Colloquium Cognitive Psychology WS 2023/24

Colloquium Cognitive Psychology, every monday from 2:30 s.t. to 4 pm, room D 032
2023-10-23Scheduling and organization 
2023-10-30Time flies: Event file decay and inhibition of returnLars-Michael Schöpper
2023-11-06The (revised) difference between temporary and persistent tactile landmarksPaula Soballa
2023-11-13Perceived location & perceived speed-are they connected?Simon Merz
2023-11-20Of tusks and horns. Task-driven modulations of binding and retrieval of object featuresNicolas Münster
2023-11-27Kapazitätslimitierungen von Distraktor-Response-Bindungen: Ein Experimentalüberblick              Lorena Hell
2023-12-04A critical reevaluation of external grouping in S-R bindingPhilip Schmalbrock
2023-12-11Post-response beta synchronization and target-based event-file decayBernhard Pastötter
2023-12-181126 days of stress – What has come of it?Christoph Geissler
2024-01-08The role of prototypicality in distractor-response bindingRuth Laub
Higher-order interactions of distractor and response featuresTarini Singh
2024-01-15Decision making in and outside the lab (soccer, tennis, basketball,…)Prof. Dr. Wim Notebaert,
Ghent University, Belgium
2024-01-22Variations on: Binding of responses across boundaries of perceived eventsBirte Moeller
Ideomotor effects in response-response binding: Responses do not need to be executed to retrieve other responsesMaria Nemeth
2024-01-29Investigation of Change Blindness Phenomenon in Terms of High-Level Scene PerceptionNilay Türkan
2024-02-05The mutual influence of task and response selection in multitasking settings: Evidence of episodic retrieval in task switchingElena Benini,
RWTH Aachen
12-2 pm
K 101
Poster session for all bachelor and master theses                               BSc. und MSc. students

Colloquium Cognitive Psychology- SoSe 2023

Colloquium Cognitive Psychology, every tuesday from 12 to 2 pm, room D 031
2023-04-18Scheduling and organization 
2023-04-25The importance of baseline trialsPaula Soballa
2023-05-02Kapazitätslimitierungen von Distraktor-Antwort-BindungenLorena Hell
2023-05-09Put your hands where I can see them - Der Einfluss von Handposition und Sichtbarkeit auf Response-Response BindingSilvia Selimi
2023-05-16S-R binding effects for complex but not for simple backgroundsPhilip Schmalbrock
2023-05-23A Matter of Perspective: Orientation as a Stimulus Feature in S-R BindingNicolas Münster
2023-06-06Macht Sport die Welt bunter? Der Einfluss von Sport auf Farbsehen und Stroop-PerformanzChristoph Geißler
2023-06-13Motion Perception and sensory uncertaintySimon Merz

No more total eclipse of the heart: Retrieval of response-irrelevant size as a target and distractor feature

Tarini Singh
Lars-Michael Schöpper
2023-06-27BRAC in the EEG: Hyperbinding in patients with functional movement disordersBernhard Pastötter
2023-07-04Binding and retrieval of responses across boundaries of perceived eventsBirte Moeller
2023-07-11Response-response bindings effects do not vary shortly after integrationMaria Nemeth
K 101
Postersession der Qualifikationsarbeiten 

Colloquium Cognitive Psychology - WS 2022/2023

Logo Kolloquium
Colloquium Cognitive Psychology, every monday from 2 to 4 pm, room D 032
2022-10-24Scheduling and organization 
2022-10-31CRC intiative: Dynamics of perception-action integration – basic idea and approachChristian Frings
2022-11-07Inhibition versus retrieval: Negative compatibility effect meets S-R bindingLars-Michael Schöpper
2022-11-14Ageing and control of complex actions – a preliminarySilvia Selimi
2022-11-21Prestimulus alpha power signals episodic memory retrieval modeBernhard Pastötter
2022-11-28cancelled due to illnessPhilip Schalbrock
Semantic Desktop: Neuronale Korrelate von Cognitive OffloadfingChristoph Geißler
2022-12-05A time-frequency based comparison of retrieval-confounded and confound-minimzed congruency-sequence effects in the Simon taskCéline Haciahmet
2022-12-12Landmark attraction in vision and touch Paula Soballa
digital talk
cancelled due to illnessLorena Hell
Motion perception: An exploration of the influence of speed characteristics within an experimental context.
D: 869 8845 0032, Code: z0672Gns
Simon Merz
digital talk
Effort influences Response-response binding effects
Birte Moeller


D 435

PD Dr. Kerstin Fröber, Universität Regensburg:

On how to be flexible (or not): What we learnt about the flexibility-stability-balance from (voluntary) task switching studies.

