Prof. Dr. Frings

Prof. Dr. Christian Frings

Head of Cognitive Psychology Unit
Chair of General Psychology and Methodology

University of Trier
Faculty I - Psychology
Building D   Room 402

Contact only via my
Office Assistant, Ursula Weiland

Consultation hours only by appointment via e-mail to Ursula Weiland.
Please briefly describe your request.

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Biographic Sketch

Since October 2011
Chair of General Psychology and Methodology (W3), University of Trier
Offers for Cognitive Psychology chairs at Freiburg University (declined) and University of Bonn (declined)
2009 - 2011
Visiting Professor, Cognitive Psychology & Statistics, University of Trier
December 2008
Habilitation, Saarland University, venia legendi for Psychology
2004 - 2011
Assistant Professor (C1), Saarland University, Department of Cognitive Psychology
March 2004
PhD, University of Jena, Germany.
2002 - 2004
Full-time research and teaching position, University of Jena, Germany. (Prof. Dr. D. Wentura)
December 2001
Diploma in Psychology, University of Münster, Germany.
1997 – 2001
Psychology student at the University of Münster, Germany.

Research Interests

  • Action Control
  • Binding and Feature Integration
  • Selective Attention
  • Inhibition (Negative Priming in particular)
  • Episodic Retrieval
  • Motor Memory
  • Multisensory Integration
  • Self- and emotional Biases
  • Applied settings of the things mentioned above


GrantNamePrincipal investigators
German Research Council (DFG) ME 5568/1-2Perception of dynamic objects II: Theoretical specification, extension and real-world implementationS. Merz in cooperation with C. Frings & C. Spence
German Research Council (DFG) FR2133/14-2Coordination project RESEARCH UNIT FOR2790 , 2022-2025C. Frings
German Research Council (DFG) FR2133/15-2Feature weighting II, RESEARCH UNIT FOR2790 , 2022-2025C. Frings, B. Pastötter & R. Pfister
GermanResearchCouncil (DFG) MO2839/4-2Binding for action slips: Internal structure and generalizability, RESEARCH UNIT FOR2790, 2022-2025B. Moeller, A. Foerster, R. Pfister & C. Frings
German Research Council (DFG) FR2133/18-1 im Research unit 
Hyperbinding effects in patients with GTS – taking a closer lookC. Frings, T. Bäumer,  B. Hommel
German Research Council (DFG) SCHO2000/1-1 S-R or IOR, that is the question! About the occurrence of S-R binding and inhibition of return in sequential designs.L.-M. Schöpper in cooperation with C. Frings & M. Lappe
German Research Council (DFG) FR2133/17-1Die Untersuchung der basalen Prozesse des affektiven Lernens II: Das Erlernen valenter motorischer ReaktionenC. Frings
German Research Council (DFG) ME 5568/1-1Perception of dynamic objects: Prior speed expectations as the underlying cause?S. Merz in cooperation with C. Frings & C. Spence
German Research Council (DFG) SCHA 2253/1-1The Adaptivity of the ‘Minimal’ Self: Investigating Mechanisms of a basic Self-concept.S. Schäfer in cooperation with Prof. C. Frings and Prof. D. Wentura
German Research Council (DFG) FR2133/16-1Analyse perzeptueller und kognitiver Erklärungsansätze für auditiv-induzierte Objektkorrespondenz, 2020-2023C. Frings in cooperation with Dr. H. Meyerhoff
German Research Council (DFG) FR2133/11-2Nachhaltige evolutionäre Unternehmensgedächtnisse: Grundlagen und Methoden von Managed Forgetting für den
Wissensarbeiter im SPP Intentional Forgetting, 2020-2023
C. Frings in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Dengel, Dr. Niederee & PD Dr. Tempel
RESEARCH UNIT Binding and Retrieval in Action Control (German Research Council, DFG, FOR2790), 2019-2022:
Spokesperson: C. Frings
German Research Council (DFG) FR2133/14-1Coordination project RESEARCH UNIT FOR2790 , 2019-2022C. Frings
German Research Council (DFG) FR2133/15-1Feature weighting, RESEARCH UNIT FOR2790 , 2019-2022C. Frings, A. Kiesel, & B. Hommel
German Research Council (DFG) MO2839/2-2Temporäre Reiz-Reaktionsbindungen als Mechanismus des inzidentellen Assoziationslernens II, 2018-2021B. Moeller & C. Frings
Rhineland-Palatinate (Rheinland-Pfalz) research groupPsychobiology of Stress, 2017-2018G. Domes, C. Frings, T. Hechler, S. Kamp, J. Meyer, R. Neumann, B. Pastötter, H. Schächinger, E. Walther
German Research Council (DFG) grant (TE891/3-3)Inhibition of motoric sequences II, 2017-2019T. Tempel & C. Frings
Research grant University of TrierNegative Priming – ein Aufmerksamkeits- und/oder Gedächtnisphänomen? Eine EEG-Studie zur Untersuchung von Gehirnoszillationen, 2017B. Pastötter & C. Frings
German Research Council (DFG) FR2133/11-1Nachhaltige evolutionäre Unternehmensgedächtnisse: Grundlagen und Methoden von Managed Forgetting für den Wissensarbeiter im SPP Intentional Forgetting, 2016-2019C. Frings in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Dengel, Dr. Niederee & Dr. Tempel
German Research Council (DFG) FR2133/5-3Selection for action II: A multisensory perspective on distractor processing, 2016-2019C. Frings & C. Spence
Rhineland-Palatinate (Rheinland-Pfalz) research groupPsychobiology of Stress, 2012-2016C. Frings, J. Meyer, C. Muller, R. Neumann, E. Naumann, H. Schächinger
German Federal Ministry of Economics & Technology (BMWi) econnect (HUB Trier), 2012-2014 together with the University of applied sciences.Schneider, Zoppke, Scherer, Linn, Gemmar & Frings
German Research Council (DFG) MO2839/2-1Temporäre Reiz-Reaktionsbindungen als Mechanismus des inzidentellen Assoziationslernens, 2015-2018B. Moeller & C. Frings
German Research Council (DFG) FR2133/10-1Understanding the basic processes in affective learning, 2014-2016C. Frings
German Research Council (DFG) TE891/3-1Inhibition of motoric sequences, 2014-2016T. Tempel & C. Frings
German Research Council (DFG) FR2133/5-1Selection for action: A multisensory perspective on distractor processing, 2011-2014C. Frings & C. Spence
German Research Council (DFG) FR2133/2-1Distractor-response binding II, 2011-2014C. Frings
German Research Council (DFG) FR2133/1-1Distractor-response binding I, 2008-2011C. Frings
German Research Council (DFG) WE2284/5-3Masked semantic priming II, 2007-2010D. Wentura & C. Frings
German Research Council (DFG) WE2284/5-2Masked semantic priming I, 2005-2007D. Wentura & C. Frings
Spanish Ministery of Economy & Competitiveness (PSI2014-53856-P)Executive Attention and Working Memory: Efficacy and Time Course of Inhibitory and Facilitatory Attention Control in younger and older healthy adults, 2015-2017Prof. Dr. Ortells (Spain), Christian Frings (Germany) et al.
Nikolaus-Koch Foundation Research groupThe influence of cortisol on cognition and action, 2013-2016C. Frings & H. Schächinger
Spanish Council of Science & Technology grant (PSI2008-00565/PSIC)Electrophysiological and behavioural indexes of semantic priming, 2008-2011J. J. Ortells, B. Milliken & C. Frings
McDonnel Network grant (University of Oxford)The ignoring of tactile distractors: selective attention in multisensory processing, 2009-2011C. Frings & C. Spence
Research grant University of TrierA genetic approach to dopaminergic attention functions, 2012-2013C. Frings & K. K. Schneider
Research grant Saarland University Selective attention in touch, 2008-2009C. Frings
Research grant Saarland UniversitySelective attention in semantic priming, 2005-2006C. Frings & D. Wentura


Reviewing Activity

Editorial Activity:

Editor in Chief:
Experimental Psychology (2018 - 2021)

Associate Editor:
Acta Psychologica (since 2023)
Experimental Psychology (2011 - 2014)

Consulting Reviewer:
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Performance & Perception (since 2013)

- Acta Psychologica
- Advances in Cognitive Psychology
- Appetite
- Applied Cognitive Psychology
- Applied Neuropsychology: Adult
- Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics
- Behavior Research Methods
- Behavioral and Brain Functions
- Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science
- Biological Psychology
- BMC Psychology
- Brain and Cognition
- Brain & Language
- Brain Disorders
- Brain Research
- British Journal of Psychology
- Cerebral Cortex
- Child Development
- Cognition
- Cognition & Emotion
- Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience
- Cognitive Processing
- Cognitve Psychology
- Communications Biology
- Communications Psychology
- Consciousness & Cognition
- Cortex
- Emotion
- European Journal of Cognitive Psychology
- European Journal of Neuroscience
- European Journal of Social Psychology
- Experimental Psychology
- Frontiers in Cognition
- Heliyon
- Human Brain Mapping
- IEEE Access
- International Journal of Psychophysiology
- Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
- Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Performance & Perception
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition
- Journal of Memory & Language
- Journal of Neurophysiology
- Journal of Neuroscience
- Journal of Neuroscience Research
- Journal of Psychology / Zeitschrift für Psychologie
- Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development
- KI – Künstliche Intelligenz
- Learning and Individual Differences
- Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
- Memory
- Memory & Cognition
- Mindfulness
- Motivation & Emotion
- Multisensory Research
- Neuroimage: Reports
- Neuropsychologia
- Neuroscience
- Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews
- Neuroscience Letters
- Perception
- Perception & Psychophysics
- Perceptual & Motor Skills
- Personality and Individual Differences
- Psychological Bulletin
- Psychological Reports
- Psychological Research
- Psychological Research and Behavior Management
- Psychological Science
- Psychology and Aging
- Psychology and Behaviour
- Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
- Psychophysiology
- Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
- Scandinavian Journal of Psychology
- Smart Health
- Social Cognition
- Social Neuroscience
- The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
- Transaction on haptics
- Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior
- Virtual Reality & Intelligent Hardware
- Visual Cognition

- Cusanuswerk
- DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- European Research Council
- Fulbright Foreign Student Program
- FWF Austrian Science Fund
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
- Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
- The Dutch Research Council (NWO)

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Media appearances

- ARD-Alpha
- SWR Fernsehen
- Xenius Wissensmagazin (arte)

City Radio Trier
- Deutschlandfunk
- SR1 (Saarländischer Rundfunk)
- SWR3 (Südwestdeutscher Rundfunk)
- unserding (Saarländischer Rundfunk)

- ADAC Motorwelt
- CAMPUS Magazin Universität Trier
- DUZ - Magazin für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft (vormals Deutsche Universitäts-Zeitung)
- Hamburger Tagesjournal
- Klinisches Monatsblatt für Augenheilkunde
- Saarbrücker Zeitung
- Trierischer Volksfreund
- Wissenschaftsallianz Trier

- 5vier online
- Auto Presse
- Business Panorama – Das Wirtschaftsmagazin
- Die Welt
- Extrem News
- Fränkische Nachrichten (fn web)
- Fuldaer Zeitung
- Global-Press
- idw – Informationsdienst Wissenschaft
- Motor Traffic
- Motor-Exclusive
- PeePs (Particularly exiting experiments in Psychology; American Psychology Association)
- Psychonomic Society Blog
- Report Psychologie (Zeitschrift des Berufsverbands Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen e.V.)
- Saarbrücker-Zeitung
- Science Trends
- Spektrum der Wissenschaft
- Süddeutsche Online
- Transporter News
- UKSH Magazin, forum
- Unternehmen-Heute
- Weser Kurier
- ZEIT online


Journal Articles (peer-reviewed)

The papers that have not been published open access are password protected for copyright reasons.
FRINGS will help you... if you sent him an e-mail.

- 2024 / in press
- 2022 / 2023
- 2020 / 2021
- 2018 / 2019
- 2016 / 2017
- 2014 / 2015
- 2012 / 2013
- 2010 / 2011
- 2008 / 2009
- 2006 / 2007
- 2005 and before

2024 / 2025 / in press 
312Singh, T., Schöpper, L.-M., & Frings, C. (in press). I am once again asking for your attention: A replication of feature-based attention modulations of binding effects with picture stimuli. Journal of Cognition. 
311Meyerhoff, H. S., Ockl, K., Frings, C., & Ulrich, R. (in press). Abruptness of tone onsets, but not offsets elicits the auditory-induced bouncing/streaming illusion. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 
310Allenmark, F., Yu, H., Müller, H- J., Shi, Z., & Frings, C. (in press). Distractor-response binding influences visual search. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics. 
309Pastötter, B., Weissbach, A., Takacs, A., Moye, J., Verrel, J., Chwolka, F., Friedrich, J., Paulus, T., Zittel, S., Bäumer, T., Frings, C., Beste, C., & Münchau, A. (in press). Response to: ‘Hyperbinding’ in functional movement disorders: role of supplementary motor area efferent signalling. Brain Communications. 
308Münster, N. D., & Frings, C. (in press). From tusk till horn: Modulating feature boundaries in action control. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. 
307Laub, R., & Frings, C. (in press). Investigating the influence of salience on distractor-response binding. Visual Cognition. Access
306Gauselmann, P., Frings, C., Jilek, C., & Tempel, T. (in press). A multi-conceptual approach to forgetting prose-induced fixation in creative problem solving. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. 
305Pauly, M., Schäfer, S., Wentura, D. & Frings, C. (in press). The self-relevant spotlight metaphor: self-relevant targets diminish distractor-response-binding effects. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. Access
304Moeller, B., Beste, C., Münchau, A., & Frings, C. (2025). Large scale event segmentation affects the micro-level action control processes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Advance online publication. Access
303Schöpper, L.-M., & Frings, C. (2025). As time goes by: Event file decay does not unleash inhibition of return. Journal of Cognition, 8(1), 1-20. joc.422  
302Eder, A.B., Krishna, A., Giesen, C.G., & Frings, C. (2024). Episodic binding of approach-avoidance-goals to stimuli: On the microgenesis of stimulus-motivated action tendencies to approach and avoid. Motivation Science,10(1), 52–62. 
301Friehs, M., Schmalbrock, P., Merz, S., Dechant, M., Hartwigsen, G., & Frings, C. (2024). A touching advantage: cross-modal stop-signals improve reactive response inhibition. Experimental Brain Research, 242, 599-618. Access
300Frings, C., Foerster, A., Moeller, B., Pastötter, B., & Pfister, R. (2024). The relation between learning and stimulus-response binding. Psychological Review, 131(5),1290-1296. Access
299Frings*, C., Beste*, C., Benini*, E., Möller*, M., Dignath, D., Giesen, C., Hommel, B., Kiesel, A., Koch, I., Kunde, W., Mayr, S., Mocke, V., Moeller, B., Münchau, A., Parmar, J., Pastötter, B., Pfister, R., Philipp, A., Qiu, R., ... Schmalbrock, P. (2024). Consensus definitions of perception-action-integration in action control. Communications Psychology, 2, 7. *shared first authorship. Access
298Geissler, C. F.*, Schöpper, L.-M.*, Engesser, A. F., Beste, C., Münchau, A., & Frings, C. (2024). Turning the light switch on binding: Prefrontal activity for binding and retrieval in action control. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 36(1),95-106. *shared first-authorship. Open Access
297Gholamipourbarogh, N., Eggert, E. Frings, C., Münchau, A., Beste, C. (2024). EEG tensor decomposition delineates neurophysiological principles underlying conflict-modulated action restraint and action cancellation. NeuroImage, 295, 1–14. Access
296Haciahmet, C. C., Friehs, M. A., Frings, C., & Pastötter, B. (2024). Anodal tDCS of the left inferior parietal cortex enhances memory for correct information without affecting recall of misinformation. Memory,32(10)1371-1380. Access
295Jamous, R., Ghorbani, F., Mückschel, M., Münchau, A., Frings, C., & Beste, C. (2024). Neurophysiological principles underlying predictive coding during perception-action integration. NeuroImage, 103, 120891. Access
294Lamy, D.*, Frings, C.*, & Liesefeld, H. R. (2024). Building bridges: Visual search meets action control via inter-trial sequence effects. Review of General Psychology, 28(2), 184-197. * shared first authorship.  
293Meyerhoff, H.S., Gehrer, N.A., & Frings, C. (2023 online first). The beep-speed illusion cannot be explained with a simple selection bias. Experimental Psychology. Access
292Münster, N. D., Schmalbrock, P., & Frings, C. (2024). A Question of Perspective: Perspective as a Feature in Stimulus-Response Binding. Visual Cognition. Access
291Münster, N. D., Schmalbrock, P., Bäumer, T., Hommel, B., Beste, C., Münchau, A., & Frings, C. (2024). Separating binding and retrieval of event files in older adults. Acta Psychologica, 244, 104190. Access
290Nemeth, M., Frings, C., Schmalbrock, P., & Moeller, B. (2024). No Need to Execute: Omitted Responses still yield Response-Response Binding Effects. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 50(12), 1196-1205. 
289Pastötter, B., Haciahmet, C. C., Beste, C., Münchau, A., & Frings, C. (2024). The interplay of cognitive control and feature integration: Insights from theta oscillatory dynamics during conflict processing. Cerebral Cortex, 34(8), bhae326. 
288Pastötter, B., Weissbach, A., Takacs, A., Moye, J., Verrel, J., Chwolka, F., Friedrich, J., Paulus, T., Zittel, S., Bäumer, T., Frings, C., Beste, C., Münchau, A. (2024). Increased beta synchronization underlies perception-action hyperbinding in functional movement disorders. Brain Communications, 6(5), fcae301. Access
287Prochnow A, Mückschel M, Eggert E, Senftleben J, Frings C, Münchau A, Roessner V, Bluschke A, Beste C (2024). The ability to voluntarily regulate theta band activity affects how pharmacological manipulation of the catecholaminergic system impacts cognitive control. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 27(1), pyae003. Access
286Rawish T., Wendiggensen P., Friedrich J., Frings C., Münchau A., & Beste C. (2024). Neurophysiological processes reflecting the effects of the immediate past during the dynamic management of actions. NeuroImage, 288, 120526. Access


