathematics without too early specialization.

The inclusion of the subjects of business administration, economics and computer science in accordance with an integrated study concept is a characteristic and central feature of the course, although the emphasis is on the mathematics side.

As the positive experiences clearly show, this combination meets the diverse requirements of today's professional practice.



BEd/MEd Mathematics for teaching


The B.Ed./M.Ed. programs in Mathematics for the Teaching Profession at Grammar Schools and Teaching Profession at Secondary Schools plus are programs designed on the basis of the Curricular Standards for the subject Mathematics. Starting in the winter semester 2020/2021, it will also be possible to choose mathematics as the first or second subject in primary school education.
In addition to a further subject from the spectrum of teacher training subjects at the University of Trier, an educational science program is integrated into the curriculum, and the teacher training program also includes a subject didactics component in both subjects. The Rhineland-Palatinate reform model provides for the expansion and early integration of educational science, subject didactics and practical school studies in teacher training in order to prepare teachers for their profession.

The scientific part of the three-year bachelor's program covers the mathematical fundamentals in pure and applied mathematics required for the teaching profession. The teaching of the basic subject knowledge is closely linked to the subject didactics. The establishment of small practice, tutorial and internship groups is a central feature in the implementation of the training concept.

With a suitable choice of modules in the teaching degree program, a bachelor's degree in mathematics can be realized in parallel. For more information, please contact the student advisor.

The subject-specific part of the one or two-year master's section serves both to deepen the theoretical knowledge acquired in the bachelor's program and, in particular, to expand skills in dealing with methods and techniques of practical mathematics. Here, the overall profile of the Department of Mathematics at Trier University is also expressed.

MSc Data Science

Graduates of the bachelor's degree programs in mathematics and business mathematics can also apply for the interdisciplinary master's degree program in data science.

Detailed information about the Data Science program.


BSc/MSc Mathematics



The Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in Mathematics (until the start of studies in 2020 and 2021, respectively, in Applied Mathematics) at Trier University are core subject programs with a specific focus on the disciplines of application-oriented mathematics. Although mathematics makes up the major part of the program, in accordance with our integrated approach, the inclusion of one of the application areas of business administration, economics, sociology, computer science, or earth sciences is a distinguishing feature of this program. In the Master's program, any (other) subject offered at the University of Trier can be taken as part of the free elective area. The excellent career prospects of our graduates prove that this program meets the practical requirements for a modern professional image of mathematicians in many ways.

In addition, we also offer the bachelor's degree in mathematics and the master's degree in applied mathematics as a minor. These courses can be combined with any major subject.



Study plans, modules and examination regulations.

For questions regarding the course of studies and examination regulations, please contact the departmental student advisor, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Müller, for questions regarding examinations or the recognition of examination achievements, please contact the chairman of the examination board, Prof. Dr. Lutz Mattner, or the respective secretariats.


Information for first-year students

We are pleased that you have chosen to study mathematics at Trier. On

12.04.2023 from 9-10 a.m. in lecture hall 1

an introductory event to our study programs will take place.

Here you will get the essential information in advance:

1. The first and central one: the program of mathematics for the first semester is very clear. You (i.e. students of BSc Mathematics, BSc Business Mathematics and BEd Mathematics) will take exactly the lecture and exercise "Linear Algebra" in the field of mathematics. Linear Algebra is the only course designated for first-year students. Thus, the program in the mathematics part of their studies is already completely described!  You should only consider the lecture/exercise "Analysis of one and more variables" if you have already acquired basic knowledge of mathematics in a mathematics course of study.

