Partnership Conferences
2020 - 2023
19. Partnership Conference (11 - 13 May 2022)
Should I Stay Or Should I Go? Canadian and German Perspectives on Migration Organizer: Universities of Manitoba and Trier |
2010 - 2019
18. Partnership Conference (20 - 21 September 2018)
Treasury, Guardian, Cognitive Process: Memory Studies in Canada and Germany Organizer: Universities of Manitoba and Trier – University of Greifswald |
17. Partnership Conference (11 - 14 May 2016)
Wor(l)ds of Trauma: Canadian and German Perspectives
Organizer: Universities of Manitoba and Trier
Location: University of Trier
16. Partnership Conference (25 - 26 September 2014)
Human Rights, Human Wrongs - Organizer: Universities of Manitoba and Trier |
15. Partnership Conference (7 - 9 June 2012)
Food, Health, and Fitness: A Comparative View on Social Organizer: Universities of Manitoba, Trier, Marburg and Greifswald |
14. Partnership Conference (5 - 6 May 2011)
Shifting Ice: Security, Environment, Aboriginal Organizer: Universities of Manitoba, Trier and Greifswald |
2000 - 2009
13. Partnership Conference (14 - 15 May 2009)
Sites of Geopolitical and Memory Projections: Canada and Germany Organizer: Universities of Manitoba, Trier and Greifswald |
12. Partnership Conference (12 - 13 May 2003)
Quality of Life: Individual Projections and Collective Strategies Organizer: Universities of Manitoba and Trier |
11. Partnership Conference (17 - 18 September 2001)
Community Construction: Examining Civil Society on Both Sides of the Atlantic Organizer: Universities of Manitoba and Trier |
10. Partnership Conference (15 - 16 May 2000)
Giving Voice. German and Canadian Perspectives Organizer: Universities of Manitoba and Trier |
1989 - 1999
9. Partnership Conference (21 - 22 September 1998)
Gagner la vie / Life and Work - Comparing Societies Organizer: Universities of Manitoba and Trier |
8. Partnership Conference (5 - 7 May 1997)
The University at the Turn of the Century Organizer: Universities of Manitoba and Trier |
7. Partnership Conference (25 - 26 September 1995)
Re-Writing 1945 in Germany and Canada Organizer: Universities of Manitoba and Trier |
6. Partnership Conference (9 - 11 May 1994)
Postmodernization? A Comparative View of Canada and Germany Organizer: Universities of Manitoba and Trier |
5. Partnership Conference (29 September - 1 October 1992)
Centre and Periphery: Kanadistik Organizer: Universities of Manitoba and Trier |
4. Partnership Conference (6 - 9 May 1991)
Culture/s & Economies: Canada and Europe Organizer: Universities of Manitoba and Trier |
3. Partnership Conference (11 - 13 September 1990)
Our Futures Organizer: Universities of Manitoba and Trier |
2. Partnership Conference (8 - 11 May 1989)
Interdisziplinäre Vorträge und Autoren-Lesungen Organizer: Universities of Manitoba and Trier |