Forschungen und Materialien zur deutschen Aufklärung


Series of the publishing house frommann-holzboog

Both the concept and the epoch of the Enlightenment have been subject to increasing controversy in recent years. While for some the Enlightenment stands for the ideal of political and individual freedom in politics and science, for the liberation from prejudices with the aim of an unbiased reflection on the sources of knowledge and the resulting reasons for action and morality, for others it is the origin of an unreflective scientism, mania for technology and optimisation of all areas of human life. In this sense, the aim of the series continues to be to provide a forum for research into the epoch of the German Enlightenment through text editions, monographs and anthologies in German and English. Topics and issues of the Enlightenment that have been rather neglected so far are also to be taken into account in order to give new impulses to research, also in an international context.


Edited by:
Corey Dyck, University of Western Ontario 
Kristina Engelhard, Universität Trier
Dietmar H. Heidemann, Université de Luxembourg

Structure of the series:
Abt. I (section I): Texte zur Philosophie der deutschen Aufklärung (texts on the philosophy of German enlightenment)
Abt. II (section II): Monographien zur Philosophie der deutschen Aufklärung (monographies on the philosophy of German enlightenment)
Abt. III (section III): Indices zur Philosophie der deutschen Aufklärung (indices on the philosophy of German enlightenment)

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Call for Proposals

Proposals for projects that fall within the scope of the series, such as monographs, anthologies, editions, commentaries on works, are very welcome! They should be sent by e-mail to the three editors. You are welcome to send a short outline of the project to the editors.

Corey Dyck (cdyck5uwoca)
Kristina Engelhard (engelharduni-trierde)
Dietmar Heidemann (dietmar.heidemannunilu)