Schöpper, L.-M., & Frings, C. (2024). Responding, fast and slow: Visual detection and localization performance is unaffected by retrieval. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, , 86(1),171-185. Access
284Schöpper, L.-M., Hoffmann, R., & Frings, C. (2024). Another dimension! Using dimension weighting to observe integration and retrieval in localization performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 50(1), 23-38.
283Selimi, S., Frings, C., Münchau, A., Beste, C., & Moeller, B. (2024). It's not distance but similarity of distance: Changing stimulus relations affect the control of action sequences. Psychological Research. Access
282Selimi, S., Frings, C., & Moeller, B. (2024). Separated hands further response-response binding effects. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. Access
281Singh, T., Frings, C., & Walther, E. (2024). Two Roads Leading to the Same Evaluative Conditioning Effect? Stimulus-Response Binding Versus Operant Conditioning. Cognition & Emotion, 38(5), 825-833. Access
280Soballa, P., Frings, C., & Merz, S. (2024), Tactile landmarks: the relative landmark location alters spatial distortions. Multisensory Research, 37(3), 185-216. 
279Talebi N, Prochnow A, Frings C, Münchau A, Mückschel M, Beste C (2024). Neural mechanisms of adaptive behavior: dissociating local cortical modulations and interregional communication patterns. iScience, 27(10), 110995. Access
278Theeuwes, J., Huang, C., Frings, C., & van Moorselaar, D. (2024). Statistical Learning of motor preparation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 50(2), 152–162. Access
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2022 / 2023
277Benini, E., Koch, I., Mayr, S., Frings, C., & Philipp, A. M. (2023). Binding of task-irrelevant contextual features in task switching. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 76(8), 1872–1888. Access
276Beste, C., Münchau, A., & Frings, C. (2023). Towards a systematization of brain oscillatory activity in actions. Communications Biology, 6, 137. Access
275Brügge, N. S., Sallandt, G. M., Schappert, R., Li, F., Siekmann, A., Grzegorzek, M., Bäumer, T., Frings, C., Beste, C., Stenger, R., Roessner, V., Fudickar, S., Handels, H., & Münchau, A. (2023). Automated motor tic detection – a machine learning approach. Movement Disorders, 38(7), 1327-1335. Access
274Foerster, A., Moeller, B., Frings, C., & Pfister, R. (2023). What is left after an error? Towards a comprehensive account of goal-based binding and retrieval. Attention Perception & Psychophysics, 85, 120-139. Access
273Friedrich, J., Rawish, T., Bluschke, A., Frings, C., Beste, C., & Münchau, A. (2023). Cognitive and neural mechanisms of behavior therapy for tics - a perception-action integration approach. Biomedicines, 11(6), 1550. Access
272Friehs, M.A., Siodmiak, J., Donzallaz, M.C., Matzke, D., Numssen, O., Frings, C., & Hartwigsen, G. (2023). No effects of 1 Hz offline TMS on performance in the stop-signal game. Scientific Reports, 13,11565. Access
271Frings, C., Selimi, S., Soballa, P., & Weissman, D. (2023). Effect-less? Event-files are not terminated by distal action effects. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 85, 1761-1767. Access
270Gauselmann, P., Frings, C., Schmidt, M., & Tempel, T. (2023). Protecting against mental impasses: evidence of selective retrieval mitigating the impact of fixation in creative problem solving. Cognition, 239, 105547. 
269Gauselmann, P., Frings, C., & Tempel, T. (2023). Cognitive offloading benefits eye gaze interaction. Applied Cognitive Psychology. Access
268Gauselmann, P., Runge, Y., Jilek, J., Frings, C., Maus, H., & Tempel, T. (2023). A relief from mental overload in a digitalized world: How context-sensitive user interfaces can enhance cognitive performance. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction, 39, 140-150. 
267Geissler, C., Gauselmann, P., Jilek, C., Maus, H., Frings C., & Tempel, T. (2023). A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study on the prefrontal correlates of cognitive offloading via a personal knowledge assistant. Scientific Reports, 13, 13938. Access
266Geissler, C. F., Friehs, M. A., Frings, C., & Domes, G. (2023). Time-dependent effects of acute stress on working memory performance: A systematic review and hypothesis. Psychoneuroendocrinology 148, 105998. 
265Gholamipourbarogh, N., Ghin, F., Mückschel, M., Frings, C., Stock, A.-K., Beste, C. (2023).  Evidence for independent representational contents in inhibitory control subprocesses associated with fronto-parietal cortices. Human Brain Mapping, 44, 1046-1061. Access
264Gholamipourbarogh N, Prochnow A, Frings C, Münchau A, Mückschel M, Beste C (2023). Perception-action integration during inhibitory control is reflected in a concomittant multi-region processing of specific codes in the neurophysiological signal. Psychophysiology, 60, e14178. Access
263Haciahmet, C. C., Golubickis, M., Schäfer, S., Frings, C., & Pastötter, B. (2023). The oscillatory fingerprints of self-prioritization: Novel markers in spectral EEG for self-relevant processing. Psychophysiology, e14396. Access
262Haciahmet, C. C., Frings, C., Beste, C., Münchau, A., & Pastötter, B. (2023). Posterior delta/theta EEG activity as an early signal of Stroop conflict detection. Psychophysiology, 60, e14195. Access
261Jamous R., Takacs, A., Frings, C., Münchau, A., Mückschel, M., & Beste, C. (2023). Unsigned surprise but not reward magnitude modulates the integration of motor elements during actions. Scientific Reports, 13, 5379. Access
260Laub, R., Münchau, A., Beste, C., & Frings, C. (2023). Too much information…The influence of target selection difficulty on binding processes. Visual Cognition, 31(3), 216-234. 
259Merz, S., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2023). Need for (expected) speed: Exploring the indirect influence of trial type consistency on representational momentum. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 85(8), 2637–2654. Access
258Merz, S.*, Beege, F.*, Schöpper, L.-M., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2023). Investigating attentional control sets: Evidence for the compilation of multi-feature control sets. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 85, 596-612. *shared first-authorship. Access
257Merz, S., Frings, C., & Spence, C. (2023). Motion perception in touch: Resolving contradictory findings by varying probabilities of different trial types. Psychological Research. Access
256Meyerhoff, H., Stegemann, M., & Frings, C. (2023). Linking auditory-induced bouncing and auditory-induced illusory crescents: An individual differences approach. Multisensory Research, 36(5), 429-447. 
255Paulus, Th., Wernecke, L., Lundie, A., Friedrich, J., Verrel, J., Rawish, T., Weissbach, A., Frings, C., Beste, C., Bäumer, T., & Münchau, A. (2023). The role of the left inferior parietal cortex in Gilles de la Tourette syndrome – an rTMS study. Biomedicines, 11, 980. Access
254Pastötter, B., & Frings, C. (2023). Prestimulus alpha power signals attention to retrieval. European Journal of Neuroscience, 58, 4328-4340. Access
253Pastötter, B., von Dawans, B., Domes, G., & Frings, C. (2023). The forward testing effect is resistant to acute psychosocial retrieval stress. Experimental Psychology, 70, 32-39. Access
252Qiu, R., Möller, M.,  Koch, I., Frings, C., & Mayr,. S. (2023). The Influence of Event Segmentation by Context on Stimulus- Response Binding. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Performance and Perception, 49, 355-369. 
251Schäfer, S., Wentura, D., Singh, T., & Frings, C. (2023). The Functional Self: The minimal self-concept is protected against negative content. Experimental Psychology, 70(2),81-95. Access
250Schiltenwolf, M., Kiesel, A., Frings, C., & Dignath, D. (2023). Memory for abstract control states does not decay with increasing retrieval delays. Psychological Research. Access
249Schmalbrock, P., Liesefeld, H.R., & Frings, C. (2023). Increased Display Complexity Reveals Effects of Salience in Action Control. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 49(10), 1345-1359. 
248Schmalbrock, P., Hommel, B. , Münchau, A., Beste, C. , Frings, C.  (2023). Predictability Reduces Event-file Retrieval. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 85, 1073-1087. Access
247Schöpper, L.-M., Jerusalem, A., Lötzke, L., & Frings, C. (2023). Bound to a spider without its web: Task-type modulates the retrieval of affective information in subsequent responses. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 85(8), 2655-2672. Access
246Schöpper, L.-M., Küpper, V., & Frings, C. (2023). Attentional biases toward spiders do not modulate retrieval. Experimental Psychology, 70(3), 135-144. Access
245Schöpper, L.-M., & Frings, C. (2023). Same, but different: Binding effects in auditory, but not visual detection performance. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 85, 438-451. Access
244Soballa, P., Frings, C., Schmalbrock, P., & Merz, S. (2023). Multisensory integration reduces landmark distortions for tactile but not visual targets. Journal of Neurophysiology, 130(6),1403-1413.  
243Weissbach, A., Moyé, J., Verrel, J., Takacs, A., Chwolka, F., Friedrich, J., Paulus, T., Zittel, S., Bäumer, T., Frings, C., Pastötter, B., Beste, C., & Münchau, A. (2023). Perception-action integration is altered in functional movement disorders. Movement Disorders, 38, 1399-1409. Access
242Wendiggensen, P.,  Paulus, T., Bluschke, A., Takacs, A., Toth, E., Weissbach, A., Bäumer, T., Frings, C., Roessner, V., Münchau, A., & Beste, C. (2023). Theta activity dynamics during embedded response plan processing in Tourette Syndrome. Biomedicines, 11, 393; Access
241Wendiggensen, P., Prochnow, A., Pscherer, C., Münchau, A., Frings, C., & Beste, C. (2023). Interplay between alpha and theta band activity enables management of perception-action representations for goal-directed behavior. Communications Biology, 6, 494. Access
240Yu S., Stock A.-K., Münchau A., Frings C., Beste C. (2023). Neurophysiological principles of inhibitory control processes during cognitive flexibility. Cerebral Cortex, 33(11), 6656–6666.
239Benini, E., Koch, I., Mayr, S., Frings, C., & Philipp, A. M. (2022). Contextual Features of the Cue Enter Episodic Bindings in task switching. Journal of Cognition, 5, 1-17. Access
238Eggert E., Prochnow A., Roessner V., Frings C., Münchau A., Mückschel A., Beste C. (2022). Cognitive science theory-driven pharmacology elucidates the neurobiological basis of perception-motor integration. Communications Biology, 5, 919. Access
237Friehs, M. A.*, Stegemann, M.*,  Merz, S., Geißler, C., Frings, C., & Meyerhoff, H. S. (2022). The influence of tDCS on perceived bouncing/streaming. 241, 59-66. *shared first authorship.Open Access
236Friehs, M. A.*, Schäfer, S.*, & Frings, C., (2022). The (gami)fictional ego-center: Projecting the location of the self into an avatar. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:918688.  *shared first authorship. Access
235Frings, C., Moeller,  B., Beste, C., Münchau, A. & Pastötter, B. (2022). Stimulus decay functions in action control. Scientific Reports, 12, 20139. Access
234Foerster, A., Moeller, B., Huffman, G., Kunde, W., Frings, C., & Pfister, R. (2022). The human cognitive system corrects traces of error commission on the fly. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 151, 1419-1432. 
233Langelage J., Verrel J., Friedrich J., Siekmann A., Schappert R., Bluschke A., Roessner V.,Paulus T., Bäumer T., Frings C., Beste C., & Münchau A. (2022). Urge-tic associations in children and adolescents with Tourette Syndrome. Scientific Reports 12. Access
232Merz, S., Soballa, P., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2022). The speed prior account: A new theory to explain multiple phenomena regarding dynamic information. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 151, 2418–2436.
231Meyerhoff, H.S., Gehrer, N. A., Merz, S., & Frings, C. (2022). The Beep-Speed illusion: Non-Spatial tones increase perceived speed of visual objects in a Forced-Choice paradigm. Cognition, 219, 104978. 
230Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2022). All together now: Simultaneous feature integration and feature retrieval in action control. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review,29, 512-520. Access
229Pastötter, B., Urban, J., Lötzer, J., & Frings, C. (2022). Retrieval practice enhances new learning but does not affect performance in subsequent arithmetic tasks. Journal of Cognition, 5, 22. Access
228Schäfer, S., Baess, P., & Frings, C. (2022) Relevant to me - The integration of other people into the self-concept happens and depends on their current relevance. Discover Psychology, 2, 25. Access
227Schmalbrock, P. & Frings, C. (2022). A mighty tool not only in perception: figure-ground mechanisms control binding and retrieval alike. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 84, 2255–2270. Access
226Schmalbrock, P., Kiesel, A., & Frings, C. (2022). What belongs together retrieves together – The role of perceptual grouping in stimulus-response binding and retrieval.  Journal of Cognition, 5:28, 1-14. Access
225Schmalbrock, P., Frings, C., & Moeller, B. (2022). Pooling it all together - The role of distractor pool size on stimulus-response binding. Journal of  Cognitive Psychology, 34, 249-260. 
224Schöpper, L.-M., & Frings, C. (2022). Inhibition of return (IOR) meets stimulus-response (S-R) binding: Manually responding to central arrow targets is driven by S-R binding, not IOR. Visual Cognition, 30, 641-658. 
223Schöpper, L.-M., Lappe, M., & Frings, C. (2022). Found in translation: The role of response mappings for observing binding effects in localization tasks. Visual Cognition, 30, 527-545.  
222Schöpper, L.-M., Lappe, M., & Frings, C. (2022). Saccadic landing positions reveal that eye movements are affected by distractor-based retrieval. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 84, 2219–2235. Access
221Selimi, S., Frings, C., & Moeller, B. (2022). Binding between Responses Is Not Modulated by Grouping of Response Effects. Journal of Cognition, 5. 42. Access
220Singh, T., Schöpper, L.-M., Domes, G., & Frings, C. (2022). Gaze Cues vs. Arrow Cues at short vs. long durations. Visual Cognition, 30(9), 587-596. Access
219Soballa, P., Schöpper, L.-M., Frings, C., & Merz, S. (2022). Spatial biases in inhibition of return. Visual Cognition, 30(10), 696-715. 
218Wendiggensen, P., Adelhöfer, N., Jamous, R., Mückschel, M. Takacs, A.,Frings, C.,  Münchau, A., & Beste, C. (2022). Processing of embedded response plans is modulated by an interplay of fronto-parietal theta and beta activity. Journal of Neurophysiology,128, 543-555. 
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2020 / 2021
217Foerster, A., Rothermund, K., Parmar, J. J., Moeller, B., Frings, C., & Pfister, R. (2021). Goal-based binding of irrelevant stimulus features for action slips. Experimental Psychology, 68, 206-213. Access
216Friehs, M. A., Brauner., L., & Frings., C. (2021) Dual-tDCS over the right prefrontal cortex does not modulate stop-signal task performance. Experimental Brain Research, 239. 811-820. 
215Friehs, M. A., Dechant, M., Vedress, S., Frings, C. & Mandryk, R. L. (2021). Shockig Advantage! Improving Digital Game Performance using Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 148,102582. Access
214Friehs, M. A., Frings, C., & Hartwigsen, G. (2021). Effects of single-session transcranial direct current stimulation on reactive response inhibition. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 128, 749-765. Access
213Geißler, C.F., Frings, C., & Moeller, B. (2021). Illuminating the prefrontal neural correlates of action sequence disassembling in response-response binding. Scientific Reports, 11, 22856. Access
212Geißler, C., Schneider, J., Frings, C. (2021) Shedding light on the prefrontal correlates of mental workload in simulated driving: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Scientific Reports 11, 705. Access
211Giesen, C., & Frings, C. (2021). Not so social after all: Video-based acquisition of observational stimulus-response bindings. Acta Psychologica, 217, 103330.
210Haciahmet, C. C., Frings, C., & Pastötter, B. (2021). The effect of social-evaluative cold pressor stress on Stroop interference: a time-frequency based approach [Registered Report]. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 
209Haciahmet, C. C., Frings, C., & Pastötter, B. (2021). Target amplification and distractor inhibition: Theta oscillatory dynamics of selective attention in a flanker task. Cognitive, Affective,& Behavioral Neuroscience, 21,355-371. Access
208Laub, R., & Frings, C. (2021). Brightness versus darkness: The influence of stimulus intensity on the distractor-response binding effect. Acta Psychologica, 212, 103224. Access
207Laub, R., Merz, S., Dröschel, H.,  & Frings, C. (2021). The level of representation of irrelevant stimuli – Distractor-response binding within and between the senses. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 83, 2256-2266. Access
206Merz, S., Frings, C., Spence, C (2021). When irrelevant information helps: Extending the Eriksen-flanker task into a multisensory world. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 83, 776-789. Access
205Merz, S., Frings, C., Spence, C (2021). Tactile temporal offset cues reduce visual representational momentum. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 83, 2113-2122. Access
204Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2021). Response-response bindings do not decay for six seconds after integration: A case for bindings’ relevance in hierarchical action control. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 47, 508–517. 
203Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2021). Remote binding counts: Measuring distractor-response binding effects online. Psychological Research, 85, 2249–2255. Access
202Pastötter, B., Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2021). Watching the brain as it (un)binds: Beta synchronization relates to distractor-response binding. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 33, 1581-1594.
201Runge, Y., Frings, C., Tempel, T., & Pastötter, B. (2021). Electrophysiological correlates of saving-enhanced memory: Exploring similarities to list-method directed forgetting. European Journal of Neuroscience, 54, 6060–6074. Access
200Runge, Y., Frings, C., & Tempel, T. (2021). Specifying the Mechanisms behind Benefits of Saving-Enhanced Memory. Psychological Research, 85, 1633–1644.
199Schäfer, S. & Frings, C. (2021). Different Effects of Spatial Separation in Action and Perception. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 28, 845-852. Access
198Schäfer, S., Wesslein, A-K., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2021) When self-prioritization crosses the senses: Crossmodal self-prioritization demonstrated between vision and touch. British Journal of Psychology, 112, 573-584. Access
197Schmalbrock, P., & Frings, C. (2021). Temporal expectancy modulates stimulus-response integration. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 84, 221-230. Access
196Schmalbrock, P., Laub, R., & Frings, C. (2021). Integrating salience and action – Increased integration strength through salience. Visual Cognition, 29, 91-104. 
195Schmidt, M., Frings, C., & Tempel, T. (2021). Selective directed forgetting of motor sequences.  Acta Psychologica, 218, 103352. Access
194Schmidt, M., Frings, C., & Tempel, T. (2021). Context-dependent memory of motor sequences. Journal of Cognition, 4. 1-12. Access
193Singh, T., Domes, G., & Frings, C. (2021). The influence of stress on distractor-response bindings. Stress, 24, 795-804. 
192Blask, K., Frings, C., & Walther, E. (2020). CS as an effect: action-based evaluative conditioning depends on temporal contiguity. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 32, 661-667.
191Dignath, D., Kiesel, A., Frings, C., & Pastötter, B. (2020). Electrophysiological evidence for action-effect prediction. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149, 1148-1155.
190Friehs, M. A., Klaus, J., Singh, T., Frings, C. & Hartwigsen, G. (2020). Perturbation of the right prefrontal cortex disrupts interference control.  NeuroImage, 222, 117279. Access
189Friehs, M. A. & Frings, C. (2020). Evidence Against Combined Effects of Stress and Brain Stimulation on Working Memory. Open Psychology, 2, 40-56. Access
188Friehs, M. A., Dechant, M., Vedress, S., Frings, C., & Mandryk, R. L., (2020). An Effective Gamification of the Stop-Signal Task: Two Controlled Laboratory Experiments. Journal of Medical Internet Research: Serious Games, 8, e17810. Access
187Frings, C., Hommel, B., Koch, I., Rothermund, K., Dignath, D., Giesen, C., Kiesel, A., Kunde, W., Mayr, S., Moeller, B., Möller, M., Pfister, R., & Philipp, A. (2020). Binding and Retrieval in Action Control (BRAC). Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 24, 375-387. Access
186Frings, C., Koch, I., Rothermund, K., Dignath, D., Giesen, C., Hommel, B., Kiesel, A., Kunde, W., Mayr, S., Moeller, B., Möller, M., Pfister, R., & Philipp, A. (2020). Merkmalsintegration und Abruf als wichtige Prozesse der Handlungssteuerung – eine Paradigmen-übergreifende Perspektive [Feature integration and retrieval as core processes in action control - a cross-paradigm perspective]. Psychologische Rundschau, 71, 1-14.
185Frings, C., Domes, G., Friehs, M. A., Geißler. C., & Schneider, K. (2020). Food for Your Mind? The Effect of Tyrosine on Selective Attention. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, 4, 285–295.
184Geißler, C.F., Domes, G., & Frings, C. (2020). Shedding light on the frontal hemodynamics of spatial working memory using functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Neuropsychologia, 146,107570. 
183Geißler, C.F., Hofmann M. J., & Frings, C. (2020). It’s more than interference: Examining the neuro-hemodynamic correlates of the flanker task with fNIRS. European Journal of Neuroscience, 52, 3022-3031.
182Hommel, B., & Frings, C. (2020). The disintegration of event files over time: decay or interference? Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 27, 751-757. Access
181Jensen, A., Merz, S., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2020). Interference of irrelevant information in multisensory selection depends on attentional set. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82, 1176--1195.
180Jensen, A., Merz, S., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2020). Perception it is: Processing level in multisensory selection. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82, 1391-1406.
179Laub, R., & Frings, C. (2020). Why star retrieves scar: Binding and retrieval of perceptual distractor features. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 46, 350-363.
178Merz, S./Jensen, A., Burau, C., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2020). Higher-order cognition does not affect multisensory distractor processing. Multisensory Research, 34, 351-364. (shared first authorship).
177Merz, S., Meyerhoff, H.S., Frings, C., & Spence, C. (2020). Representational momentum in vision and touch: Visual motion information biases tactile spatial localization. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82, 2618-2629. Access
176Mocke, V., Rothermund, K., Frings, C. & Kunde, W. (2020). Task relevance determines binding of effect features in action planning. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82, 3811-3831. Access
175Pastötter, B., von Dawans, B., Domes, G., & Frings, C. (2020). The forward testing effect is immune to acute psychosocial encoding/retrieval stress. Experimental Psychology, 67, 112-122.
174Schäfer, S., Wentura, D., & Frings, C. (2020). Creating a network of importance: The particular effects of self-relevance on stimulus processing. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82, 3750-3766. Access
173Schöpper, L.-M., Singh, T., & Frings, C. (2020). The official soundtrack to “Five shades of grey”: Generalization in multimodal distractor-based retrieval. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82, 3479-3489.
172Schöpper, L.-M., Hilchey, M. D., Lappe, M., & Frings, C. (2020). Detection versus discrimination: The limits of binding accounts in action control. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82, 2085-2097.
171Singh, T., & Frings, C. (2020). The role of location in the organisation of bindings within short-term episodic traces. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 46, 512-524.
170Singh, T., & Frings, C. (2020). David and Goliath – size does matter: Size modulates feature-response binding of irrelevant features. Psychological Research, 84, 2034-2045.
169Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2020).  Multisensory feature integration in (and out) of the focus of spatial attention. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 82,363-376.
168Tempel, T., Frings, C., & Pastötter, B. (2020). EEG beta power increase indicates inhibition in motor memory. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 150, 92-99.
167Wesslein, A.-K., & Frings, C. (2020). Identity-based crossmodal negative priming: after-effects of ignoring in one sensory modality on responding to another sensory modality. Multisensory Research, 33, 703-721. 
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2018 / 2019
166Ellwart, T., Ulfert, A.-S., Antoni, C., Becker, J., Frings, C., Göbel, K., Hertel, G., Kluge, A., Meeßen, S., Niessen, C., Nohe, C., Riehle, D., Runge, Y., Schmid, U., Schüffler, A., Siebers, M., Sonnentag, S., Tempel, T., Thielsch, M., & Wehrt, W. (2019). Intentional Forgetting in Socio-Digital Work Systems. AIS Transactions on Enterprise Systems, 4.
165Friehs, M. A. & Frings, C. (2019). Cathodal tDCS increases Stop-Signal Reaction Time. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 19, 1129-1142.
164Friehs, M. A. & Frings, C. (2019). Offline beats Online: transcranial direct current stimulation timing influences on working memory. NeuroReport, 30, 795-799.
163Friehs, M. A., Güldenpenning, I., Frings, C. & Weigelt, M. (2019). Electrify your Game! Anodal tDCS Increases the Resistance to Head Fakes in Basketball. Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, 4, 62-70.
