Prof. Dr. Christoph Schäfer
2003-2011 | Full size reconstructions and nautical trials of three individual Roman warships, one of the Oberstimm 1-type and two separate and differing naves lusoriae. These reconstructions were conducted with the help of different teams constituted mainly by undergraduate students, craftsmen, volunteer helpers and hard to place out of work youths. All three ships were designed for use on the great European rivers and based on published archaeological findings of Roman ships in Mainz and Oberstimm.
2004-2012 | Various multimedia projects with external partners, for instance with the collaboration of the e-learning consortium Hamburg (ELCH) as well as with the Institute for Educational Media ("Institut für Film und Bild in Wissenschaft und Unterricht") (FWU) in Munich. |
2008-2012 | Adaptive, Interactive, Dynamic historical Atlas (AIDA) – Digital Atlas on European and Mediterranean History, in cooperation with scholars from the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology, the Geographic Information Science Center of Excellence (GISCE) at George-Mason University Fairfax, Va. and the Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Japan, sponsored by private sector companies. |
2008-2012 | Cluster of Excellence of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate – Subproject II.1a: Confessional, interconfessional and interreligious networks in the Ostrogoth successor states of the Imperium Romanum, sponsored by the Federal State of Rhineland-Palatinate, University of Trier and University of Mainz. |
2009 | Member of the Academic Advisory Board of the exhibition “Imperium Konflikt Mythos – 2000 Jahre Varusschlacht” on the anniversary of the Battle in Teutoburg Forest, Haltern am See, Kalkriese and Detmold (16.05.-31.10.2009). |
2009 | Exhibition “Das frühkaiserzeitliche Schiff ‘Victoria’ – Ein Flusskriegsschiff im Experiment” (The early imperial ship ‘Victoria’ – Experiments with a riverine military vessel) in Trier (28.06.-26.07.2009) and Hamburg (07.11.2009). |
2009-2012 | Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) 600 „Fremdheit und Armut“ (University of Trier). Subproject B9: Support measures and euergetism as a cultural and social phenomenon in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor) and subproject Ö2: “Hellenes and Romans, Jews and Egyptians in the multicultural society of Egypt”. An educational DVD production, sponsored by the DFG. |
2010-2012 | CIL XIII, 2 – Editing and publication of a supplementary volume to the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum for the geographical area around the Limes, sponsored by the Gerda Henkel-Stiftung. |
2011 | Exhibition “Poverty in Antiquity. Perspectives in Art and Society” at the Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier (10.04.-31.07.2011). |
2011-2013 | Early Christian funeral inscriptions in Trier as source for social history and demographic studies during the transition from late antiquity to the middle ages. |
2011-2013 | Reconstruction of Roman artillery pieces. In cooperation with the Helmut Schmift-University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg and the WTD 41 (Trier-Kürenz). Several field trials, most recently from 21.-25.10. 2013 in Föhren (near Trier). |