Laboratory Imaging Spectroscopy of Soil Profiles.

A project in co-operation with the Soil Science department at TU Munich in Weihenstephan (Dr. Markus Steffens, now FIBL Switzerland).

Project Contents

In this project, we investigate the potentials of laboratory imaging spectroscopy in the VIS/NIR and SWIR range for soil profiles.

The focus is on

  • the spatial distribution of soil constituents at sub-millimeter scale,
  • the delineation of soil horizons and inclusions, and
  • geostatistic analyses of spatial heterogeneity  


Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers

M. Steffens, L. Zeh, D.M. Rogge & H. Buddenbaum (2021): Quantitative mapping and spectroscopic characterization of particulate organic matter fractions in soil profiles with imaging VisNIR spectroscopy. Scientific Reports, 11, 16725. DOI

C. W. Mueller, M. Steffens & H. Buddenbaum (2020): Permafrost soil complexity evaluated by laboratory imaging Vis-NIR spectroscopy. European Journal of Soil Science, 2020, 1-6. DOI

C.W. Mueller, C. Hoeschen, M. Steffens, H. Buddenbaum, K. Hinkel, J.G. Bockheim & J. Kao-Kniffin (2017): Microscale soil structures foster organic matter stabilization in permafrost soils. Geoderma, 293: 44-53. DOI

S. Schreiner, H. Buddenbaum, C. Emmerling & M. Steffens (2015): VNIR/SWIR Laboratory Imaging Spectroscopy for Wall-to-Wall Mapping of Elemental Concentrations in Soil Cores. Photogrammetrie – Fernerkundung – Geoinformatik, 2015 (6): 423-435. DOI

M. Steffens, M. Kohlpaintner & H. Buddenbaum (2014): Fine spatial resolution mapping of soil organic matter quality in a Histosol profile. European Journal of Soil Science 65 (6), 827-839. DOI

M. Steffens & H. Buddenbaum (2013): Laboratory imaging spectroscopy of a stagnic Luvisol profile - high resolution soil characterisation, classification and mapping of elemental concentrations. Geoderma, 195-196, 122-132. DOI

H. Buddenbaum & M. Steffens (2012): The effects of spectral pre-treatments on chemometric analyses of soil profiles using laboratory imaging spectroscopy.Applied and Environmental Soil Science, Article ID 274903, 12 pages. doi:10.1155/2012/274903

H. Buddenbaum & M. Steffens (2012): Mapping the distribution of chemical properties in soil profiles using laboratory imaging spectroscopy, SVM and PLS regression. EARSeL eProceedings, 11 (1): 25-32. 

H. Buddenbaum & M. Steffens (2011): Laboratory imaging spectroscopy of soil profiles. Journal of Spectral Imaging, 2 (a2): 1-5. doi:10.1255/jsi.2011.a2

Conference Presentations

L. Zeh, D. Rogge, H. Buddenbaum & M. Steffens (2015): Imaging VNIR-SWIR-spectroscopy - POM enrichment in longterm ungrazed soil profiles. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, München, 5-10 September 2015. (Abstract and Oral presentation)

S. Kriegs, H. Buddenbaum, D. Rogge & M. Steffens (2015): imVisIR: Hochaufgelöste Klassifikation und Elementkartierung der Pseudovergleyung in Parabraunerdeprofilen. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, München, 5-10 September 2015. (Abstract and Oral presentation)

M. Steffens, L. Zeh, D. Rogge & H. Buddenbaum (2015): Soil imVisIR – Quantification of soil organic matter fractions in undisturbed soil profiles. 9th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy workshop, Luxembourg, 14-16 April 2015. (Abstract and Oral presentation)

S. Kriegs, H. Buddenbaum, D. Rogge & M. Steffens (2015): Digital soil classification and elemental mapping using imaging Vis-NIR spectroscopy: Quantification of stagnic properties in Luvisol profiles under Norway spruce and European Beech. 9th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy workshop, Luxembourg, 14-16 April 2015. (Abstract and Poster presentation) 

S. Kriegs, H. Buddenbaum, D. Rogge & M. Steffens (2015): Digital soil classification and elemental mapping using imaging Vis-NIR spectroscopy: How to explicitly quantify stagnic properties of a Luvisol under Norway spruce. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 13-17 April 2015. (Abstract)

S. Kriegs, M. Spohn, H. Buddenbaum & M. Steffens (2014): Imaging Vis-NIR-SWIR spectroscopy and soil zymography – Spatially explicit quantification of enzyme activity and chemical hot spot characterisation. Soil processes – is the whole system regulated at ‘hot spots’? From micro-scales to the pedon, Interdisciplinary workshop of the German Soil Science Society (kommissionsübergreifende Sitzung der Kommissionen II, III und VII der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft) in Freising, Germany, 04-06 May 2014.

