Coordinator Trier

Prof. Dr. Ralf Hertel
Universität Trier
D - 54286 Trier
Tel.: + 49 - (0)651 - 201 2291
Email: herteluni-trierde

Coordinator Manitoba

Alexandra Heberger
323 Fletcher Argue Building
Tel.: +1 - 204-474-7867

IRTG "Diversity: Mediating Difference in Transcultural Spaces"

The International Research Training Group "Diversity" established contact between scholars and doctoral students from Montréal, Saarbrücken and Trier. It pursued an innovative research program in the topical areas of diversity, multiculturalism and transnationalism by examining paradigmatic changes and historical transformations through the interpretation of multicultural realizations in Canada, Germany and France.


Institute of Indigenous Research and Studies at the University of Ottawa

(formerly Institute of Canadian and Aboriginal Studies at the University of Ottawa)

The Partnership Agreement between the University of Ottawa and the Centre for Canadian Studies at Trier University, in effect since 1997, is dedicated to the academic exchange and to enhancing contacts between students and teaching staff of both institutions. Students interested in studying at the Institute of Indigenous Research and Studies and/or a possible scholarship through the International Council for Canadian Studies may obtain information at the following addresses:

Institute of Indigenous Research and Studies

University of Ottawa
William Commanda Hall
52 University Private
Ottawa (Ontario) K1N 6N5
Tel.: + 1 - 613 - 562 - 5111
Fax: + 1 - 613 - 562 - 5216
Email: IIRSadmuOttawaca

International Council for Canadian Studies

250 City Centre Avenue, Suite 303
Ottawa (Ontario) K1R 6K7
Tel.: + 1 - 613 - 789 - 7834
Fax: + 1 - 613 - 789 - 7830
Email: contacticcs.ciecca