2023-01-16Testing for differences in EC effects via S-R Binding and Operant Conditioning – v2Tarini Singh
Distractor-response binding in a daily working contextRuth Laub


D 435

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christina Pfeuffer, Kath. Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt:
Binding and Long(er)-term Retrieval of Stimulus-Classification and Stimulus-Action Associations.
2023-01-30Age differences in feature binding tasksNicolas Münster
A 9/10
Bachelor and Master theses (Postersession)Various students

Colloquium Cognitive Psychology - SoSe 2022

2022-04-05Scheduling and organization-
2022-04-12Influence of peripheral tactile LandmarksP. Soballa
2022-04-19Stimulus grouping in the context of complex action controlS. Selimi
2022-04-26My Brain knows Me: Neural Oscillatory Markers for the Self-Prioritization EffectC. Haciahmet
2022-05-03Response-response binding across event boundariesB. Moeller
The forward testing effect is robust to psychosocial retrieval stressB. Pastötter
2022-05-10Binding of self-relevant stimuli in action controlMarcel Pauly
Universität des Saarlandes
May the association be with you! A test for indirect response transfer using previous S-S associationsM. Arunkumar
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
2022-05-17Can speed expectations eliminate Representational Momentum?S. Merz
2022-05-24Evaluative Conditioning via Response-Response Learning  and Operant ConditioningT. Singh
Investigating distractor processing in an applied contextR. Laub
2022-05-31Tracking DRB with the Mouse – The Tracking PartP. Schmalbrock
online via zoom*

Affordances and response inhibition
(zoom link on request to weiland (at)

Lari Vainio PhD, University of Helsinki, FI
2022-06-21Feature-response-transLASERED: Investigating the presence and absence of S-R binding with fNIRL.-M. Schöpper
C. Geißler
Friday, 2022-07-01
1-3 PM
D 435
Self-organized task scheduling in MultitaskingProf. Dr. Andrea Kiesel
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
2022-07-05Aufmerksamkeitsmodulation sakkadischer Response-Priming-EffekteL. Hell
2022-07-12Bachelor and Master theses (Postersession)various students

Colloquium Cognitive Psychology - WS 2021/2022

logo Colloquium
2021-10-25Scheduling and organization-
2021-11-08.Dimensional binding: Dimensions, features, locations, and responsesL.M. Schöpper
R. Hoffmann (FoPra)
2021-11-15Congruency triggers Response Facilitation in EEG Time Frequency DataC. Haciahmet
2021-11-22Understanding the „speed“ component of the speed prior accountS. Merz
2021-11-29Response grouping in response-response bindingS. Selimi
2021-12-06Various binding effects – Response-response binding: Duration and Distractor-repsonse binding: ConceptualB. Moeller
2021-12-13Cognitive representation of actionProf. Dr. Lynn Huestegge Universität Würzburg
2021-12-20Effects of Predictability in Binding depend on Spatial InformationP. Schmalbrock
Will take place online via zoom
2022-01-03DRB in the EEG: What about the Probe?B. Pastötter
2022-01-10RRB³: How to overcome interference from partial action repetition?C. Geißler
2022-01-17The Headings They Are A-Changin’: Differentiation of mental workload levels in the flight simulator using EEG and fNIRSA. Hamann & Dr. N. Carstengerdes
DLR Braunschweig
2022-01-24Individual and age differences in hybrid foragingDr. Iris Wiegand
Radboud University,  Nijmegen NL
2022-01-31Tactile landmark attractionP. Soballa
2022-02-07Bachelor and Master theses (Postersession)various students