2. Depending on which degree program you have chosen, you should take further courses outside the mathematics part.

a) For BSc Mathematics core subject: one course from one of the possible application subjects Business Administration, Economics, Computer Science, Earth Sciences and Sociology. You are free to decide which of these application subjects you choose and may well "get a taste" of different ones at the beginning (in the digital sense). You do not commit yourself until the corresponding exam registration later in the semester. If you choose Computer Science, the appropriate course is "Algorithms and Data Structures", for Business Administration "Performance Processes" and for Economics "Fundamentals of Economics, Macroeconomics I". If you are interested in the application subject Geosciences or Sociology, please ask briefly (e-mail to the mathematics advisor, Jürgen Müller: jmuelleruni-trierde ).

b) For BSc Mathematics minor: courses from your major subject.

c) For BSc Mathematics in Economics: "Fundamentals of Economics, Macroeconomics I" and "Performance processes".

d) For BEd Math teaching degree: Courses from their other subject.

Please register for the courses that are suitable for you in PORTA by the beginning of the semester. Please note that by registering for a course you do not commit yourself to the corresponding exam. You can only register for exams later in the semester. Registering for a course only means that you will be included in the pool of participants. It is possible to drop out during the course of the semester. So if you are not quite sure whether you want to complete the course, a registration is no problem. You will receive more detailed information regarding the dates and the procedure of the individual courses and the corresponding examinations (after registration) at the start of the lecture period from the respective lecturers.

4. General questions regarding the course of studies should be addressed to the subject advisor of mathematics, Jürgen Müller, e-mail: jmuelleruni-trierde

Open Math Room

Dear math students,

This semester, the open math room will again take place under the direction of Hannah Gentes and Philipp Schwarz.

What is Open Math Room?

The math room offers you a space where you can solve math problems in groups or individually. In a communicative atmosphere, you can discuss questions about the lecture together, refine solutions to exercises and repeat and understand difficult concepts.
You will be supported by students in advanced studies who themselves faced similar problems at the beginning of their mathematical education and are happy to share the tricks and insights they have learned with you. In particular, the open math room is not part of the regular courses, but is a voluntary additional offer as part of independent study. This semester in particular, the offer can be used to get to know fellow students and form groups.

Why does the OMR exists?

Mathematics can be a really enjoyable and fulfilling subject to study with a limitless wealth of applications - whether as a specialist student or as a teacher. But let's not kid ourselves: Math at university is not like school math. It requires a different way of working, a different perspective and unfamiliar, abstract thinking. That's why experience shows that most students find studying difficult at first and drop-out rates are high.

Who is the OMR for?

The offer is aimed at all interested first and second semester students.
In other words: Do you have problems or questions about exercises or the lecture material in Introduction, Ana II or LA? Then come along. We look forward to seeing you!

When and where does the OMR take place?

The OMR will probably take place every Monday from 4 pm to 6 pm and every Thursday from 2 pm to 4 pm in room N4.

Do you have any questions?

Just write to us at s4ppschwuni-trierde or s3hagentuni-trierde.


Subject advisory service

Prof. Dr.  Jürgen Müller
Room: E224
Office hours: Di, 10 - 11.30 Uhr, Fr 10 -11.30 Uhr
Tel.: +49 651 201-3490
Fax: +49 651 201-3961

Mathematics student council


Here you will find information about our student council, its work, as well as current notes and photos.

Our student council is also represented on Facebook.



You are a student and interested in studying mathematics in Trier?

If you are a high school student interested in studying mathematics at the University of Trier, we offer you a whole range of information on our web pages.


  • Probably the easiest way to get an impression of the everyday life of a mathematics student at Trier University is the Studying for a Day program.
  • The Ada Lovelace Project is aimed specifically at schoolgirls who are interested in scientific and technical issues.
  • In addition, our study advisor is available as your personal contact and will be happy to help you out with any questions you may have about studying mathematics in Trier.
  • You can find more information about our study programs here.

  • The Math Ambassadors offer school classes the opportunity to get a glimpse into the study of mathematics by visiting your school. More information can be found on the Math Ambassadors' website and Instagram profile.


The PC-Pool E9 with Linux computers is freely available to the students of mathematics. Only a user ID is necessary, which you can apply for at the EDV (edvmatheuni-trierde).