162Frings, C., & Domes, G. (2019). Negative Priming is diminished under high blood pressure in healthy subjects. Journal of Neural Transmission, 126, 1111-1114.
161Frings, C., Merz, S., & Hommel, B. (2019).The impact of stimulus uncertainty on attentional control. Cognition, 183, 208-212.
160Jensen, A., Merz, S., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2019). Overt spatial attention modulates multisensory selection. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 45, 174-188.
159Merz, S., Jensen, A., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2019). Multisensory distractor processing is modulated by spatial attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 45,1375-1388.
158Merz, S., Deller, J., Meyerhoff, H.S., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2019). The contradictory influence of velocity: Representational momentum in the tactile modality. Journal of Neurophysiology. 121, 2358-2363. Access
157Merz, S., Meyerhoff, H.S., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2019). Implied tactile motion: Localizing dynamic stimulations on the skin. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 81, 794-808.
156Moeller, B. & Frings, C. (2019). Lost time: Bindings do not represent temporal order information. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 26, 325-331.
155Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2019). Response-response binding across effector-set switches. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 26, 1974-1979.
154Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2019). Binding processes in the control of non-routine action sequences. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 45, 1135-1145.
153Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2019). From simple to complex actions: Response-Response bindings as a new approach to action sequences. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 148, 174-183.
152Moeller, B., Pfister, R., Kunde, W., & Frings, C. (2019). Selective Binding of Stimulus, Response, and Effect Features. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 26, 1627-1632.
151Pastötter, B., & Frings, C. (2019). The forward testing effect is reliable and independent of learners’ working memory capacity. Journal of Cognition, 2, 37.
150Pfister, R., Frings, C., & Moeller, B. (2019). The role of congruency for distractor-response binding: A caveat. Advances in Cognitive Psychology., 15, 53-58.
149Runge, Y., Frings, C., & Tempel, T. (2019). Saving-Enhanced Performance: Saving items after study boosts performance in subsequent cognitively demanding tasks.  Memory, 27, 1462-1467. 
148Runge, Y., Frings, C., & Tempel, T. (2019). Hiding to hedge against information overload. AIS Transactions on Enterprise Systems, 4. pdf
147Schäfer, S., Wentura, D., Pauly, M., & Frings, C. (2019). The natural egocenter: An experimental account of locating the self. Consciousness and Cognition, 74, 102775.
146Schäfer, S. & Frings, C. (2019). Understanding self-prioritization: the prioritization of self-relevant stimuli and its relation to the individual self-esteem. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 31, 813-824. 
145Schäfer, S. & Frings, C. (2019). Searching for the inner self: Evidence against a direct dependence of the self-prioritization effect on the ventro-medial prefrontal cortex. Experimental Brain Research, 237, 247-256.
144Tempel, T. & Frings, C. (2019). Directed forgetting in problem solving. Acta Psychologica, 201,102955. 
143Tempel, T., & Frings, C. (2019). Testing enhances motor practice. Memory & Cognition, 47, 1270-1283.
142Tempel, T., Niederée, C., Jilek, C., Ceroni, A., Maus, H., Runge, Y., & Frings, C. (2019). Temporarily Unavailable: Memory Inhibition in Cognitive and Computer Science. Interacting with Computers, 31. 231-249. 
141Walther, E., Blask, K, Halbeisen, G., & Frings; C. (2019). An Action Control Perspective of Evaluative Conditioning. European Review of Social Psychology, 30, 271-310. 
140Wesslein, A.-K., Naumann, E., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2019). Modulations of event-related potentials by tactile negative priming. Neuroreport, 30, 227–231. 
139Wesslein, A. K., Moeller, B., Frings, C., & Giesen, C. (2019). Separating after-effects of target- and distractor-processing in the tactile sensory modality. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 81, 809-822.
138Friehs, M., & Frings, C. (2018). Pimping Inhibition: Anodal tDCS enhances Stop-Signal Reaction Time. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 44, 1933-1945. 
137Frings, C., Brinkmann, T., Friehs, M., & van Lipzig, T. (2018). Single session tDCS over the left DLPFC disrupts interference processing. Brain & Cognition, 120, 1-7.pdf
136Jilek, C., Runge, Y., Niederee, C., Maus, H., Tempel, T., Dengel, A., & Frings, C. (2018). Managed Forgetting to Support Information Management and Knowledge Work. Künstliche Intelligenz, 33, 45-55.
135Koch, I., Frings, C., & Schuch, S. (2018). Explaining response-repetition effects in task switching: Evidence from switching cue modality suggests episodic binding and response inhibition. Psychological Research, 82, 570-579.
134Laub, R., & Frings, C. (2018). Distractor-based Retrieval in Action Control: The Influence of Encoding Specificity. Psychological Research, 84, 765-773.
133Laub, R., Frings, C., & Moeller, B. (2018). Dissecting Stimulus-Response Binding Effects: Grouping By Color Separately Impacts Integration And Retrieval Processes. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 80, 1474-1488.
132Meyerhoff, H.S., Merz, S., & Frings, C. (2018). Tactile stimulation disambiguates the perception of visual motion paths. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 25, 2231-2237.
131Pastötter, B., Engel, M., & Frings, C. (2018). The forward effect of testing: Behavioral evidence for the reset-of-encoding hypothesis using serial position analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1197. 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01197pdf
130Pastötter, B., & Frings, C. (2018). It’s the other way around! Early modulation of sensory distractor processing induced by late response conflict. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 30, 985-998.
129Schote-Frese, A., Sayk, C., Pabst, K., Meier, J., Meyer, J., & Frings, C. (2018). Sex, ADHD symptoms & CHRNA5 genotype influence reaction time but not response inhibition. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 97, 215.224. 
128Singh, T., & Frings, C. (2018). The influence of visual noise in the binding of irrelevant features to responses. Visual Cognition, 26, 780-791.
127Singh, T., Laub, R., Burgard, J. P., & Frings, C. (2018). Disentangling Inhibition-based And Retrieval-based After-Effects of Distractors: Cognitive Versus Motor Processes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 44, 797-805.
126Singh, T., Moeller, B., Koch, I., Frings, C. (2018). May I have your attention please: Binding attended but response irrelevant features. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 80, 1143-1156.
125Tempel, T. & Frings, C. (2018). Feedback increases benefits but not costs of retrieval practice: Retrieval-induced forgetting is strength-independent. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 25, 636-642.
124Wühr, P., Frings, C., & Heuer, H. (2018). Response preparation with reliable cues decreases response competition in the flanker task. Experimental Psychology, 65, 286–296.
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2016 / 2017
123Blask, K., Walther, E., & Frings, C. (2017). Ignorance reflects preference: the Influence of selective ignoring on evaluative conditioning. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 29, 939 - 948. 
122Frings, C., Koch, I., & Moeller, B. (2017). How The Mind Shapes Action: Offline-contexts Modulate Involuntary Episodic Retrieval. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 79, 2449-2459.
121Frings, C., & Rothermund, K. (2017). How perception guides action: figure-ground segmentation modulates integration of context features into S-R episodes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 43, 1720-1729.
120Mast, F., Frings, C., & Spence, C. (2017). Crossmodal attentional control sets between vision and audition. Acta Psychologica, 178, 41-47.
119Moeller, B. & Frings, C. (2017). Dissociation of binding and learning processes. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 79, 2590-2605.
118Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2017). Overlearned responses hinder S-R binding. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 43, 1-5.
117Schäfer, S., Wentura, D., & Frings, C. (2017). Distinctiveness effects in self-prioritization. Visual Cognition, 25, 399-411. 
116Singh, T., Frings, C., & Moeller B. (2017). Binding Abstract Concepts. Psychological Research, 83, 878-888.
115Tempel, T. & Frings, C. (2017). Retrieval-induced forgetting is retrieval-modality specific: Evidence from motor memory. Cognition, 162, 143-152. 
114Blask, K., Walther, E., & Frings, C. (2016). When congruence breeds preference: The influence of selective attention on evaluative conditioning. Cognition and Emotion, 31, 1127-1139. 10.1080/02699931.2016.1197100pdf
113Blask, K., Frings, C., & Walther, E. (2016). Doing is for feeling. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 145, 1263-1268.
112Larra, M. , Pramme, L., Schächinger, H., & Frings, C. (2016). Stress and Selective Attention: Immediate and delayed stress effects on Inhibition of Return Corresponding. Brain and Cognition, 108, 66-72.
111Moeller, B., Frings, C., & Pfister, R. (2016). The structure of distractor-response bindings: Conditions for configural and elemental integration. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42,464-479.
110Moeller, B., Pfister, R., Kunde, W., & Frings, C. (2016). A common mechanism behind distractor-response and response-effect binding? Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 78, 1074-1086.
109Moeller, B., Zoppke, H., & Frings, C. (2016). What a  car does to your perception: Distance evaluations differ from within and outside of a car. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23, 781-788.
108Nett, N., Bröder, A., & Frings, C. (2016). Distractor-based stimulus-response bindings retrieve decisions independent of motor programs. Acta Psychologica, 171, 57-64.
107Postzich, C., Blask, K., Frings, C., & Walther, E. (2016). Timeless: A Large Sample Study on the Temporal Robustness of Affective Responses. Frontiers in Psychology. 7:841.
106Pramme, L., Larra, R. M., Schächinger, H., & Frings, C. (2016). Cardiac cycle time effects on selection efficiency in vision. Psychophysiology, 53, 1702–1711.
105Schäfer, S., Wesslein, A. K., Spence, C., Wentura, D., & Frings, C. (2016). Self-prioritization in vision, audition, and touch. Experimental Brain Research, 234, 2141 - 2150.pdf
104Schäfer, S., Frings, C., & Wentura, D. (2016). About the composition of self-relevance: Conjunctions not features are bound to the self. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 23, 887-892.
103Singh, T., Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2016). Five shades of grey: Generalization in distractor-based retrieval of S-R episodes. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 78, 2307-2312.
102Tempel, T., Aslan, A. & Frings, C. (2016). Competition dependence of retrieval-induced forgetting in motor memory. Memory & Cognition, 44, 671-680.
101Tempel, T. & Frings, C. (2016). How motor practice shapes memory: Retrieval but not extra study can cause forgetting. Memory, 24, 903-915. 
100Tempel, T. & Frings, C. (2016). Directed forgetting benefits motor sequence encoding. Memory & Cognition, 44, 413-419.
99Teubner, D., Wesslein, A.-K., Rønne, P. B., Veith, M., Frings, C., & Paulus, M. (2016). Is a visuo-haptic differentiation of zebra mussel and quagga mussel based on a single external morphometric shell character possible? Aquatic Invasions, 11 (2), 145-154.Open Access
98Wesslein, A. K., Spence, C., Mast, F., & Frings, C. (2016). Spatial negative priming: In touch, it’s all about location. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 78, 464-473. http://
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2014 / 2015
97Bermeitinger, C. & Frings, C. (2015). Rhythm and Attention: Does the Beat Position of a Visual or Auditory Regular Pulse Modulate T2 Detection in the Attentional Blink?. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:1847.
96Frings, C., Moeller, B., & Horner, A. (2015). On the durability of bindings between responses and response-irrelevant stimuli. Acta Psychologica, 161, 73-78.
95Frings, C., Schneider, K. K., & Fox, E. (2015). The Negative Priming Paradigm – An Update and Implications for Selective Attention. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22, 1577–1597.
94Mast, F., Frings, C., & Spence, C. (2015). Multisensory top-down sets: Evidence for contingent crossmodal capture. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 77, 1970-1985.
93Moeller, B. & Frings, C. (2015). Distractor-response bindings in dual task scenarios. Visual Cognition, 23, 516-531.
92Moeller, B., Hommel, B., & Frings, C. (2015). From hand to feet: Abstract response representations in distractor-response bindings. Acta Psychologica, 159, 69-75.
91Nett, N., Bröder, A., & Frings, C. (2015). When irrelevance matters: Stimulus-response-binding in decision making under uncertainty. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 41, 1831-1848.
90Pramme, L., Dierolf, A. M., Naumann, E., & Frings, C. (2015). Distractor Inhibition: Evidence from Lateralized Readiness Potentials. Brain and Cognition, 98, 74-81.
89Pramme, L., Schächinger, H., & Frings, C. (2015). Baroreceptor activity impacts upon controlled but not automatic distractor processing. Biological Psychology, 110, 75-84. 
88Schäfer, S., Wentura, D., & Frings, C. (2015). Self-prioritization beyond perception. Experimental Psychology, 62, 415-425.
87Schneider, K. K., Frings, C., Meyer, J., & Schote, A. B. (2015). The Role of the Glucocorticoid Receptor Gene (NR3C1) for the Processing of Aversive Stimuli. Neuroscience Research, 107, 8-13. 
86Schneider, K. K., Hülße, L., Schote, A. B., Meyer, J., & Frings, C. (2015). Sex matters! Interactions of gender and polymorphisms of a cholinergic receptor gene (CHRNA5) modulate response speed. NeuroReport, 26, 186-191. 
85Schneider, K. K., Schote, A. B., Meyer, J., & Frings, C. (2015). Genes of the Dopaminergic System Selectively Modulate Top-down but not Bottom-up Attention. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 15, 104-116. 
84Schneider, K. K., Schote, A. B., Meyer, J., Markett, S., Reuter, M. & Frings, C. (2015). Individual response speed is modulated by variants of the gene encoding the alpha 4 sub-unit of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (CHRNA4). Behavioural Brain Research, 284, 11-18. 
83Tempel, T. & Frings, C. (2015). Interference in episodic memory: Retrieval-induced forgetting of unknown words. Psychological Research, 79, 795-800. 
82Tempel, T. & Frings, C. (2015). Categorization by movement direction: Retrieval-induced forgetting of motor sequences grouped by motion features. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68, 473-486. 
81Tempel, T., Frings, C., & Mecklenbräuker, S. (2015). Dual processes of false recognition in kindergarten and elementary-school children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 138, 135-142. 
80Tempel, T., Loran, I., & Frings, C. (2015). Dancing your moves away: How memory retrieval shapes complex motor action. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 21, 300-312. 
79Wesslein, A. K., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2015). Vision of embodied rubber hands enhances tactile distractor processing. Experimental Brain Research, 233, 477-486.
78Wesslein, A. K., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2015). You can’t ignore what you can’t separate: The effect of visually induced target-distractor separation on tactile selection. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22, 728-736.
77Bossert, M., Kaurin, A., Preckel, F., & Frings, C. (2014). Response-compatibility effects in children. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 11, 90-101. 
76Frings, C., Mast, F., & Spence, C. (2014). Tactile spatial negative priming occurs without feature-mismatch. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 76, 2305-2314.
75Frings, C., Schneider, K. K., & Moeller, B. (2014). Auditory Distractor Processing In Sequential Selection Tasks. Psychological Research, 78, 411-422.
74Frings, C., & Wentura, D. (2014). Self-Priorization Processes in Action and Perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 40, 1737-1740. 
73Frings, C., & Wühr, P. (2014). Top-down deactivation of interference from irrelevant spatial or verbal stimulus features. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 76, 2360-2374.
72Henson, R., Eckstein, D., Waszak, F., Frings, C., & Horner, A. (2014). Stimulus-response bindings in priming. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 18, 376-384.
71Mast, F., & Frings, C. (2014). The Impact of the irrelevant - the task environment modulates the impact of irrelevant features in response selection. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human perception & Performance, 40, 2198-2213.
70Mast, F., Frings, C., & Spence, C. (2014). Response interference in touch, vision, & crossmodally: beyond the spatial dimension. Experimental Brain Research, 232, 2325-2336.
69Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2014). Long term response-stimulus associations can influence distractor-response bindings. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 10, 68-80.
68Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2014). Attention meets binding: Only attended distractors are used for the retrieval of event files. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 76, 959-978.
67Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2014). Designers beware: Response retrieval effects influence drivers' response times to local danger warnings. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 24, 117-132.
66Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2014). How automatic is the Musical Stroop Effect? Commentary on The Musical Stroop Effect: Opening a new Avenue to Research on Automatisms? by Grégoire, Perruchet, and Poulin-Charronnant (2013). Experimental Psychology, 61, 68-70.
65Moeller, B., Schächinger, H., & Frings, C. (2014). Irrelevant stimuli and action control: Analyzing the influence of ignored stimuli via the distractor-response binding paradigm. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 87, e51571. 
64Nett, N., & Frings, C. (2014). Things can be told apart: No influence of response categories and labels on the distance effect in Stroop tasks. Experimental Psychology, 61, 142-148. 
63Pramme, L., Larra, M. F., Schächinger, H., & Frings, C. (2014). Cardiac cycle time effects on mask inhibition. Biological Psychology, 100, 115-121.
62Tempel, T. & Frings, C. (2014). Forgetting motor programs: Retrieval dynamics in procedural memory. ­Memory, 22, 1116-1125. 
61Tempel, T., & Frings, C. (2014). Interference within hands: Retrieval-induced forgetting of left and right hand movements. Acta Psychologica, 148, 1-5. 
60Wesslein, A. K., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2014). When Vision Influences the Invisible Distractor: Tactile Response Compatibility Effects Require Vision. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 40, 763-774.
59Wesslein, A. K., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2014). Vision affects tactile target and distractor processing even when space is task-irrelevant. Frontiers in Cognition, 5/94, 1-13.
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2012 / 2013
58Frings, C., Larra, M., Gräbener, A., Moeller, B., & Schächinger, H. (2013). Stress disrupts distractor-based retrieval of SR episodes. Biological Psychology, 93, 58-64.
57Frings, C., Moeller, B., & Rothermund, K. (2013). Retrieval of event files can be conceptually mediated. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 75, 700-709.
56Frings, C., & Spence, C. (2013). Gestalt grouping effects on tactile information processing: When touching hands override spatial proximity. Attention,Perception, & Psychophysics,75, 468-480.
55Moeller, B., Schneider, J., & Frings, C. (2013). Place it on the side! Evaluation of stickers' positions on test cars used in field studies. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 20, 1-5. 
54Schilling, T. M., Kölsch, M., Larra, M. F., Zech, C. M., Blumenthal, T. D., Frings, C., & Schächinger, H. (2013). For whom the bell (curve) tolls: cortisol rapidly affects memory retrieval by an inverted U-shaped dose-response relationship. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 38, 1565-1572. 
53Tempel, T. & Frings, C. (2013).  Resolving interference between body movements: Retrieval-induced forgetting of motor sequences. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. 39, 1152-1161.
52Wiswede, D., Rothermund, K., & Frings, C. (2013). Not all errors are created equally: Specific ERN responses for errors originating from distractor-based response retrieval. European Journal of Neuroscience, 38, 3496-3506. 
51Bermeitinger, C., Wentura, D., Koppermann, C., Hauser, M., Grass, B., & Frings, C. (2012). The  direction of masked auditory category priming correlates with participants' prime discrimination ability. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 8, 210-217.
50Frings, C., & Moeller, B. (2012). The horserace between distractors and targets: retrieval-based probe responding depends on distractor-target asynchrony. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 24, 582-590.
49Frings, C., Wentura, D., & Wühr, P. (2012). On the fate of distractor representations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 38, 570-575.
48Frings, C., & Wühr, P. (2012). Don’t be afraid of irrelevant words: the emotional Stroop effect is confined to attended words. Cognition & Emotion, 26, 1056-1068.
47Giesen, C., Frings, C., & Rothermund, K. (2012). Differences in the strength of inhibition do not affect distractor-response bindings. Memory & Cognition, 40, 373–387. 
46Mecklinger, A., Frings, C., & Rosburg, T. (2012). Response to Paller et al.: The role of familiarity in making inferences about unknown quantities. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 16, 315-316. 
45Moeller, B., Rothermund, K., & Frings, C. (2012). Integrating the irrelevant sound – grouping modulates the integration of auditory distractors into event files. Experimental Psychology, 59, 258-264.
44Ortells, J. J., Frings, C., & Plaza-Ayllon, V. (2012). Influence of spatial attention on conscious and unconscious word priming. Consciousness and Cognition, 21, 117-38.
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2010 / 2011
43Bermeitinger, C., Wentura, D., & Frings, C. (2011). How to switch on and switch off semantic priming effects for natural and artifactual categories: activation processes in category memory depend on focusing specific feature dimensions. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 18. 579-585.
42Frings, C. (2011). On the decay of distractor-response episodes. Experimental Psychology, 58, 125-131.
41Frings, C., Amendt, A., & Spence, C. (2011). When seeing doesn’t matter: Assessing the after-effects of tactile distractor processing in the blind and the sighted. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 37, 1174-1181.
40Frings, C., Bermeitinger, C., & Gibbons, H. (2011). Prime retrieval of motor responses: Evidence from lateralized readiness potentials. Brain Research, 1407, 69-78.
39Frings, C., Bermeitinger, C., & Wentura, D. (2011). Inhibition from blinked category labels: combining the attentional blink and the semantic priming paradigm. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 23 ,514-521.
38Frings, C., Goebel, A., Mast, F., & Sutter, J., Bermeitinger, C., & Wentura, D. (2011). Category priming with aliens: Analyzing the iInfluence of targets’ prototypicality on the center surround inhibition mechanism. Memory, 19, 585-596. 
37Frings, C., & Rothermund, K. (2011). To be or not to be...included in an event file: Integration and retrieval of distractors in stimulus-response episodes is influenced by perceptual grouping. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 37, 1209-1227.
36Frings, C., & Spence, C. (2011). Increased perceptual and conceptual processing difficulty makes the immeasurable measurable: negative priming in the absence of probe distractors. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 37, 72-84.
35Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2011). Remember the touch: Tactile distractors retrieve previous responses to targets. Experimental Brain Research, 72, 2176-2183.
34Rosburg, T., Mecklinger, A., & Frings, C. (2011). When the brain decides: a familiaritybased approach to the recognition heuristic as evidenced by event-related brain potentials. Psychological Science, 22, 1527–1534.
33Frings, C., Englert, J., Wentura, D., & Bermeitinger, C. (2010). Decomposing the emotional stroop. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63, 42-49.
32Frings, C., & Moeller, B. (2010). Binding targets’ responses to distractors’ locations: Distractor response bindings in a location priming task. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 72, 2176-2183.
31Frings, C., & Spence, C. (2010). Crossmodal congruency effects based on stimulus identity. Brain Research, 1354, 113-122.
30Gibbons, H., & Frings, C. (2010). Flanker negative priming from spatially unpredictable primes: an ERP study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 75, 339-348.
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2008 / 2009
29Frings, C., & Eder, A. B. (2009). The Time-Course of Masked Negative Priming. Experimental Psychology, 56, 301-306.
28Groh-Bordin, C., & Frings, C. (2009). Where has all the inhibition gone? Insights from Electro-physiological Measures into Negative Priming without Probe-Distractors. Brain & Cognition, 71, 92-98.
27Wühr, P., & Frings, C. (2009). Inhibition is picky: Shape difference is a necessary condition for attentional inhibition of irrelevant objects. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 16, 839-844.