Colloquium SoSe 2021


06.04.2021Scheduling and organization 
13.04.2021Die zeitabhängigen Einflüsse von Stress auf das ArbeitsgedächtnisC. Geißler
20.04.2021Endogenous orienting effects through the lense of action control theories: The role of retrievalL.-M. Schöpper
27.04.2021Vier auf einen Streich – Lokalisationsverzerrungen von dynamischen Objekten als Konsequenz der StimulusgeschwindigkeitS. Merz
Inhibition of Return – Onlinestudie zu Zeitverlauf und RichtungseffektenP. Soballa (MSc. thesis)
04.05.2021Salience in Binding 2P. Schmalbrock
11.05.20214 years of early sensory conflict processing in the EEG - an overviewC. Haciahmet
18.05.2021Behavioral dynamics reveals multicausality and nesting of time scales: Temporally tracking Stroop interference and conflict adaptationSven Panis, Ph.D.
TU Kaiserslautern
01.06.2021Response-Response Binding: Event Segmentation and Mental EffortB. Möller
The Role of effect distance in binding responsesS. Selimi
08.06.2021Sensorimotor decision making - 
Action selection as a biased competition between multiple options
Dr. Christian Seegelke
Uni Bielefeld
15.06.2021Stress effects on the forward testing effectB. Pastötter
The interleaving effect in inductive category learning: An EEG studyJ. Huschens (MSc. thesis)
22.06.2021Investigating the binding strength of self-relevance in an action control settingM. Pauly (MSc. thesis)
Do we have an idea of "the self" so far? Integration of result to get a (mostly) conclusive definition of the selfS. Schäfer
29.06.2021Escaping the humdrum - the influence of time on task on mind wandering in mental fatigue experimentsH. Herschel (BSc. thesis)
Selektives gerichtetes Vergessen von TextenN. Karallus (BSc. thesis)
Auswirkungen auditiver Stimuli auf kognitive PerformanzI. Hasenpusch &
L. Birkmann (BSc. thesis)
06.07.2021cancelledDr. Iris Wiegand 
Uni Bielefeld
13.07.2021Self-relevance and negative valenceA. Diemer (BSc. thesis)
Bin ich im Assoziationsvorteil? Über den Unterschied zwischen selbstrelevanten und negativen AssoziationenE. Haumann (BSc. thesis)
Different Aspects of the Self-ConceptJ. Kustermann (MSc. thesis)
Konzeptuelle Distraktor-ReaktionsbindungenJ. Forster (BSc. thesis)

Colloquium WS 2020/2021


02.11.2020Scheduling and organization 
09.11.2020When timing is everything: revision of an old paradigm measuring surpriseSilvia Selimi
16.11.2020Influences of experimental context on Representational MomentumDr. Simon Merz
Repräsentatives Momentum und der Thompson EffektP. Soballa (internship)
23.11.2020Can Distractor Saliency result in Overshadowing?: In the context of Contingency Learning and Stimulus Response BindingMrudula Arunkumar,
Jena University
30.11.2020Same, but different: Binding effects in auditory, but not visual detection performanceLars Schöpper
You can(’t) touch this. The impact of valence on feature-integrationA. Jerusalem (BSc. thesis)
07.12.2020The (non-)social mind: About the influences of self-relevance on cognitive processesDr. Sarah Schäfer
14.12.2020Pseudo-mechanistic explanations in psychology and cognitive neuroscienceProf. Dr. Bernhard Hommel,
Leiden University, NL
21.12.2020Figure, Ground, Binding? - Figure-Ground Segmentation in Distractor-Response BindingPhilip Schmalbrock
04.01.2021Cognitive Control in a colour-word Stroop Task: a time-frequency based approach to (sequential) conflict adaptationCéline Haciahmet
11.01.2021Exploring the Self-Prioritization Effect: A drift diffusion model accountDr Marius Golubickis,
University of Plymouth, UK
18.01.2021The decay of features in event-files: D or T does it matter?Prof. Dr. Christian Frings
25.01.2021Electrophysiological correlates of saving-enhanced memory.PD Dr. Bernhard Pastötter
01.02.2021Events und Response-Response BindungenPD Dr. Birte Moeller
Binding under light: Measuring the frontal hemodynamics of response-response binding with fNIRSChristoph Geißler
08.02.2021You can('t) touch this (Part 2): No influence of valence on IOR.L. Lötzke (BSc. thesis)
Der Assoziationsvorteil durch Selbstrelevanz – getestet durch den Distraktor-Reaktions-Bindungseffekt.M. Pauly (MSc. thesis)
Response-Response Binding: Einfluss von Reaktionsgruppierung?M. Kirmse (BSc. thesis)
Der vorwärts gerichtete Abrufübungseffekt bei Vorschulkindern zwischen vier und sechs Jahren.S. Falkenberg (BSc. thesis)