M. Steffens, M. Kohlpaintner & H. Buddenbaum (2014): imVisIR - spatially explicit characterisation of soil organic matter quality on the pedon scale.  General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union Vienna 2014. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-16133. (Pico presentation and proceedings abstract)

L. Zeh, H. Buddenbaum & M. Steffens (2014): Imaging Vis-NIR spectroscopy - mapping SOM quality and quantity in undisturbed soil profiles of semiarid steppe in Inner Mongolia. General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union Vienna 2014. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-13506. (Oral presentation and proceedings abstract)

Kriegs, S., Spohn, M., Buddenbaum, H., Steffens, M. (2014): Imaging Vis-NIR-SWIR spectroscopy and soil zymography – Spatially explicit quantification of enzyme activity and chemical hot spot characterisation. Soil processes – is the whole system regulated at ‘hot spots’? From micro-scales to the pedon Interdisciplinary workshop of the German Soil Science Society (kommissionsübergreifende Sitzung der Kommissionen II, III und VII der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft) in Freising, Germany, 04.05.-06.05.2014

M. Steffens & H. Buddenbaum (2014): imVisIR - a new tool for high resolution soil characterisation.General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union Vienna 2014. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-2189. (Poster presentation and proceedings abstract)

Müller, C., Steffens, M., Buddenbaum, H., Höschen, C., Kao-Kniffin, J., Bockheim, J. (2013): Mikroskalige Heterogenität in Permafrostböden – Kombination von Vis-NIR Spektroskopie und NanoSIMS. Annual meeting of the Deutsche Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft in Rostock, Germany, 07.09.-12.09.2013 (Oral presentation)

M. Steffens, H. Buddenbaum, C. Höschen & C. Mueller (2013): VIS-NIR  imaging spectroscopy enables  upscaling  of  µm-scaled  SEM-  and  NanoSIMS information to soil horizons. 8th EARSeL SIG Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, Nantes, France, 8-10 April. (Oral Presentation) 

M. Steffens, M. Kohlpaintner & H. Buddenbaum (2013): Kartierung der Kohlenstoffqualität in einer Tangelrendzina mittels bildgebender Vis-NIR-Spektroskopie. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, Rostock, Germany, 7-12 September 2013. (Oral Presentation)

M. Steffens, M. Kohlpaintner & H. Buddenbaum (2012): High resolution mapping of Soil Organic Matter Quality in a Histosol Profile with Imaging Spectroscopy. Eurosoil 2012, Bari, Italy, 2-6 July. (Poster presentation) 

M. Steffens, M. Kohlpaintner & H. Buddenbaum (2012): Unsupervised mapping of SOM quality in a Histosol profile using PCA-transformed hyperspectral data. SOM-5: 5th International Workshop on Soil and Sedimentary Organic Matter Stabilization and Destabilization. Ascona, Switzerland, 7-11 October. (Poster presentation) 

Müller, C.W., Steffens, M., Buddenbaum, H., Höschen, C., Kao-Kniffin, J., Bockheim, J. (2012): Combined VIS-NIR imaging spectroscopy and NanoSIMS analyses of intact cores of permafrost affected soils. 4th international congress of the European Confederation of Soil Science Societies “Eurosoil 2012” in Bari, Italy, 02.07.-06.07.2012 (Oral presentation)

M. Steffens & H. Buddenbaum (2011): Räumlich hochaufgelöste Erfassung der C-, N-, Al-, Fe- und Mn-Gehalte in einem Pseudogleyprofil mittels abbildender Spektroskopie. Jahrestagung der deutschen bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 3.-9. September, Berlin, Germany. (Oral presentation)

H. Buddenbaum & M. Steffens (2011): Three Dimensional Distribution of Chemical Properties in Soil Profiles Using Laboratory Imaging Spectroscopy, SVM and PLS Regression.EARSeL 7th SIG-Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, April 11-13, Edinburgh, UK. (Poster presentation)

M. Steffens & H. Buddenbaum (2011): Laboratory imaging spectroscopy of a stagnic Luvisol.EARSeL 7th SIG-Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, April 11-13, Edinburgh, UK. (Oral presentation)

M. Steffens & H. Buddenbaum (2011): Hyperspectral assessment of the three-dimensional variability of various soil properties in a stagnic luvisol. General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union Vienna 2011. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-11833. (Oral presentation and proceedings abstract)

M. Steffens & H. Buddenbaum (2010): Hyperspectral assessment of the three-dimensional variability of various soil properties in a stagnic luvisol.Organic matter stabilization and ecosystem functions. 19–23 September 2010 - Presqu'île de Giens, France. (Poster presentation and proceedings abstract)

M. Steffens & H. Buddenbaum (2010): Hyperspectral Assessment of the three-dimensional Variability of various Soil Properties in a Stagnic Luvisol.General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union Vienna 2010. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-11707-1. (Oral presentation and proceedings abstract)


S. Schreiner (2013): Flächendeckende Bestimmung von Elementkonzentrationen an Bodenprofilen durch abbildende Laborspektroskopie. BSc Thesis, Supervisors: H. Buddenbaum, C. Emmerling

S. Schwerdtle (2012): Untersuchung von Bodenprofilen unterschiedlich lang genutzter Miscanthus-Bestände mit abbildender Laborspektroskopie. BSc Thesis, Supervisors: H. Buddenbaum, C. Emmerling 


EGU Soil System Sciences Division Outstanding Young Scientists Award 2014 to Markus Steffens.

Best Poster Award, EARSeL 7th SIG-Imaging Spectroscopy Workshop, April 11-13, Edinburgh, UK.

Left: False-color view of a Luvisol, recorded using a HySpex VNIR camera in a laboratory setup. Center: Principal components, showing the variablility within the soil core. Right: Classification of horizons.