Bermeitinger, C., Frings, C., & Wentura, D. (2008). Reversing the N400: event-related potentials of a negative semantic priming effect. Neuroreport, 19,  1479-1482.

25Bermeitinger, C., Wentura, D., & Frings, C. (2008). Nature and facts about natural and artifactual categories: Sex differences in the semantic priming paradigm. Brain & Language, 106, 153-163. 
24Bermeitinger, C., Frings, C., & Wentura, D. (2008). Repeated masked semantic priming with new results: ERPs of a negative semantic priming effect. H. D. Zimmer, C. Frings, A. Mecklinger, B. Opitz, M. Pospeschill, D. Wentura (Eds.), Cognitive Science 2007. 
23Frings, C. (2008). Analyzing the relationship between target-to-target and distractor-to-target repetitions: Evidence for a common mechanism. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61, 1641-1649.
22Frings, C., Bader, R., & Spence, C. (2008). Selection in Touch: Negative Priming with Tactile Stimuli. Perception & Psychophysics, 70, 516-523.
21Frings, C., Bermeitinger, C. & Wentura, D. (2008). Center-Surround or Spreading Inhibition: Which Mechanism Caused The Negative Effect From Repeated Masked Semantic Primes? Experimental Psychology, 55, 235-243.
20Frings, C., & Wentura, D. (2008). Separating Context and Trial-by-Trial Effects in the Negative Priming Paradigm. The European Journal of Cognitive Psychology , 20, 195-210.
19Frings, C., & Wentura, D. (2008).Trial-by-trial effects in the Affective Priming Paradigm. Acta Psychologica, 128, 318-323. 
18Wentura, D., & Frings, C. (2008). Response-bound primes diminish affective priming in the naming task. Cognition & Emotion , 22, 374-384.
17Wentura, D., Moritz, S., & Frings, C. (2008). Further Evidence for “Hyper-priming” in Thought-Disordered Schizophrenic Patients using Repeated Masked Category Priming. Schizophrenia Research, 102, 69-75. 
16Wühr, P., & Frings, C. (2008). A Case for Inhibition: Visual Attention Suppresses the Processing of Irrelevant Objects. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 137, 116-130.
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2006 / 2007
15Frings, C., Feix, S., Röthig, U., Brüser, C., & Junge, M. (2007). Children do show negative priming: further evidence for early development of an intact selective control mechanism. Developmental Psychology, 43, 1269-1273. 
14Frings, C., & Groh-Bordin, C. (2007). Electrophysiological correlates of visual identity negative priming. Brain Research, 1176, 82-91. 
13Frings, C., Rothermund, K., & Wentura, D.(2007). Distractor repetitions retrieve previous responses to targets. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 60, 1367-1377.
12Frings, C., Wentura, D., Holtz, M. (2007). Dysphorics cannot ignore unpleasant information. Cognition & Emotion, 21, 1525-1534.
11Frings, C., & Wühr, P. (2007). Prime-display offset modulates negative priming only for easy-selection tasks. Memory & Cognition, 35, 504-513.
10Frings, C., & Wühr, P. (2007). On distractor repetition benefits in the negative-priming paradigm. Visual Cognition, 15, 166-178. 
9Frings, C. (2006). Relevant distractors do not cause negative priming. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 13, 322-327.
8Frings, C., & Wentura, D. (2006). Strategy effects counteract distractor inhibition: Negative Priming with constantly absent probe distractors. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 32, 854-864. 
7Frings, C., & Wentura, D. (2006). Negative Priming is stronger for task relevant dimensions: Evidence of flexibility in selective ignoring of distractor information. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 59, 683-693.
6Serwe, S., & Frings, C. (2006). Who will win Wimbledon? The recognition heuristic in predicting sports events. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 19, 321-332. 
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2005 and before
5Frings, C., & Neubauer, A. (2005). Are masked-stimuli-discrimination-tests in masked priming studies measures of intelligence? – An alternative task for measuring inspection time. Personality and Individual Differences, 39, 1181-1191.
4Frings, C., & Wentura, D. (2005). Negative Priming with masked distractor-only prime trials: Awareness moderates Negative Priming. Experimental Psychology, 52, 131-139.
3Wentura, D., & Frings, C. (2005). Repeated masked category primes interfere with related exemplars: New evidence for negative semantic priming. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 31, 108-120.
2Frings, C., Serwe, S., & Holling, H. (2003). Anwendung der recognition heuristic auf den Aktienmarkt – ignorance cannot beat the Nemax50. Wirtschaftspsychologie (Sonderheft: Behavioral Finance), 4, 31-38. 
1Frings, C., & Wentura, D. (2003). Who is watching “Big Brother”? TV consumption predicted by  masked affective Priming. European Journal of Social Psychology, 33, 779-791.
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Books, Book Chapters, Reports


Kiesel, A., Fournier, L. R., Giesen, C. G., Mayr, S., & Frings, C. (2023). Core Mechanisms in Action Control: Binding and Retrieval. Journal of Cognition, 6.