Colloquium SoSe 2020




21.04.2020Scheduling and organization 
     28.04.2020     Finding the difference: Wem kann man glauben, Stichprobe 1 oder 2?Dr. S. Schäfer
05.05.2020Search it, see it, translate to retrieve it. About the occurrence of binding effects in localization tasksL.-M. Schöpper
12.05.2020Pertubation of the right prefrontal cortex disrupts interference controlM. Friehs
19.05.2020Driving with lights on: Neuronale Korrelate simulierten Fahrens gemessen mit fNIRSC. Geißler
26.05.2020Not so social after all: Video-based acquisition of observational stimulus-response bindingsProf. Dr. C. Frings &
Dr. C. Giesen, Uni Jena
Brightness versus darkness: The influence of stimulus intensity on the distractor-response binding effectDr. R. Laub
02.06.2020Evoked at first glance? Oscillatory dynamics of response and stimulus conflict in midfrontal thetaC. Haciahmet
DRB in the EEG: Watching the Brain as it BindsPD Dr. B.Pastötter
09.06.2020various Bachelor and Master thesesStudents
16.06.2020Tactile Representational Momentum – is it the environment?Dr. S. Merz
23.06.2020Integrating salience and action - Increased integration strength through salienceP. Schmalbrock
30.06.2020Hierarchische Struktur von Bindungen in der HandlungssteuerungDr. B. Moeller
07.07.2020various Bachelor and Master thesesStudents
14.07.2020various Bachelor and Master thesesStudents

Colloquium WS 2019/2020



28.10.2019Scheduling and organization 
D 435
I wish I was Special: Self-Prioritization Reconsidered

Prof. C. N. Macrae,
University of Aberdeen (UK)

11.11.2019A Double Surprise? - Surprise Decline In A Two Singelton SetupPhilip Schmalbrock
18.11.2019To spatial n-back and beyond: Prefrontal correlates of cognitive load in laboratory setting, laboratory-stress setting and simulated drivingChristoph Geißler
25.11.2019Taking a closer look: Die Untersuchung von Distraktor-Reaktions-Bindungen bei AugenbewegungenLars-Michael Schöpper
02.12.2019Electrophysiological effects of response and stimulus conflict in theta oscillationsC. Haciahmet (M.Sc.-Arbeit)

Representational Momentum meets EmPra and WiPro – the interesting bits
Does higher order cognition influence multisensory distractor integration

Dr. Simon Merz
C. Burau (M.Sc.-Arbeit)

16.12.2019Personal Information Management: Benefits of memory offloading in an applied setting

Becoming relevant: Exploring benefits of an external item prioritization

Yannick Runge

A. Derleth (B.Sc.-Arbeit)

06.01.2020Investigating the influence of salience on distractor-response binding
A background story: Examining the preconditions for the integration of background features into stimulus-response episodes
Between the shades: Investigating the influence of stimulus intensity on the distractor-response binding effect
How stimulus-response compatibility affects binding and inhibition of irrelevant stimuli

Dr. Ruth Laub
L. Burgmann (B.Sc.-Arbeit)

K. Epstein (B.Sc.-Arbeit)

R. Hoffmann (B.Sc.-Arbeit)

in D 435

Retaining Action Plans in Working Memory: Insights into Action Plan Representation and Construction for Newly Learned Tasks

Prof. Lisa R. Fournier
Washington State University (USA)

Where do I find me? Affecting the representational-momentum forward shift by switching the location of the perceived self.
Response-Response Binding – Einfluss von Responsegruppierung
Creating a network of importance: The particular effects of self-relevance on stimulus processing

Dr. Sarah Schäfer
Dr. Birte Moeller

J. Kroth (B.Sc.-Arbeit)

16-18 Uhr
in  D 435

Wie selektiver Abruf das Erinnern verändert

Prof. Karl-Heinz T. Bäuml, 
Universität Regensburg

Stress and retrieval practice effects: Behavior and EEG
Forward testing effect on maths

