
Nachhaltigkeit in Mittelstand und Familienunternehmen

  • Lorenzen, S., Gerken, M., Steinmetz, H., Block, J., Hülsbeck, M., Lux, F. S. (in press). Environmental sustainability of family firms: a meta-analysis of handprint and footprint. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.
    (article, working paper version, data set)

  • Block, J., Sharma, P., Benz, L. (in press). Stakeholder pressures and decarbonization strategies in Mittelstand Firms. Journal of Business Ethics.
    (article - open access, working paper version)

  • Benz, L. (2023). Sustainability of Mittelstand firms. A multi-perspective investigation of regional development, investment behavior, and firm strategies. Dissertation an der Universität Trier.

  • Doluca, H., Wagner, M., Block, J. (2018). Sustainability and environmental behaviour in family firms: a longitudinal analysis of environmentally-related activities, innovation and performance. Business Strategy and the Environment, 27(1): 152-172.

  • Block, J., Moritz, A. (2015). Corporate Social Responsibility im Mittelstand: theoretische Überlegungen und empirische Evidenz. In: G. Fahrenschon, A. G. Kirchhoff, D. B. Simmert (Hrsg.), Mittelstand - Motor und Zukunft der deutschen Wirtschaft. Erfolgskonzepte für Management, Finanzierung und Organisation. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, S. 145-159.

  • Block, J., Stiglbauer, M., Kühn, A. L., Wagner, D. (2015). Corporate Social Responsibility communication of German family firms: a content analysis. UmweltWirtschaftsForum, 23(4): 251-257.
    (articleworking paper version)

  • Block, J., Wagner, M. (2014). The effect of family ownership on different dimensions of corporate social responsibility: Evidence from large US firms. Business Strategy and the Environment, 23(7): 475-492.
    (articleworking paper version)

  • Block, J., Wagner, M. (2014). Ownership versus management effects on corporate social responsibility concerns in large family and founder firms. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 5(4): 339-346.

Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit, Dekarbonisierung

  • Block, J., Sharma, P., Benz, L. (in press). Stakeholder pressures and decarbonization strategies in Mittelstand Firms. Journal of Business Ethics.
    (article - open access, working paper version)

  • Doluca, H., Wagner, M., Block, J. (2018). Sustainability and environmental behaviour in family firms: a longitudinal analysis of environmentally-related activities, innovation and performance. Business Strategy and the Environment, 27(1): 152-172.