29Sallandt, G., Münchau, A., Frings, C., & Beste, C. (2022). Tourette-Syndrom – Mehr als eine Bewegungsstörung. Gehirn & Geist, 9, 54-59.
28Domes, G., & Frings, C. (2020). Stress and cognition in humans. Experimental Psychology, 67(2), 73–76.
27Eder, A., & Frings, C. (2018). What makes a quality journal? Experimental Psychology, 65, 257-262.
26Nett, N., & Frings, C. (2015). Distractor-based SR binding retrieves decisions as well as motor programs. In C. Bermeitinger, A. Mojzisch, & W. Greve (Eds.), TeaP 2015: Abstracts of the 57th Conference of Experimental Psychologists (S.180). Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
25Frings, C. (2013). Gestaltgesetze. In M. Wirtz, H.-O. Häcker & K.H. Stapf (Eds.), Dorsch - Lexikon der Psychologie. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber.
24Kozlik, J., & Frings, C. (2013). Affektive Reize in der lexikalischen Entscheidungsaufgabe. In C. Bermeitinger (Hrsg.), Paradigmen der Kognitiven Psychologie: Affektive Reize II. Berlin: Uni-Edition. 
23Mast, F., & Frings, C. (2013). Cueing-Paradigma. In M. Wirtz, H.-O. Häcker & K.H. Stapf (Eds.), Dorsch - Lexikon der Psychologie. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber. 
22Mecklenbräuker, S., & Frings, C. (2013). Gedächtnis, episodisch. In M. Wirtz, H.-O. Häcker & K.H. Stapf (Eds.), Dorsch - Lexikon der Psychologie. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber.
21Mecklenbräuker, S., & Frings, C.  (2013). Implizites Gedächtnis. In M. Wirtz, H.-O. Häcker & K.H. Stapf (Eds.), Dorsch - Lexikon der Psychologie. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber. 
20Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2013). Attentional Blink . In M. Wirtz, H.-O. Häcker & K.H. Stapf (Eds.), Dorsch - Lexikon der Psychologie. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber. 
19Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2013). Bindungsproblem . In M. Wirtz, H.-O. Häcker & K.H. Stapf (Eds.), Dorsch - Lexikon der Psychologie. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber.
18Nett, N., & Frings, C. (2013). Signalentdeckungstheorie. In M. Wirtz, H.-O. Häcker & K.H. Stapf (Eds.), Dorsch - Lexikon der Psychologie. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber. 
17Schneider, K. K., & Frings, C. (2013). Anteriorer cingulärer Cortex . In M. Wirtz, H.-O. Häcker & K.H. Stapf (Eds.), Dorsch - Lexikon der Psychologie. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber. 
16Schneider, K. K., & Frings, C. (2013). Cueing mit affektiven Stimuli. In C. Bermeitinger (Hrsg.), Paradigmen der Kognitiven Psychologie: Affektive Reize II. Berlin: Uni-Edition.
15Schneider, K. K., & Frings, C.  (2013). Präfrontaler Cortex . In M. Wirtz, H.-O. Häcker & K.H. Stapf (Eds.), Dorsch - Lexikon der Psychologie. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber. 
14Tempel, T., & Frings, C.  (2013). Corpus geniculatum laterale . In M. Wirtz, H.-O. Häcker & K.H. Stapf (Eds.), Dorsch - Lexikon der Psychologie (S. 342). Bern: Verlag Hans Huber.
13Tempel, T., & Frings, C.  (2013). Spiegelneurone . In M. Wirtz, H.-O. Häcker & K.H. Stapf (Eds.),  Dorsch - Lexikon der Psychologie (S. 1462). Bern: Verlag Hans Huber.
12Wesslein, A.-K., & Frings, C.  (2013). Aufmerksamkeit, crossmodal. In M. Wirtz, H.-O. Häcker & K.H. Stapf (Eds.), Dorsch - Lexikon der Psychologie. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber.
11Wesslein, A.-K., Mast, F., & Frings, C.  (2013). Handlungsvermittelnde Selektion (selection for action). In M. Wirtz, H.-O. Häcker & K.H. Stapf (Eds.), Dorsch - Lexikon der Psychologie. Bern: Verlag Hans Huber.
10Wentura, D., & Frings, C. (2012). Kognitive Psychologie – Basiswissen Psychologie. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
9Bermeitinger, C., Frings, C., & Wentura, D. (2010). N400 effects for category exemplars primed by category labels. Saarbrücken.
8Frings, C., Mecklinger, A., Wentura, D., & Zimmer, H. (2010). Beiträge zur 52. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen. Pabst: Lengerich.
7Frings, C. (2008). Selektive Aufmerksamkeit und Handlungssteuerung. Unveröffentlichte kumulative Habilitationsschrift, Universität des Saarlandes.
6Zimmer, H. D., Frings, C., Mecklinger, A., Opitz, B., Pospeschill, M. & Wentura, D. (Eds.), Cognitive Science 2007. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society of Germany. Saarbrücken.
5Frings, C., Mecklinger, A., Opitz, B., Pospeschill, M., Wentura, D., & Zimmer, H. (Hrsg.)(2007). Kognitionsforschung 2007. Beiträge zur 8. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft . Aachen: Shaker.
4Frings, C., & Wentura, D. (2007). Kognitive Kontrollmechanismen selektiver Aufmerksamkeit. In R. W. Hartmann (Hrsg.) Magazin Forschung (1/2007) (Seiten 10-16). Saarbrücken: VMK.
3Frings, C. (2004). Inhibition von Distraktorinformation. Kassel: University Press.
2Frings, C. (2002). Testrezensionen folgender Testverfahren: CMV (Checkliste motorischer Verhaltensweisen), DL-KG (Differentieller Leistungstest - KG), TEKO (Testbatterie zur Erfassung kognitiver Operationen), VKI (Verbaler Kurzintelligenztest). In E. Brähler, H. Holling, D. Leutner & F. Petermann (Hrsg.), Brickenkamp Handbuch psychologischer und pädagogischer Tests (3. Aufl.), S. 536-537, 273-275, 231-234, 238-239. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
1Frings, C. (2001). Indirekte Einstellungsmessung: Affektives Priming als Instrument in der Markforschung. Unpublished Master thesis, University Münster.

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Invited Talks


Frings, C. (2022, November 28). Binding and Retrieval in Action Control…and beyond [Invited talk]. UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway.

32Frings, C. (2022, July 25). Action control meets Visual search. [Invited talk]. Ammersee meeting on Handling Visual Distraction, Center for Advanced Studies (LMU), 22nd-25th July, Ammersee/Munich, Germany.
31Frings, C. (2021, October 5). Visuo-tactile distractors in perception and action [Invited talk]. Virtual Rauischholzhausen workshop: The sense of touch: interplay between action and perception & underlying body representations.
30Frings, C. (2019, December 9). Binding and retrieval in action control - a new framework [Invited talk]. Charlotte and Karl Bühler lecture, Universität Würzburg (Abteilungen Eder/Kunde).
29Frings, C. (2019, June 19). Binding and retrieval in action control [Invited talk]. Kolloquium der Allgemeinen Psychologie, München (Abteilung Mueller).
28Frings, C. (2019 April 24). Merkmalsintegration und Abruf als wichtige Prozesse der Handlungssteuerung [Invited talk]. Instituts-Kolloquium der Psychologie Universität Saarbrücken (Abteilung Wentura).
27Frings, C. (2018, July 3). Merkmalsintegration und Abruf als wichtige Prozesse der Handlungssteuerung [Invited talk]. Instituts-Kolloquium der Psychologie Universität Münster (Abteilung Lappe).
26Frings, C. (2018, June 13). Merkmalsintegration und Abruf als wichtige Prozesse der Handlungssteuerung [Invited talk]. Instituts-Kolloquium der Psychologie Universität Bonn (Abteilungen Gibbons/Ettinger).
25Frings, C. (2016, December 7). Distractors for a better life! Irrelevant information shapes action regulation [Invited talk]. Instituts-Kolloquium der Psychologie Universität Marburg (Abteilung Schütz).
24Frings, C. (2016, November 23). Distractors for a better life! Irrelevant information shapes action regulation [Invited talk]. Kolloquium der Allgemeinen Psychologie, München (Abteilung Mueller).
23Frings, C. (2016, June 30).The impact of the irrelevant [Invited talk]. Kolloquium des Instituts für Psychologische Grundlagenforschung und Forschungsmethoden, Universität Wien (Abteilung Ansorge).
22Frings, C. (2015, June 4). A multisensory look on distractor processing [Invited talk]. Rethinking the Senses colloquium, University College London, London, GB.
21Frings, C. (2014, December 5).Die Macht des Irrelevanten [Invited talk]. Kolloquium der Allgemeinen Psychologie, Universität Göttingen (Abteilung Mattler).
20Frings, C. (2014, May 21). The impact of the irrelevant: how distractors make our life easier [Invited talk]. Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (Prof. Hommel), University of Leiden, Netherlands.
19Frings, C. (2014, February 27). Decision Files – Merkmalsintegration auf konzeptueller Ebene [Invited talk]. Kolloquium der Kognitiven Psychologie und Differentiellen Psychologie, Universität Mannheim (Abteilung Erdfelder).
18Frings, C. (2013, July 10). Aktuelle Projekte im Bereich Wahrnehmung, Aufmerksamkeit und Handlungssteuerung [Invited talk]. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Institut für Flugführung, Braunschweig.
17Frings, C. (2013, July 9). Inhibition; Deaktivation – neue Evidenz für ein missbrauchtes Konzept [Invited talk]. Instituts-Kolloquium der Universität Hildesheim.
16Frings, C. (2012, November 13). Wie uns irrelevante Information beim Handeln hilft – Distraktor-basierter Abruf von Stimulus-Reaktions-Bindungen in Selektionssituationen [Invited talk]. Instituts-Kolloquium der Psychologie, Universität Tübingen.
15Frings, C. (2012, June 15). Ein Werkstattbericht: crossmodale Distraktorverarbeitung & Rekognitionsheuristik [Invited talk]. Erster Doktorandenworkshop der Fachgruppe Allgemeine Psychologie, Würzburg.
14Frings, C. (2012, January 16). Distraktor-Reaktions-Bindungen: Wie irrelevante Information Handlungen effizient automatisieren kann [Invited talk]. Instituts-Kolloquium der RWTH Aachen (Abteilung Koch).
13Frings, C. (2011, June 22). Distraktor-Reaktions-Bindungen? Ein Forschungsprogramm [Invited talk]. Kolloquium der Sozialpsychologie und Methodenlehre, Freiburg (Abteilung Klauer).
12Frings, C. (2011, May 11). Distractor-Response-Bindings: when, why, and how do we integrate irrelevant features with responses? [Invited talk]. Kolloquium der Allgemeinen Psychologie, München (Abteilung Mueller).
11Frings, C. (2010, September 3). Selection and action: pursuing inhibitory processes in the negative priming paradigm [Invited talk]. Department of Neuroscience & Health Sciences, University of Alermia, Spain. (Juan Josef Ortells)
10Frings, C. (2009, October 17). On tactile negative priming [Invited talk]. Crossmodal Research Lab, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford (Charles Spence), United Kingdom.
9Frings, C. (2009, October 2). To be or not to be...included in an event file: Gestalt principles modulate the binding of distractors into S-R-episodes [Invited talk]. Kolloquium der Abteilung Methodenlehre, Diagnostik & Evaluation, Mannheim (Abteilung Meiser).
8Frings, C. (2009, June 4). Distraktorverarbeitung behavioral, elektrophysiologisch und multisensorisch - ein Werkstattbericht [Invited talk]. Kolloquium der Differentiellen Psychologie, Düsseldorf (Abteilung Musch).
7Frings, C. (2009, January 28). Cognitive inhibition in perception and action [Invited talk]. Kolloquium der Allgemeinen Psychologie, Giessen (Abteilung Gegenfurtner).
6Frings, C. (2007, November 14). Die Verteidigung der Inhibition [Invited talk]. Kolloquium der Allgemeinen Psychologie, Jena (Abteilung Rothermund).
5Frings, C. (2007, May 30). Mechanismen und Ebenen selektiver Aufmerksamkeit [Invited talk]. Göttinger Institutskolloquium, Göttingen.
4Frings, C. (2006, September 26). Selektive Aufmerksamkeit: Überblick über 30 Jahre Forschung zum Negative Priming und offene Fragen an die Differentielle Psychologie [Invited talk]. Forschungskolloquium Differentielle Psychologie, Graz (Abteilung Neubauer).
3Frings, C. (2004, June 16). Alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen? Eine empirische Analyse der temporal discrimination-Theorie im Paradigma des negativen Priming [Invited talk]. Forschungskolloquium experimentelle und angewandte Wahrnehmungspsychologie, Erlangen (Abteilung Meinecke).
2Frings, C. (2003, January 23 ). Kontextbedingungen der Hemmung semantischer Assoziationen: Experimentelle Befunde zum Center-Surround Phänomen [Invited talk]. Forschungskolloquium der Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, München (Abteilung Pekrun).
1Frings, C. & Serwe, S. (2003, November 20). Wer gewinnt Wimbledon 2003? – Ein Test der ökologischen Rationalität der recognition heuristic [Invited talk]. Max-Planck-Institut Berlin, Abteilung Adaptives Verhalten und Kognition, Berlin (Abteilung Gigerenzer).

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Talks / Posters / Published Abstracts