PD Dr. Bernhard Pastötter &

Effects of prefrontal TMS on interference control
Exploring the relation of DLPFC and IFG during Stop-Signal task performance
Differentiating tDCS effects on Stroop-task performance

Maximilian Friehs
L. Brauner (B.Sc.-Arbeit)
C. Wittkamp (M.Sc.-Arbeit

Colloquium SoSe 2019


09.04.2019Planung & Organisation 
16.04.2019Taking tDCS to the "field" - Replication & Application.Maximilian Friehs
23.04.2019Der Einfluss einer (in)direkten Reaktionsumsetzung auf Bindungseffekte bei Lokalisationsaufgaben.Lars Michael Schöpper
30.04.2019Der Einfluss von perceptual Load auf die Bindung von irrelevanten Reizen.Dr. Ruth Laub
Kontingenzlernen im DRB-Paradigma. (FoPra)René Hoffmann
07.05.2019Titel folgtAnne Jensen
14.05.2019Representational Momentum: Crossmodale Beeinflussungen.Simon Merz
Vergleich der Fehllokalisation des Start- und Endpunktes taktiler Bewegung. (B.Sc.-Arbeit)Paula Soballa
21.05.2019Prozesse der Handlungssteuerung in Alltagssituationen.Dr. Birte Moeller
28.05.2019Präfrontale hämodynamische Aktivität in Flanker- und n-Back-Task.Christoph Geißler

Handeln aus der Perspektive eines Avatars: Inwieweit werden wir eins mit ihr/ihm?

Prof. Dr. Jochen Müsseler,
RWTH Aachen
18.06.2019Wie flexible ist das Selbstkonzept?: Testung der Integration von Selbstkonzept-inkongruenten Reizen in das Selbstnetzwerk.Dr. Sarah Schäfer
Das geht meinem Avatar zu nah: Replikation des Distanzeffektes bei selbstrelevanten Avataren. (B.Sc. Arbeit)Katrin Linnig
Feeling close to each other: Prioritization of others in space. (B.Sc. Arbeit)Marcel Pauly
25.06.2019EEG correlates of test-potentiated (new) learning.PD Dr.
Bernhard Pastötter
The forward testing effect under acute psychosocial stress. (B.Sc. Arbeit)Benjamin Kollas
(Reversed) testing effect for complex text. (B.Sc. Arbeit)Julie Daniels
Mara Pickhardt
02.07.2019Nutzen von Memory Offloading für die Enkodierungsgüte motorischer Sequenzen.Yannick Runge
Directed Forgetting und Saving-Enhanced Memory im Bereich Schach: Eine Untersuchung deutscher Vereinsspieler. (M.Sc. Arbeit)Niklas van der Valk
Human-Forgetful Computer Interaction: Empirical Study on Task-Switching with a Self-Reorganizing Knowledge Work Support System. (M.Sc. Arbeit)Janina Schuhmacher
fällt aus
Wie selektiver Abruf unser Erinnern verändert.Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz T. Bäuml, 
Uni Regensburg

Colloquium WS 2018/2019

22.10.2018Planung & Organisation 
29.10.2018Make no Mistake under Stress! - tDCS and SECPT Influences on Working MemoryMaximilian Friehs
05.11.2018Representational Momentum im visuell-taktilen VergleichSimon Merz
12.11.2018Sind Bindungseffekte effektorspezifisch? Die Untersuchung von Bindungseffekten mittels AugenbewegungenLars-Michael Schöpper
19.11.2018Event-file decayChristian Frings
26.11.2018EEG oscillatory activities related to distractor-response bindingBernhard Pastötter
03.12.2018Reiz-Reaktionsstrukturen in Event FilesBirte Moeller
10.12.2018Effekte computergestützten Vergessens auf menschliche Gedächtnisleistung und ProblemlösefähigkeitYannick Runge

D 435

Titel folgt;
Prof. Dr. Heiko Hecht, Universität Mainz

Binding in multisensory selection on perceptual level

Studien zur objektiven Erfassung des Selbst: Gibt es einen Platz für unser Selbst? Und kann unser Selbst projiziert werden?
Anne Jensen;

Sarah Schäfer
14.01.2019Integration and Retrieval in action control: Taking a closer look at the processes contributing to the binding of irrelevant informationRuth Laub
21.01.2019Einführung in die funktionelle NahinfrarotspektroskopieChristoph Geißler
D 435