291Hell, L., Schmalbrock, P., & Frings, C. (2024, September 30th - October 2nd). Attentional capture by invisible features retrieved from episodic memory  [Poster]. 56. Herbsttreffen Experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HExKoP), Paderborn, Germany.
290Nemeth, M., Frings, C., & Moeller, B. (2024, September 30th - October 2nd). Response-Response binding effects when actions are stopped: A Multi-Study approach [Talk]. 56. Herbsttreffen Experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HExKoP), Paderborn, Germany.
289Schöpper, L.-M., Besler, E., Lamy, D., Liesefeld, H. R., & Frings, C. (2024, September 30 - October 2). When detection comes down to discrimination: Binding and retrieval in a pop-out-search task [Talk]. 56. Herbsttreffen Experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HExKoP), Paderborn, Germany.
288Soballa, P., Frings, C., & Merz, S. (2024, September 30- October 2) Landmark distortions of spatial and perceptual uncertain targets [Poster]. 56. Herbsttreffen Experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HExKoP), Paderborn, Germany.
287Schöpper, L.-M., Besler, E., Hoffmann, R., & Frings, C. (2024, September 16-19). Searching for retrieval: Combining effects of sequential responding in action control and visual search to gain insights into cognitive processing [Talk]. 53rd Congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Vienna, Austria.
286Hell, L., Schmalbrock, P., Geissler, C., Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2024, March 17-20). Capacity limits of event files [Poster]. 66th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Regensburg, Germany.
285Münster, N.D., Schmalbrock, P., & Frings, C. (2024, March 17-20). Bound to a place? Disentangling two types of locations in S-R binding [Talk]. 66th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Regensburg, Germany.
284Nemeth, M., Frings, C., Schmalbrock, P., & Moeller, B. (2024, March 17-20). Ideomotor effects in response-response binding: Responses do not need to be executed to retrieve other responses [Poster]. 66th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Regensburg, Germany.
283Schöpper, L.-M., & Frings, C. (2024, March 17-20). Localizing binding effects: How to find binding and retrieval in localization performance [Talk]. 66th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Regensburg, Germany.
282Singh, T., & Frings, C. (2024, March 17-20). Beyond binary bindings: Evidence for multi-feature distractor-response bindings [Talk]. 66th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Regensburg, Germany.
281Soballa, P., Frings, C., Schmalbrock, P., & Merz, S. (2024, March 17-20). A comparison of unisensory and multisensory landmark distortions on tactile target localization [Talk]. 66th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Regensburg, Germany.
280Geißler, C.F., Frings, C., Engesser, A.F., & Schöpper, L.-M. (2023, October 6-8). Task-related prefrontal activity facilitates distractor-response-binding-effects [Poster]. 55th Herbsttreffen Experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HexKop) Hildesheim, Germany.
279Münster, N.D., Schmalbrock, P., & Frings, C. (2023, October 6-8). The elephant in the room - Perspective as a feature in stimulus-response binding [Talk]. 55th Herbsttreffen der Experimentellen Kognitiven Psychologie (HexKop) Hildesheim, Germany
278Nemeth, M., Moeller, B., Frings, C., & Geissler, C. (2023, October 6-8). Stimulus-response binding effects in response-response binding [Talk]. 55th Herbsttreffen Experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HExKoP), Hildesheim, Germany.
277Schöpper, L.-M., Hoffmann, R., & Frings, C. (2023, October 6-8). Exploring another dimension: Applying the dimension weighting account to localization performance leads to effects of binding and retrieval [Talk]. 55. Herbsttreffen Experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HexKoP), Hildesheim, Germany.
276Singh,. T. & Frings, C. (2023, October 6-8). Attention Please! Feature-based attention modulates distractor-response binding effects [Talk]. 55. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HexKoP), Hildesheim, Germany.
275Soballa, P., Frings, C., % Merz, S. (2023, October 6-8). Tactile landmark distortions across the arm [Poster]. 55. Herbsttreffen Experimentelle Kognitionspschologie (HExKoP), Hildesheim, Germany.
274Foerster, A., Moeller, B., Frings, C., & Pfister, R. (2023, September 06-09). The Structure of Bindings for Action Slips [Poster]. 23rd Conference of the European Society for Cognitve (ESCOP), Porto, Portugal.
273Pauly, M., Wentura, D., & Frings, C. (2023, September 06-09). Short-Term Binding of Self-Relevant Stimuli in Action Control [Talk]. 23rd Conference of the European Society for Cognitve (ESCOP), Porto, Portugal.
272Gholamipourbarogh, N., Prochnow, A., Mückschel, M., Ghin, F., Stock, A.-K., Frings, C., & Beste, C. (2023, September 06-09). Independent Representational Contents in Inhibitory Control Subprocesses [Poster]. 23rd Conference of the European Society for Cognitve (ESCOP), Porto, Portugal.
271Eder, A., Krishna, A., Giesen, C., & Frings, C. (2023, September 06-09). Binding of Approach-Avoidance Goals to Stimuli [Poster]. 23rd Conference of the European Society for Cognitve (ESCOP), Porto, Portugal.
270Schmalbrock, P., Geißler, C.F., & Frings, C. (2023, June 13-16). Intentional Weighting is context-dependent [Poster]. BRAC Annual Meeting 2023, Trier, Germany.
269Soballa, P., Frings, C., & Merz, S. (2023, June 27-30). Landmark distortions of target localizations within and across modalities. [Poster]. 21st Annual Meeting of the International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), Brussels, Belgium.
268Besler, E., Frings, C., & Schöpper, L.-M. (2023, March 27-29). Detecting a discriminatory response: Integration and retrieval in odd-one-out detection tasks in visual search [Poster]. 65th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Trier, Germany.
267Engesser, A. F., Schöpper, L.-M., Frings, C., & Geißler, C. F. (2023, March 27-29). Pressing the light switch for binding: Stimulus-response binding depends on prefrontal cortical activity[Poster]. 65th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Trier, Germany.
266Foerster, A., Moeller, B., Frings, C., & Pfister, R. (2023, March 27-29). The structure of bindings for action slips [Poster]. 65th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Trier, Germany.
265Franke, H., Moeller, B., Frings, C., & Schöpper, L.-M. (2023, March 27-29). The search for meaning: How real words and non-words as distractors can influence binding effects [Poster]. 65th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Trier, Germany.
264Geißler, C. F., Selimi, S., Schmalbrock, P., Frings, C., & Moeller, B. (2023, March 27-29). Binding Interactions in Working Memory [Talk].  65th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Trier, Germany.
263Hell, L., Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2023, March 27-29). Capacity limitations of distractor-response bindings [Talk]. 65th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Trier, Germany.
262Köhler, R., Moeller, B., Frings, C., & Schöpper, L.-M. (2023, March 27-29). One unit or just fragments? Repeating a component of an event file does not retrieve all previous information  [Poster]. 65th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Trier, Germany.
261Laub, R., Merz, S., Dröschel, H., & Frings, C. (2023, March 27-29). Distractor-Response Binding within and between the senses [Poster]. 65th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Trier, Germany.
260Merz, S., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2023, March 27-29). Speeding up (and down) expectations: Investigating the influence of experimental context on speed perception  [Talk]. 65th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Trier, Germany.
259Münster, N.D., & Frings, C (2023, March 27-29). Feature binding and retrieval in younger and older adults - a systematic comparison [Poster]. 65th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Trier, Germany.
258Nemeth, M., Foerster, A., Pfister, R., Frings, C., & Moeller, B. (2023, March 27-29). Generalizability of binding in complex action sequences: (How) are action slips integrated with a previous correct response? [Poster]. 65th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Trier, Germany.
257Pastötter, B., von Dawans, B., Domes, G., & Frings, C. (2023, March 27-29). Forward testing effect under acute psychosocial retrieval stress [Talk]. 65th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Trier, Germany.
256Schmalbrock, P., & Frings, C. (2023, March 27-29). S-R Binding and Figure-Ground Segmentation – Revealing Unanticipated Effects of Display Complexity [Poster]. 65th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Trier, Germany.
255Schöpper, L.-M., Lappe, M., & Frings, C. (2023, March 27-29). The boundaries of binding: Task-, response-, and modality-dependence for binding and retrieval in action control[Talk]. 65th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Trier, Germany.
254Selimi, S., Frings, C., & Moeller, B. (2023, March 27-29). Does the modality matter? Binding response sequences while responding to shapes or tones [Talk]. 65th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Trier, Germany
253Singh, T., Walther, E., & Frings, C. (2023, March 27-29). Is Evaluative Conditioning Effector Specific [Poster]. 65th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Trier, Germany.
252Soballa, P., Frings, C., & Merz, S. (2023, March 27-29). Spatial distortions in persistent and temporary tactile landmarks [Talk]. 65th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Trier, Germany.
251Törber, T., Frings, C., & Schöpper, L.-M. (2023, March 27-29). Features in time and space: Non-spatial inhibition of return emerging at late responses[Poster]. 65th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Trier, Germany.
250Geißler, C.F., Selimi, S., Schmalbrock, P.P., Frings, C., & Moeller, B. (2022,  Oct. 7-9). Competition Without Unbinding: Event File Interaction in Response-Response Binding [Poster]. 54. Herbsttreffen der Experimentellen Kognitiven Psychologie (HexKop) Greifswald, Germany.
249Schmalbrock, P., Geißler, C., & Frings, C. (2022, Oct. 7-9). Spatial Information and Predictability in Stimulus-Response Binding [Poster]. 54. Herbsttreffen der experimentellen Kognitiven Psychologie (HexKoP), Greifswald, Germany
248Schöpper, L.-M., Köhler, R., Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2022, Oct 7-9). Less than the sum of its parts: Repeating a component of an event file does not retrieve the whole previous event [Talk]. 54.Herbsttreffen Experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HexKoP), Greifswald, Germany.
247Selimi, S., Frings, C. & Moeller, B. (2022, Oct. 7-9). Response-response binding with auditory stimuli [Talk]. 54. Herbsttreffen Experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HexKoP), Greifswald, Germany.
246Singh,. T., Walther, E., & Frings, C. (2022, October 07-09). Valence Transfer via Response-Response Associations [Poster]. 54. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HexKoP), Greifswald, Germany.
245Soballa, P., Frings, C., & Merz, S. (2022, Oct. 7-9). How landmarks influence tactile target localization [Talk] . 54. Herbsttreffen Experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HexKoP), Greifswald, Germany.
244Selimi, S., Frings, C. & Moeller, B. (2022, Sept. 15). Hand separation furthers binding between responses [Talk]. HybridAct – Ideomotor Control in Real and Digital Worlds, virtual summer school hosted in Hagen, Germany.
243Merz, S., Spence, C., & Frings, C., (2022, Aug.28 – Sept.1). Offset localization of dynamic stimuli: Can speed characteristics of the experimental context influence the Representational Momentum Phenomenon [Poster]. European Conference of Visual Perception (ECVP), Nijmegen, Niederlande.
242Schmalbrock, P., Geißler, C., & Frings, C. (2022, July 22-25). Predictability modulates distractor-response binding effects, but modulation depends on spatial information [Poster]. Handling Visual Distraction, Munich/Ammersee, Germany.
241Schöpper, L.-M., Hoffmann, R., & Frings, C. (2022, July 22-25). Introducing dimension repetitions and changes reveals binding effects in localization performance [Poster]. Handling Visual Distraction, Munich/ Ammersee, Germany.
240Soballa, P.,  Frings, C., & Merz, S. (2022, July 8-10). How tactile landmarks change where tactile targets were felt [Talk].  11. Doktorand*innenworkshop Allgemeine Psychologie (A-Dok), Bremen, Germany.
239Haciahmet, C., Golubickis, M., Schäfer, S., & Pastötter, B. (2022, June 16-18 ). My Brain knows Me: Neural Oscillatory Markers for the Self-Prioritization Effect [Poster]. 47th Annual Meeting of "Psychologie und Gehirn" (PuG), Freiburg, Germany.
238Pastötter, B., von Dawans, B., Domes, G., & Frings, C. (2022, June 16-18 ). The forward testing effect is robust to psychosocial retrieval stress [Poster]. 47th Annual Meeting of "Psychologie und Gehirn" (PuG), Freiburg, Germany.
237Geißler, C.F., & Frings, C. (2022, May 18-22). Time-Dependent Effects of Stress on Working Memory Related Prefrontal Processing [Poster]. International Conference of Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON), Helsinki, Finland.
236Haciahmet, C., Frings, C., & Pastötter, B. (2022, May 18-22). Congruency triggers Response Facilitation: Dissociable EEG Correlates of Sequential Conflict Adaption [Poster]. International Conference of Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON), Helsinki, Finland.
235Benini, E., Mayr, S., Frings, C., & Philipp, A. M. (2002, March 21-23). Binding of task-irrelevant cue features in cued language-switching [Talk]. 64th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TEAP), Virtual Meeting hosted in Cologne, Germany.
234Foerster, A., Moeller, B., Frings, C., & Pfister, R. (2022, March 21-23). What is left after an error? switching [Talk]. 64th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TEAP), Virtual Meeting hosted in Cologne, Germany.
233Haciahmet, C., Frings, C., & Pastötter, B. (2022, March 21-23). The proactive regulation of cognitive relaxation and cognitive control - EEG Correlates of congruency sequence effects in one Simon Task [Talk]. 64th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TEAP), Virtual Meeting hosted in Cologne, Germany.
232Merz, S., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2022, March 21-23). The influence of experimental context on representational momentum [Talk]. 64th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Virtual Meeting hosted in Cologne, Germany.
231Moeller, B. & Frings, C. (2022, March 21-23). It takes some time – Decay of response-response binding effects during the first twelve seconds after integration [Talk]. 64th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Köln, Germany. Virtual Meeting hosted in Cologne, Germany.
230Pastötter, B., Urban, J., Lötzer, J., & Frings, C. (2022, March 21-23). Retrieval practice enhances new learning but does not affect performance in subsequent arithmetic tasks [Talk]. 64th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TEAP), Virtual Meeting hosted in Cologne, Germany.
229Schmalbrock, P., & Frings, C. (2022, March 21-23 ). Tracking DRB effects with the mouse [Talk]. 64th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Virtual Meeting hosted in Cologne, Germany.
228Schmidt, M., Frings, C., & Tempel, T. (2022, March 21-23). Selective directed forgetting of motor sequences switching [Talk]. 64th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TEAP), Virtual Meeting hosted in Cologne, Germany.
227Schöpper, L.-M., Lötzke, L., Jerusalem, A., & Frings, C. (2022, March 21-23). Bound to a spider without its web: Task type modulates response executions being influenced by preceding affective information [Talk]. 64th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Virtual conference hosted in Cologne, Germany.
226Soballa, P., Schöpper, L.-M., Frings, C., & Merz, S. (2022, March 21-23). Effects of spatial influences on inhibition of return in online studies [Talk]. 64th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Virtual Meeting hosted in Cologne, Germany.
225Merz, S., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2021, Nov. 4-7). Eliminating Representational Momentum - The influence of stimulus context on representational momentum. [Talk]. 62nd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society (Psychonomics), Virtual Meeting.
224Geißler, C.F., & Frings, C. (2021, Oct. 8-10). Stress strikes twice: Working memory capacity is reduced under 10 and again over 20 minutes post stress. [Poster]. 53.Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HexKoP), Würzburg, Germany.
223Merz, S., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2021, Oct. 8-10). The influence of stimulus context on representational momentum. [Talk].53. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HexKop), Würzburg, Germany.
222Schäfer, S., Wentura, D., Pauly, M., & Frings, C. (2021, Oct. 8-10). Die Untersuchung der Adaptivität des Selbst: bisherige Befunde zu einer möglichst kohärenten "Definition des Selbst". [Talk]. 53. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HexKop), Würzburg, Germany.
221Selimi, S., Frings, C., Moeller, B. (2021, Oct. 8-10). Binding between responses is not modulated by grouping of response effects. [Poster]. 53. Herbsttreffen Experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HexKoP), Würzburg, Germany.
220Soballa, P., Schöpper, L.-M., Frings, C., & Merz, S. (2021, Oct. 8-10). Inhibition of Return at home - investigating temporal and spatial influences in online studies. [Talk]. 53. Herbsttreffen Experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HexKoP), Würzburg, Germany.
219Schöpper, L.-M., & Frings, C. (2021, Oct. 8-10). Then it took an arrow to retrieve: No IOR but S-R binding is observed when sequentially responding to central arrow targets. [Poster]. 53. Herbsttreffen Experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HexKoP), Würzburg, Germany.
218Haciahmet, C., Frings, C., & Pastötter, B. (2021,July, 16-18). Common Coding in Stroop Conflict: an EEG power analysis of early sensory conflict detection. [Poster]. 10. Doktorand*innen-Workshop Allgemeine Psychologie (ADok), Würzburg, Germany.
217Schmalbrock, P. , & Frings, C. (2021, July, 16-18). Gestalt Principles in Stimulus-Response Binding [Talk]. 10. Doktorand*innen Workshop Allgemeine Psychologie (A-Dok), Würzburg, Germany.
216Selimi, S., Frings, C., Moeller, B. (2021, July, 16-18). Hand position effects in response-response binding. [Talk]. 10. Doktorand*innen-Workshop Allgemeine Psychologie (A-Dok), Würzburg, Germany.
215C. Frings, B. Pastötter, & B. Moeller (2021, June 23-26). Watching the brain as it binds: EEG Alpha/Beta Power Related to Distractor-Response Binding. [Symposium talk]. ESCAN 2021, Budapest, Hungary, (virtual meeting).
214Haciahmet, C. C., Frings, C., & Pastötter, B. (2021, June 2-4). BRAC in the EEG: Early Occipital Processing of Stroop Response Conflict. [Poster]. 46. Jahrestagung Psychologie und Gehirn (PuG). [Online conference].
213Foerster, A., Moeller, B., Huffman, G., Kunde, W., Frings, C., & Pfister, R. (2021, March 14-16). Binding for action slips. [Talk]. 63rd Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Ulm, Germany. [Online conference].
212Geißler, C. F., Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2021, March 14-16). Binding under light: An fNIRS study to the prefrontal neural correlates of response-response binding. [Talk].  63rd Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Ulm, Germany. [Online conference].
211Haciahmet, C. C., Frings, C., & Pastötter, B. (2021, March 14-16). Theta Oscillations Index not only Conflict - Attentional Amplification of Target Features in a Flanker Task. [Poster]. 63rd Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TEAP), Ulm, Germany. [Online conference].
210Merz, S., Soballa, P., Frings, C., & Spence, C.(2021, March 14-16). The speed prior account: Explaining localization biases of moving stimuli with prior speed expectations. [Poster]. 63rd Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Ulm, Germany. [Online conference].
209Pastötter, B., Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2021, March 14-16). Watching the brain as it binds: Beta synchronization relates to distractor-response binding. [Talk]. 63rd Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP),  Ulm, Germany. [Online conference].
208Schäfer, S., Wentura, D., & Frings, C. (2021, March 14-16). How the self is built: Integration of others into the self-concept. [Talk]. 63rd Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Ulm, Germany.  [Online conference].
207Schmalbrock, P., & Frings, C. (2021, March 14-16). Figure-Ground Segmentation in a Distractor-Response Binding Task [Talk]. 63rd Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Ulm, Germany. [Online conference].
206Schöpper, L.-M., Lappe, M., & Frings, C. (2021, March 14-16). Feature-response-translation as a prerequisite for observing binding effects when responding to visual stimuli. [Talk]. 63rd Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Ulm, Germany. [Online conference].
205Selimi, S., Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2021, March 14-16). The role of distance in binding responses. [Talk]. 63rd Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Ulm, Germany. [Online conference].
204Haciahmet, C. C., Frings, C., & Pastötter, B. (2020, November 19-22). Target Amplification and Distractor Inhibition - Theta Oscillatory Dynamics of Selective Attention in a Flanker Task [Poster]. 61st Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society (Psychonomics). [Online conference].
203Merz, S., Soballa, P., Frings, C., & Spence, C.(2020, November 19-22). Localizing implied motion in touch: The interplay between the Fröhlich, onset-repulsion and representational momentum effect [Poster]. 61st Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society (Psychonomics). [Online conference].
202Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2020, November 19-22). Time for integration: Durations of response-response bindings allow for a hierarchical view on binding and retrieval in action control [Poster]. 61st Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, (Psychonomics). [Online conference].
201Pfister, R., Foerster, A., Moeller, B., Huffman, G., Kunde, W., & Frings, C. (2020, November 19-22). Binding for action slips [Talk]. 61st Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, (Psychonomics). [Online conference].
200Pastötter, B., & Frings, C. (2020, November 19-22). Memory testing enhances new learning but does not affect performance in subsequent arithmetic tasks [Poster]. 61st Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, (Psychonomics). [Online conference].
199Friehs, M. A., Dechant, M., Vedress, S., Frings, C., & Mandryk, R. L., (2020, July 24-26). The Stop-Signal Game and its Characteristics [Talk]. 9. Doktorand*innenworkshop der Allgemeinen Psychologie (A-Dok),
Regensburg, Germany. [Online conference].
198Schöpper, L.-M., Lappe, M., & Frings, C. (2020, July 24-26). Search it, see it, translate to retrieve it: Arbitrary response mappings can lead to binding effects in localization tasks [Talk]. 9. Doktorand*innenworkshop Allgemeine Psychologie (A-Dok), Regensburg, Germany. [Online conference].
197Laub, R., Schmalbrock, P., & Frings, C. (2020, March 22-25). Investigating the influence of salience on binding effects [Talk].  62nd Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP),Jena, Germany. (Conference canceled)
196Schäfer, S., Wentura, D., Pauly, M., & Frings, C. (2020, March 22-25). Where does the self end: Integration of others into the self-concept [Talk in the symposium ‘The Cognitive Self: On the structure of the self and on effects of self-relevance in cognitive information processing’ by Schäfer, S., & Wesslein, A.-K.]. 62nd Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Jena, Germany (Conference canceled)
195Schöpper, L.-M., Lappe, M., & Frings, C. (2020, March 22-25). Taking a closer look: Distractor-response binding in a saccadic discrimination task [Talk]. 62nd Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Jena, Germany. (Conference canceled).
194Frings, C., Moeller, B., & Pastötter, B. (2019, November 14-17). Watching the brain as it binds: EEG Alpha/Beta Power Related to Distractor-Response Binding [Poster]. Psychonomic Society 60th Annual Meeting, Montréal, Canada.
193Moeller, B. & Frings, C. (2019, November 14-17). Response-response binding: Representation of complex actions in human action control [Poster]. Psychonomic Society 60th Annual Meeting, Montréal, Canada.
192Pastötter, B., Bäuml, K.-H. T., & Frings, C. (2019, November 14-17). Benefits for everyone: Testing enhances new learning independent of learners’ working memory capacity and age [Talk]. 60th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Montréal, Canada.
191Friehs, M. A. & Frings, C. (2019, October 18-20). Evidence Against Combined Effects of Stress and Brain Stimulation on Working Memory [Talk]. 52. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HexKoP), Hildesheim, Germany.
190Geißler, C. F. (2019, October 18-20). Die Kosten der Identität: Reiz- und Antwortinterferenz entflochten mit fNIRS [Talk].52. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HexKoP), Hildesheim, Germany.
189Laub, R. & Frings, C. (2019, October 18-20). Der Einfluss von Perceptual Load auf Bindungsprozesse [Talk]. 52. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HExKoP), Hildesheim, Germany.
188Schöpper, L.-M., Lappe, M., & Frings, C. (2019, October 18-20). Bindungseffekte bei Lokalisationsaufgaben? Der Einfluss der Reaktionsübersetzung [Talk]. 52. Herbsttreffen Experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HexKoP), Hildesheim, Germany.
187Frings, C., (2019, September 25-28). Bindings between responses across effector-switches [Poster]. 21st Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Tenerife, Spain.
186Schäfer, S., Wentura, & Frings, C. (2019, September 25-28) Finding the Self, wherever it is: An empirical Investigation of Locating the Self [Poster]. 21st Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Tenerife, Spain.
185Friehs, M. A., & Frings, C. (2019, July 25-28). Taking tDCS into the "field" - Replication and Application [Talk]. 8. Doktorand*innenworkshop der Allgemeinen Psychologie (A-Dok), Mannheim, Germany.
184Merz, S., Deller, J., Meyerhoff, H. S., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2019, July 25-28). Tactile Representational Momentum: the contradictory influence of velocity [Talk].  8. Doktorand*innenworkshop der Allgemeinen Psychologie (A-Dok), Mannheim, Germany.
183Schöpper, L.-M., Lappe, M., & Frings, C. (2019, July 25-28). The influence of response type on binding effects in localization tasks [Talk]. 8. Doktorand*innenworkshop Allgemeine Psychologie (A-Dok), Mannheim, Germany.
182Moeller, B., & Frings, C., (2019, April 15-17). Hierarchical bindings in action control [Poster]. 61st Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), London, United Kingdom.
181Jensen, A., Merz, S., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2019, April 15-17). Processing level of distractor interference in multisensory selection [Talk]. 61st Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), London, United Kingdom.
180Pastötter, B., & Frings, C. (2019, April 15-17). The forward testing effect is reliable and unrelated to working memory capacity [Talk]. 61st Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), London, United Kingdom.
179Runge, Y., Frings, C. & Tempel, T. (2019, April 15-17). Benefits of Memory Offloading for Subsequent Cognitive Performance [Poster]. 61st Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), London, United Kingdom.
178Schöpper, L.-M., Lappe, M., & Frings, C. (2019, April 15-17). No distractor-response binding in a saccadic discrimination task [Poster]. 61st Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), London, United Kingdom.
177Friehs, M. A & Frings, C. (2018, Oct. 26-28). Timing is crucial - Differentiating online and offline tDCS effects on working memory [Talk]. 51. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HexKoP), Aachen, Germany.
176Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2018, Sep. 15-20). Bindungen zwischen nicht benachbarten Reaktionen in Handlungsabfolgen. Forschungsreferat auf der 51. DGPs, Frankfurt am Main.
175Schöpper, L.-M., Frings, C., & Lappe, M. (2018, Oct. 26-28). Eingeschränkte Generalisierbarkeit von Bindungseffekten in der Handlungskontrolle [Talk]. 51. Herbsttreffen Experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HexKoP), Aachen, Germany.
174Runge, Y., Frings, C., & , Tempel, T. (2018, Sep. 15-20). Effizienteres Wissensmanagement durch Saving-Enhanced Memory? Wie uns das Speichern von Informationen befreit und folgende Arbeiten erleichtert [Poster]. 51. DGPs-Kongress, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
173Schäfer, S., Wentura, D., & Frings, C. (2018, Sep. 15-20). Wie wir unser Selbst beschützen: Verringerte Priorisierung selbst-relevanter Reize bei eindeutig negativer Valenz [Talk]. 51. DGPs-Kongress, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
172Runge, Y., Frings, C., & , Tempel, T. (2018). Hiding to hedge against information overload: Diverging distraction effects due to task-irrelevant information from misleading associations. Presentation at the Conference on Intentional Forgetting in Organisations and Work Settings, Potsdam.
171Ellwart, T., Ulfert, A.-S., Antoni, C., Becker, J.,  Frings, C., Göbel, K., Hertel, G., Kluge, A., Meeßen, S., Niessen, C., Nohe, C., Riehle, D., Runge, Y., Schmid, U., Schüffler, A., Siebers, M., Sonnentag, S., Tempel, T., Thielsch, M., Wehrt, W. (2018, September) Forgetting in future work systems: System characteristics and user-related psychological consequences on emotion, cognition, and behaviors. Presentation at the Conference on Intentional Forgetting in Organisations and Work Settings, Potsdam.
170Friehs, M. A. & Frings, C. (2018, July 18-20). Modulation of response inhibition via tDCS - Insights from fundamental research [Talk]. International Neuropsychological Society 2018 Mid-Year Meeting (INS 2018), Prague, Czech Republic.
169Friehs, M. A., & Frings, C. (2018, July 12-15). Neuromodulation of working memory processes [Talk].
7. Doktorandenworkshop der Allgemeinen Psychologie (A-Dok), Mainz, Germany.
168Jensen, A., Merz, S., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2018, July 12-15). Processing single features in multisensory selection [Talk].  7. Doktorandenworkshop der Allgemeinen Psychologie (A-Dok), Mainz, Germany.
167Laub, R. & Frings, C. (2018, July 12-15). Grouping beats salience: Competition for the integration of salient and non-salient distractors [Talk]. 7. Doktorandenworkshop Allgemeine Psychologie (A-Dok), Mainz, Germany.
166Runge, Y., Frings, C. & Tempel, T. (2018, July 12-15). Saving-Enhanced Memory: Similarities and Distinctions to List-Method Directed Forgetting [Talk]. 7. Doktorandenworkshop der Allgemeinen Psychologie, Mainz, Germany.
165Schöpper, L.-M., Frings, C., & Lappe, M. (2018, July 12-15). The limits of binding accounts in action control [Talk]. 7. Doktoranden-Workshop Allgemeine Psychologie (A-Dok), Mainz, Germany.
164Singh, T., & Frings, C. (2018, July 12-15) The winner takes it all: Konkurrenz in der Integration von Reiz und Reaktionsmerkmalen [Poster]. 7. Doktoranden-Workshop Allgemeine Psychologie (A-Dok), Mainz, Germany.
163Jensen, A., Merz, S., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2018, June 14-17). Overt spatial attention modulates multisensory selection [Poster]. 19th Annual International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), Toronto, Canada.
162Merz, S., Meyerhoff, H. S., Spence, C., & Frings, C.(2018, June 14-17). Implied tactile motion: Localizing dynamic stimulations on the skin [Poster]. 19th Annual International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF), Toronto, Canada.
161Pastötter, B., Dignath, D., Kiesel, A., & Frings, C. (2018). Action effect anticipation of flickering lights: Electrophysiological evidence for the ideomotor theory of action control [Poster]. 3rd Psychonomics International, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
160Friehs, M. A. & Frings, C. (2018, March 12-14). Pimping Inhibition: Anodal tDCS enhances Stop-Signal Reaction Time [Talk]. 60th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Marburg, Germany.
159Jensen, A., Merz, S., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2018, March 12-14). It’s just a matter of focus: distractor processing in a multisensory flanker task is modulated by gaze [Talk]. 60th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Marburg, Germany.
158Laub, R., Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2018, March 12-14) Time will tell: Binding and Retrieval of temporal Distractors [Talk]. 60th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Marburg, Germany.
157Merz, S., Meyerhoff, H. S., Spence, C., & Frings, C.(2018, March 12-14). Implied tactile motion: Localizing dynamic stimulations on the skin [Talk]. 60th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Marburg, Germany.
156Moeller, B., & Frings, C., (2018, March 12-14) Response-response bindings are binary [Talk]. 60th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Marburg, Germany.
155Pastötter, B., & Frings, C. (2018, March 12-14). It’s the other way around! Early modulation of sensory distractor processing induced by late response conflict [Talk]. 60th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Marburg, Germany.
154Runge, Y., Frings, C. & Tempel, T. (2018, March 12-14). Are You Sure You Want to Delete This? The Costs of Losing the Possibility of Memory Offloading for Subsequent Memory Performance [Talk]. 60th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Marburg, Germany.
153Schäfer, S., Wentura, D., & Frings, C. (2018, March 12-14) How to stay positive: Integration or prevention of integration of negative content to the self [Talk]. 60th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP),  Marburg, Germany.
152Singh, T., & Frings, C. (2018, March 12-14). Competition in feature-response binding for irrelevant features [Talk]. 60th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Marburg, Germany.
151Frings, C., & Rothermund, K. (2017). How Perception Guides Action: Figure-Ground Segmentation Modulates Integration of Context Features into S-R Episodes [Poster]. 58th Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Vancouver, Canada.
150Tempel, T. & Frings, C. (2017). Testing enhances motor practice. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society, 22, 16, Vancouver, Canada.
149Runge, Y., Frings, C. & Tempel, T. (2017). Interference From Deleting: An Extension of the Phenomenon of Saving-Enhanced Memory. Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society, 22, 79, Vancouver, Canada.
148Frings, C., Brinkmann, T., Friehs, M. A., & van Lipzig, T. (2017, Nov. 3-5). Cathodal tDCS over the left DLPFC disrupts interference processing [Talk]. 50. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie, Ulm, Germany.
147Jensen, A., Merz, S., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2017, Nov. 3-5). It’s just a matter of focus: distractor processing in a multisensory flanker task is modulated by gaze [Talk]. 50. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HexKop), Ulm, Germany.
146Laub, R. & Frings, C. (2017, Nov. 3-5). Binding and retrieval of perceptual distractor features [Talk]. 50. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HExKoP), Ulm, Germany.
145Merz, S., Meyerhoff, H. S., Spence, C., & Frings, C.(2017, Nov. 3-5). Dynamic objects in the tactile modality: An investigation of systematic mislocalizations [Talk]. 50. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HexKoP), Ulm, Germany.
144Moeller, B. & Frings, C. (2017, Nov. 3-5). Response-response binding indicates higher order representations in action control [Poster]. 50. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HexKoP), Ulm, Germany.
143Schäfer, S. Wentura, D., & Frings, C. (2017, Nov. 3-5). Untersuchung der Grenzen des eigenen Selbst mittels objektiver Reizpriorisierung [Talk]. 50. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie, Ulm, Germany.
142Singh, T., Moeller, F., Koch, I., & Frings, C. (2017, Nov. 3-5). Binding the Attended Feature [Talk].
50. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HexKoP), Ulm, Germany.
141Moeller, B. & Frings, C. (2017, Sep. 3-6). Overlearned responses hinder SR-binding [Talk].  20th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Potsdam, Germany.
140Frings, C., Merz, S., & Hommel, B. (2017, March 27-29). Context modulates feature weighting [Talk]. 59th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Dresden, Germany.
139Freitag, R., Moeller, B., & Frings, C., (2017, March 27-29) Two Principles of Retrieval Function in Binding: Stimulus Intensity and Encoding Specificity [Talk]. 59th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Dresden, Germany.
138Merz, S., Meyerhoff, H. S., Spence, C., & Frings, C.(2017, March 27-29). Tactile localization is modulated by implied motion [Talk]. 59th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Dresden, Germany.
137Meyerhoff, H. S., Merz, S., & Frings, C.(2017, March 27-29). Tactile stimulation disambiguates the perception of visual motion paths [Talk]. 59th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Dresden, Germany.
136Moeller, B., & Frings, C., (2017, March 27-29) Searching for event-file borders: Separate responses can be bound to each other [Poster]. 59th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Dresden, Germany.
135Singh, T., Freitag, R., Burgard, J. P., & Frings, C. (2017, March 27-29). Distractor-Response Retrieval Effects are driven by Motor Processes [Talk]. 59th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Dresden, Germany.
134Tempel, T. & Frings, C. (2017, March 27-29). Indirect memory tests as a means to distinguish between availability and accessibility in motor memory. 59th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Dresden, Germany.
133Tempel, T. & Frings, C. (2017). Inhibition of motor sequences in memory. 20th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology.
132Freitag, R., Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2016, Nov. 4-6). Viel hilft viel? Der Einfluss der Distraktoranzahl auf den Distraktor-Reaktionsbindungseffekt [Talk]. 49. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HExKoP), Tübingen, Germany.
131Freitag, R., Mast, F., Frings, C., & Moeller, B. (2016, March 21-23) The influence of color similarity on distractor-response binding and response retrieval [Talk]. 58th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Heidelberg, Germany.
130Frings, C., Koch, I., & Moeller, B. (2016, March 21-23). Shifting internal context modulates episodic retrieval – implications for action control [Talk]. 58th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Heidelberg, Germany.
129Frings, C., & Rothermund, K. (2016, May 5-8). How perception guides action: figure-ground-segmentation modulates stimulus-response-binding [Talk]. International meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Granada, Spain.
128Moeller, B. & Frings, C. (2016, March 21-23). What’s the difference between Instances and Event-Files? Dissociation of binding and learning processes [Talk]. 58th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen, Heidelberg, Germany.
127Schäfer, S., Wentura, D., & Frings, C. (2016, March 21-23) Reading `me´ and reading `death´:  Distinguishing effects of self-relatedness and valence [Talk]. 58th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Heidelberg, Germany.
126Singh, T., Moeller, B., Frings, C. (2016, March 21-23). [Talk]. 58th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen, Heidelberg, Germany.
125Schäfer, S., Wentura, D., & Frings, C. (2016, June 24-26). Multimodale Selbstpriorisierung: wie beeinflussen unsere Sinne die Priorisierung des Selbst [Talk]. 5.Doktorandenworkshop der Allgemeinen Psychologie, Freiburg, Germany
124Kozlik, J.,. Neumann, R., & , Frings, C. (2016, Sep. 18-21). Emotional AX-CPT Paradigm: Disentangling cognitive and emotional conflicts? [Poster]. 50. DGPs, Leipzig
123Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2016, Sep. 18-21). Mehr als eine Handlung pro Event File? Bindungen zwischen zwei Reaktionen? Forschungsreferat auf der 50. DGPs, Leipzig
122Tempel, T. & Frings, C. (2016, Sep. 18-21). Inhibition im motorischen Gedächtnis. Forschungsreferat auf der 50. DGPs, Leipzig.
121Singh, T., Moeller, B., Frings, C. (2016, Nov. 4-6). Binding the Attended Feature [Talk]. 49th Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie, Tübingen Germany.
120Tempel, T. & Frings, C. (2016). Retrieval-induced forgetting in motor memory. 6th International Conference on Memory.
119Tempel, T. & Frings, C. (2016). Modality-specific retrieval-induced forgetting in motor memory. 2nd International Meeting of the Psychonomic Society.
118Tempel, T. & Frings, C. (2016). The forward effect of testing in motor memory. 6th International Conference on Memory.
117Tempel, T. & Frings, C. (2016, May 5-8). Modality-specific retrieval-induced forgetting in motor memory. International meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Granada, Spain.
116Moeller, B. & Frings, C. (2015, Nov. 19-22). Differentiation of stimulus-response binding and incidental association learning [Poster]. Psychonomic Society 56th Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA.
115Freitag, R., Mast, F., Frings, C., & Moeller, B. (2015, Nov. 13-15). It is binding and not retrieval: The influence of color similarity on distractor-response binding and response retrieval [Talk]. 48. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HExKoP), Kaiserslautern, Germany.
114Moeller, B. & Frings, C. (2015, Nov. 13-15). Binding ≠ Lernen: Differenzierung von SR-Bindungseffekten und inzidentellem Assoziationslernen [Talk]. 48. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie, Kaiserslautern, Germany.
113Schäfer, S., Wesslein, A. K., Spence, C., Wentura, D., & Frings, C. (2015, Nov. 13-15). Self-prioritization among the sensory modalities [Talk]. 48. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie, Kaiserslautern, Germany.
112Singh, T., Frings, C., Moeller, B. (2015, Nov. 13-15). Does the level of Perceptual Detail modulate the Distractor-Response Binding Effect? [Poster]. 48. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie, Kaiserslautern, Germany.
111Moeller, B., Pfister, R., & Frings, C. (2015, Sep. 17-20). The structure of distractor-response bindings – or what is a feature in feature binding? [Talk]. 19th Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Paphos, Cyprus.
110Mast, F., Frings, C., & Spence, C. (2015, June 13-16). Multisensory top-down sets: Evidence for contingent crossmodal capture [Poster]. 16th International Multisensory Research Forum - IMRF, Pisa, Italy.
109Mast, F., Velasco, C., Frings, C., & Spence, C. (2015, June 19-21). Tasty Search [Poster]. 4. Doktorandenworkshop der Allgemeinen Psychologie, Jena, Germany.
108Schäfer, S. Wentura, D., & Frings, C. (2015, June 19-21). Priorisierung des Selbst: Funktioniert Aufmerksamkeitsallokation aufgrund von Selbstrelevanz über Valenz? [Talk]. 4t Doktorandenworkshop der Allgemeinen Psychologie, Jena, Germany.
107Schneider, K. K., Frings, C., Meyer, J., & Schote, A. B. (2015, June 4-6). The Role the of the Glucocorticoid Receptor Gene (NR3C1) for the Processing of Aversive Stimuli [Poster]. 41. Tagung Psychologie und Gehirn, Frankfurt, Germany. 
106Mast, F., Frings, C., & Spence, C. (2015, March 8-11). Multisensory top-down sets: Evidence for crossmodal contingent capture [Talk]. 57th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Hildesheim, Germany.