Zeitbasierte Erwartung: Grundlagen und Anwendungen;
PD Dr. Roland Thomaschke, Universität Freiburg


04.02.2018 studentische Abschlussarbeiten

Colloqiuim SoSe 2018

10.04.2018Planung & Organisation 
Multisensory mechanisms of body ownershipProf. Dr. Henrik Erhsson, University of Stockholm, Sveden, Karolinka Institute
24.04.2018Borders of the self: assessing the prioritization of self-associated stimuliSarah Schäfer &
M. Pauly (FoPra)
The BRAC FrameworkChristian Frings
08.05.2018From Empirical Aesthetics to Action ControlLars Schöpper


Managed Forgetting: Beneficial Intentional Forgetting in Naturalistic Settings

BSc. Arbeit: The ethical consumer: How important are fair wages?
Yannick Runge

N. Tänzer


Wie robust ist der vorwärts gerichtete Abrufübungseffekt?

Response-Response Binding 3.0
Bernhard Pastötter

Birte Möller



Grouping beats salience: Competition for the integration of salient and non-salient distractors.

BSc. Arbeit: The distractor-response-binding effects in audition, touch and crossmodal.

BSc. Arbeit: The power of learning: Do implicit long-term associations influence distractor-based retrieval.

Ruth Laub

H. Dröschel

J. Huschens

12.06.2018BSc. Arbeiten: Studien zum vorwärtsgerichteten AbrufübungseffektM. Engel, P. Deutsch, K. Henkelmann & T. Krug
BSc. Arbeit: Studie zum rückwärtsgerichteten AbrufübungseffektF. Feuerberg
in D 435

Statistical learning drives visual selection

Prof. Dr. Jan Theeuwes, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
26.06.2018Processing of irrelevant stimuli in multisensory selection ist feature-based

MSc. Arbeit: Multisensory nearby-hands
Anne Jensen

03.07.2018The influence of social vs. physical stress on distractor processing

BSc. Arbeiten: Einflüsse von akutem Stress auf Gedächtnis- und Entscheidungsprozesse
Tarini Singh

Julia Lohner,
Sina Schmidt
10.07.2018Einflüsse von tDCS und Stress auf das ArbeitsgedächtnisMaximilian Friehs

Colloquium WS 2017/2018

16.10.2017Planung, Organisatorisches                                              
23.10.2017Multisensory distractor processing is modulated by gazeAnne Jensen
14-16 Uhr
Untersuchung der Grenzen des eigenen Selbst mittels objektiver Reizpriorisierung Dr. Sarah Schäfer
06.11.2017Kurzeinführung in tDCS und Vorstellung einer Studie zur Modulation der Stop-Signal Task Performance                                        Maximilian Friehs
13.11.2017Response-Response Binding - Erste Befunde und ImplikationenDr. Birte Moeller


Okzipitale top-down Effekte bei natürlichem Lesetempo?
Funktionelle Bildgebung mit NIRS

Dr. Markus Hofmann, Bergische Universität Wuppertal

27.11.2017Bindung und Abruf von perzeptuellen Distraktor-Eigenschaften

Die Macht des Unsichtbaren: Werden abstrakte, nicht-perzeptuelle Eigenschaften eines Distraktors gebunden?
Ruth Laub

Julia Huschens, FoPra


Bridging Learning and Binding with a Neural Network of Episodic Memory

Dr. James Schmidt, Universiteit Gent

11.12.2017PrüfungsangstPD Dr. Tobias Tempel
18.12.2017Einflussfaktoren auf taktiles Representational MomentumSimon Merz


Testing feature-response bindings for multiple irrelevant features.

BSc. Arbeit: The Distracting Self: Does Self-Relevance modulate the Distractor-Response-Binding Effect?

Tarini Singh &
A. Töre (FoPra)

A. Langert


Visuo-spatial working memory as a fundamental component of the eye movement system

Dr. Stefan Van der Stigchel, Universiteit Utrecht

22.01.2018Memory Offloading: Costs and Benefits for Subsequent Memory PerformanceYannick Runge
29.01.2018MSc. Arbeit: Abrufinduziertes Vergessen motorischer Sequenzen: Eine EEG-StudieCh. Geißler
05.02.2018Studentische Abschlussarbeiten