105Merz, S., Frings, C., & Mast, F. (2015, March 8-11). The construction plan for top-down sets: The task environment modulates contingent capture [Poster]. 57th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP), Hildesheim, Germany.
104Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2015, March 8-11). Distractor-response bindings: Transition from short- to long-term associations? [Talk]. 57th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Hildesheim, Germany.
103Schäfer, S., Wentura, D., & Frings, C. (2015, March 8-11). Conceptual and specific self-prioritization: “I am the red triangle - not the green one!” [Poster]. 57th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Hildesheim, Germany.
102Tempel, T., & Frings, C. (2015, March 8-11). Directed forgetting in motor learning. 57th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Hildesheim, Germany.
101Wesslein, A. K., Spence, C., Mast, F., & Frings, C. (2015, March 8-11). Spatial Negative Priming: In Touch, It’s All About Location, Location, Location [Talk]. 57th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Hildesheim, Germany.
100Moeller, B., Zoppke, H., & Frings, C. (2015, Feb. 25-27). Autofahren beeinflusst die Umgebungswahrnehmung [Poster]. 1. Kongress der Fachgruppe Verkehrspsychologie, Braunschweig, Germany.
99Tempel, T., Loran, I., & Frings, C. (2015). Retrieval-induced forgetting of dance moves. 1st International Convention of Psychological Science.
98Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2014, Nov. 7-9). Distractor-response and response-effect binding are mediated by a common mechanism [Talk]. 47. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie,  (HExKoP) Trier, Germany.
97Schäfer, S., Wentura, D., Frings, C. (2014, Nov. 7-9). Newly learned self-associations: Prioritization of self-relevant feature conjunctions [Talk]. 47. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie,  (HExKoP) Trier, Germany.
96Frings, C., Rothermund, K., Giesen, C., & Moeller, B. (2014, Sep. 21-25). Distraktor-Reaktions-Bindungen in Handlung und Wahrnehmung [Talk]. 49. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Bochum, Germany.
95Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2014, Sep. 21-25). Distraktor-Reaktionsbindung in Doppelaufgaben [Talk]. 49. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Bochum, Germany.
94Schäfer, S., Wentura, D., Frings, C. (2014, May 23-25) Matching concepts: associating abstract concepts to the self [Talk]. 3. Doktorandenworkshop der Allgemeinen Psychologie, Aachen, Germany.
93Frings, C., Mast, F., & Spence, C. (2014, March 31-April 2). Spatial Tactile Negative Priming – Is There Evidence For Feature-Mismatch? [Talk]. 56th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Gießen, Germany.
92Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2014, March 31-April 2). How distractors influence our actions: Integration of responses with irrelevant features that belong to irrelevant stimuli [Talk]. 56th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Gießen, Germany.
91Nett, N., & Frings, C. (2014, March 31-April 2). Distractor-based SR retrieval in deliberative decision making processes. 56th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Gießen, Germany.
90Pramme, L., Schächinger, H., & Frings, C. (2014, March 31-April 2). Hemodynamic Influences on Automatic and Controlled Processes – Effects of Body Position on Distractor-Response Binding and Negative Priming [Poster]. 56th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Gießen, Germany.
89Schneider, K. K., Meyer, J., Schote, A. B., & Frings, C. (2014, March 31-April 2). Why You Should Maybe Start Smoking: The Effect of a CHRNA Variant on Response Speed [Talk]. 56th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Gießen, Germany.
88Tempel, T., & Frings, C. (2014, March 31-April 2). Retrieval-induced forgetting in procedural memory. 56th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Gießen, Germany.
87Wesslein, A. K., Spence, C., & Frings, C. (2014, March, 31-April 2). The visually induced target-distractor separation modulates tactile distractor processing [Talk]. 56th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Gießen, Germany.
86Tempel, T. & Frings, C. (2014). Gerichtetes Vergessen motorischer Sequenzen. 47. Herbsttreffen Experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie (HexKoP).
85Müller, H., Loran, T., Loran, I., Frings, C., & Tempel, T. (2014). Retrieval-induced forgetting of motor sequences in indirect memory tests. Psychonomic Society, 19, 219.
84Tempel, T., & Frings, C. (2014). Motor learning benefits from forgetting. Psychonomic Society19, 65.
83Mast, F., & Frings, C. (2013, Nov. 22-24). Über den Einfluss des Unbeachteten. Eine Spezifikation des Action-Trigger Accounts aufgrund eines irrelevanten Primemerkmals [Talk]. 46. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie, Göttingen, Germany.
82Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2013, Nov. 22-24). Von Distraktor-Reaktionsbindungen zum Lernen - Lernen von Distraktor-Reaktionsbindung? [Talk]. 46. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie, Göttingen, Germany.
81Nett, N., & Frings, C. (2013, Nov. 22-24). Irrelevanz ist entscheidend: Distractor-Response-Binding bei Entscheidungen unter Unsicherheit [Talk]. 46. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie, Göttingen, Germany.
80Pramme, L., Larra, M. F., Schächinger, H., & Frings, C. (2013, Nov. 22-24). Cardiac Cycle Time Effects on Mask Inhibition [Talk]. 46. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie, Goettingen, Germany.
79Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2013, Aug. 24-27). Attention modulates binding: Only attended distractors are used for the retrieval of event files [Talk]. 18th Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Budapest, Hungary.
78Frings, C. (2013, May 30-June 1). Stress disrupts distractor-based retrieval of SR episodes [Talk]. 39. Psychologie & Gehirn Tagung, Würzburg, Germany.
77Bermeitinger, C., & Frings, C. (2013, March 24-27). How rhythm opens attention [Poster]. 55th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Vienna, Austria.
76Frings, C., & Moeller, B. (2013, March 24-27). From hands to feet: Response representations in distractor-based SR retrieval [Talk]. 55th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Vienna, Austria.
75Mast, F., Frings, C., & Spence, C. (2013, March 24-27). Response priming in touch [Talk]. 55th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Vienna, Austria.
74Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2013, March 24-27). Ignoring relevant and irrelevant stimuli: Attending to one additional stimulus prevents the integration of another additional stimulus into evetn files [Talk]. 55th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Vienna, Austria.
73Nett, N., & Frings, C. (2013, March 24-27).How ignored cues may influence decision makers: Effects of distractor-response-binding in binary choices under uncertainty. 55th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Vienna, Austria.
72Schneider, K. K., Meyer, J., Frings, Ch. (2013, March 24-27) Dopaminergic modulation of selective attention [Poster]. 55th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Vienna, Austria.
71Tempel, T., & Frings, C. (2013, March 24-27). Retrieval-induced forgetting of motor sequences in an implicit memory test. 55th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen, Vienna, Austria.
70Tempel, T., & Frings, C. (2013, March 24-27). Retrieval-induced forgetting of motor sequences in an implicit memory test. 55th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen, Vienna, Austria.
69Wesslein, A., Frings, C., & Spence, C. (2013, March 24-27). The role of vision in tactile distractor processing. 55th Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen, Vienna, Austria.
68Nett, N., & Frings, C. (2013). The power of irrelevance! How irrelevant cues influence decisions under uncertainty. (Talk). 6th JDM Workshop for young researchers, Berlin.
67Tempel, T., & Frings, C. (2013). Retrieval-induced forgetting of motor sequences: Evidence for an inhibitory account. 25th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science (APS). 
66Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2012, Nov. 23-25). Vom Ignorieren wichtiger und unwichtiger Reize: Distraktor-Reaktions Bindungen treten mit beachteten aber nicht mit unbeachteten Distraktoren auf [Talk]. 45. Herbsttreffen experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie, Paderborn, Germany. 
65Frings, C. (2012, Sep. 23-27). Gestalt-Gesetze in der taktilen Modalität [Talk]. 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Bielefeld, Germany.
64Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2012, Sep. 23-27). Wettlauf von Zielreizen und Distraktoren: Abrufbasierte Reaktionen werden von der zeitlichen Verzögerung zwischen Distraktor- und Zielreiz-Onset beeinflusst [Talk]. 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Bielefeld, Germany.
63Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2012, Aug. 29-31). Keep your heads down! Ignored features of driver assistance systems can influence drivers’ responses [Talk]. European Conference of Cognitive Ergonomics, Edinburgh, UK.
62Frings, C. (2012, June 19-22). Ignoring in vision and touch – is it really the same? [Talk]. 13rd IMRF (international multisensory research forum), University of Oxford, United Kingdom
61Frings, C. (2012, April 1-4). On the fate of distractor representations [Talk]. 54. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Mannheim, Germany.
60Mast, F., & Frings, C. (2012, April 1-4). Inhibition trotz positiver Kompatibilitätseffekte [Poster]. 54. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Mannheim, Germany.
59Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2012, April 1-4). Heads Down! Irrelevant aspects of warning displays can influence drivers' response times [Talk]. 54. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Mannheim, Germany.
58Nett, N., Moeller, B., & Frings, C. (2012, April 1-4). Effects of motoric and perceptual distance in distractor processes. 54. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Mannheim, Germany.
57Tempel, T. & Frings, C. (2012, April 1-4). Retrieval-induced forgetting of motor sequences [Poster]. 54. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Mannheim, Germany.
56Ortells, J. J., & Frings, C. (2011, June 15-17). Semantic Word processing in the absence of awareness and spatial attention [Talk]. VIII Conference on Attention (RECA-8), Sevilla, Spain.
55Rosburg, T., Mecklinger, A.,& Frings, C. (2011, April 2-5). The recognition heuristic studied by event-related potentials (ERPs) [Poster].18th Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting, San Francisco, USA.
54Frings, C. (2011, March 13-16). Ist der taktile Negative Priming Effekt tatsächlich größer als der visuelle? [Talk]. 53. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen, Halle, Germany.
53Moeller, B.,& Frings, C. (2011, March 13-16). Konzeptuelle Mediation von Distraktor-Reaktions-Bindungen Talk]. 53. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen, Halle, Germany.
52Moeller, B.,& Frings, C. (2010, Oct. 13-15). Are Warning Signals Always Helpful? Links Between Perception and Action in Driving Situations [Poster]. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter Annual Meeting, Berlin, Germany.
51Mahr, A., Frings, C., & Wentura, D. (2010, Oct. 3-6). Können wir Gefahren im Straßenverkehr durch subtile Aufmerksamkeitssteuerung reduzieren? [Talk]. 10. Jahrestagung für Kognitionswissenschaft, Berlin, Germany.
50Frings, C. (2010, Sep. 26-30). Gestaltprinzipien modulieren die Bindung von Reaktionen an Reize. [Talk]. 47. Kongress der DGPs, Bremen, Germany
49Amendt, A., Zimmer, M., & Frings, C. (2010, March 22-24). Taktiles Negative Priming bei Blinden [Poster]. 52. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen, Saarbrücken, Germany.
48Bermeitinger, C., & Frings, C. (2010, March 22-24). LRPs als Evidenz für verschiedene Mechanismen in verschiedenen Arten vom affektivem Priming [Talk]. 52. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen, Saarbrücken, Germany.
47Englert, J., Bermeitinger, C, Wentura, D., & Frings, C. (2010, March 22-24). Wir dekomponieren den Emotional Stroop [Poster]. 52. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen, Saarbrücken, Germany.
46Möller, B., & Frings, C. (2010, March 22-24). Gibt es Distraktor-Reaktions-Bindungen auch bei auditiven Reizen? [Talk]. 52. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen, Saarbrücken, Germany.
45Wühr, P. & Frings, C. (2010, March 22-24). Der Preis des Andersseins: Formunterschiede erleichtern die Hemmung irrelevanter Objekte [Talk]. 52. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen, Saarbrücken, Germany.
44Bermeitinger, C., Frings, C., & Wentura, D. (2009, March 29-April 1). Wie man aus Frauen Männer und aus Männern Frauen macht: Die Verarbeitung von Kategorien ist abhängig von einem globalen Fokus [Talk]. 51. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen, Jena, Germany
43Frings, C. (2009, March 29-April 1). Die Separierbarkeit von Distraktor-Handlungs-Episoden [Talk]. 51. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen, Jena, Germany.
42Natour, N., & Frings, C. (2009, March 29-April 1). A beautiful mind- Kreativität, schizotype Persönlichkeit und kognitive Inhibition [Poster]. 51. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen, Jena, Germany.
41Rothermund, K., Eder, A. B., & Frings, C. (2009, March 29-April 1). Affektive Modulation von Retrieval-Prozessen [Talk]. 51. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen, Jena, Germany.
40Wentura, D., Bermeitinger, C., Frings, C., & Moritz, S. (2009, March 29-April 1). Aktivierungs- und Hemmungs-Prozesse im semantischen Gedächtnis: Eine funktionale Balance? Experimente mit dem wiederholt-maskierten semantischen Priming [Talk]. 51. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen, Jena, Germany.
39Frings, C. (2008, Nov. 13-17). Enhanced perceptual and conceptual selection difficulty makes inhibition measurably [Poster]. 49th Annual Meeting of the Psyconomic Society, Chicago, USA.
38Bermeitinger, C., Frings, C., & Wentura, D. (2008, July 20-25). How to process a prime? Semantic priming depends on task set [Talk]. XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany
37Frings, C. (2008, July 20-25). Ignoring Complex Tactile Patterns – tactile versus visual Negative Priming [Talk]. XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, Germany.
36Bermeitinger, C., Frings, C., & Wentura, D. (2008, March 3-5). Dissoziation von langsamen und schnellen Komponenten im Emotional Stroop [Talk]. 50. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Marburg, Germany.
35Frings, C. (2008, March 3-5). Negative Priming als Inhibitionsindex [Talk}. 50. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Marburg, Germany.
34Bermeitinger, C., Frings, C., & Wentura, D. (2007, Aug. 29-Sep. 1). Semantic priming for natural and artifactual categories: Basic effects and a moderation by sex [Poster]. XVth Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Marseille, France.
33Frings, C., & Bader, R. (2007, Aug. 29-Sep. 1). Selection in touch: Negative Priming with tactile stimuli [Poster]. XVth Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Marseille, France
32Bermeitinger, C., Wentura, D., & Frings, C. (2007, June 7-9). Negative semantic priming effects come along with inversed N400 effects [Talk]. 33. Arbeitstagung der DGPA, Psychologie und Gehirn, Dortmund, Germany.
31Frings, C., & Groh-Bordin, C. (2007, June 7-9). Does visual identity negative priming hinge on the presence of probe distractors? Evidence from electrophysiological and behavioural measures [Talk]. 33. Arbeitstagung der DGPA, Psychologie und Gehirn, Dortmund, Germany
30Bermeitinger, C., Frings, C., & Wentura, D. (2007, March 26-28). Unterschiede im semantischen Priming für natürliche vs. künstliche Kategorien [Talk]. 49. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen, Trier, Germany.
29Frings, C., & Groh-Bordin, C. (2007, March 26-28). Elektrophysiologische Korrelate von visuellem Negative Priming [Vortrag]. 49. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen, Trier, Germany.
28Wentura, D., & Frings, C. (2007, March 26-28). Wie erklärt man affektive Kongruenzeffekte in der Benennaufgabe? [Talk]. 49. Tagungexperimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen, Trier, Germany.
27Bermeitinger, C., Frings, C., & Wentura, D. (2007, March 18-21). Wiederholt-maskiertes semantisches Priming mit neuen Ergebnissen [Talk]. 8. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft, Saarbrücken, Germany.
26Frings, C.(2007, March 18-21). Attentional blink bei negativen Reizen: Mehr als reines Arousal? [Talk]. 8. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft, Saarbrücken, Germany
25Wentura, D., & Frings, C. (2007, March 18-21). Antwortinterferenzen in der Benennaufgabe: Evidenz für ein einheitliches Modell des Affektiven Priming [Talk]. 8. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft, Saarbrücken, Germany.
24Frings, C. (2006, Nov. 17-19). Das Ignorieren taktiler Distraktorreize [Talk]. 39. Herbsttreffen Experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie, Braunschweig, Germany
23Bermeitinger, C., Frings, C., & Wentura, D. (2006, Nov. 17-19). Neues vom wiederholt-maskierten semantischen Priming [Talk]. 39. Herbsttreffen Experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie, Braunschweig, Germany.
22Frings, C., & Wühr, P. (2006, Sep. 17-21). Ein empirischer Test des selektiven Aufmerksamkeits-Modells von Houghton & Tipper (1994) - Selektionsschwierigkeit und Präsentationsform bestimmen das Ausmaß an Inhibition [Talk} 45. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Nürnberg, Germany.
21Bermeitinger, C., Frings, C. & Wentura, D. (2006, June 8-10). Results from Repeated-Masked Semantic Priming and Conclusions to the Representation of Categorial Knowledge [Poster]. 32. Arbeitstagung der DGPA, Psychologie und Gehirn, Dresden, Germany.
20Frings, C., Rothermund, K., & Wentura, D. (2006, March 26-29). Distraktorwiederholungen führen zu automatischem Abruf früherer Zielreizreaktionen [Talk]. 48. Tagung der experimentell arbeitenden Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Mainz, Germany.
19Bermeitinger, C., Frings, C., & Wentura, D. (2006, March 26-29). Ist der negative wiederholt-maskierte semantische Primingeffekt ein "Negative Priming"-Effekt? [Poster]. 48. Tagung der experimentell arbeitenden Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Mainz, Germany.
18Frings, C., Wentura, D., & Zimmer, H. (2005, Nov. 10-11). Strategy effects counteract distractor inhibition: Negative Priming with constantly absent probe distractors [Poster]. 46th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, Canada.
17Frings, C. & Wentura, D. (2005, Aug. 31-Sep. 3). Negative Priming is stronger for task relevant dimensions: Evidence of flexibility in selective ignoring of distractor information. Paper presented at the XIVth ESCOP, Leiden, the Netherlands.
16Frings, C., & Wühr, P. (2005, April 4-6). Verstärkte Reaktionszeitvorteile von Distraktor-zu-Distraktor-Wiederholung im Negativen Priming - Klare Gegenevidenz zur Temporal Discrimination Theory [Talk]. 47. Tagung der experimentell arbeitenden Psycholog*innen, Regensburg, Germany.
15Frings, C. (2005, March 10-11). Inhibition von Distraktorinformation [Talk]. 4. Dissertationswettbewerb der Fachgruppe Allgemeine Psychologie, Berlin, Germany.
2004 and before
14Frings, C. (2004, Sep. 26-30). Relevanz überschreibt selektive Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse: Ein visuelles Analogon zum Cocktail-Party-Effekt [Talk]. 44. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Göttingen, Germany.
13Frings, C. & Wentura, D. (2004, April 5-7). Negatives Priming trotz fehlendem Probe-Distraktor: Evidenz für Inhibitionsansätze im Negative-Priming-Paradigma. [Talk]. 46. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Giessen, Germany.
12Maier, M., Berner, M. & Frings, C. (2004, April 5-7). Further support for the spreading activation account of affective priming in the naming task: Evidence from a new form of target degradation [Talk]. 46. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Giessen, Germany.
11Serwe, S. & Frings, C. (2004, April 5-7). Wer gewinnt Wimbledon 2003? Ein Test der ökologischen Rationalität der recognition heuristic [Poster]. 46. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Giessen, Germany.
10Wentura, D. & Frings, C. (2004, April 5-7). Massively repeated masked category primes inhibit related exemplars: New evidence for negative semantic priming [Talk}. 46. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen (TeaP), Giessen, Germany.
9Frings, C. (2003, Nov. 28). Werden Störreize aktiv gehemmt? – Negatives Priming trotz fehlendem Probedistraktor [Talk]. HexKoP in Erlangen, Germany.
8Frings, C. & Neubauer, A. (2003, Sep. 29-30). Du hast Augen wie ein Genius! Einfluss differentieller Intelligenzunterschiede bei der Diskrimination maskierter Reize [Talk]. Fachgruppentagung Differentielle Psychologie, Halle, Germany.
7Frings, C. & Wentura, D. (2003, March 24-26). Inhibitionsprozesse beim semantischen Priming [Talk]. 45. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen, Kiel, Germany.
6Frings, C., & Wentura, D. (2002, Sep. 22-26). Wiederholtes maskiertes Priming: Neue Evidenz für Center-Surround-Inhibitionsmechanismen [Talk]. 43. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Berlin, Germany.
5Frings, C & Wentura, D.(2002, July 21-25). We know what you are watching on TV! [Poster]. 11th European Conference on Personality, Jena, Germany.
4Frings, C. & Wentura, D. (2002, March 25-27). Maskiertes und unmaskiertes semantisches Priming bei langer Prime-Darbietung [Talk]. 44. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen, Chemnitz, Germany.
3Holling, H., Frings, C. & Serwe, S. (2002, March 25-27). Zur Anwendung der recognition heuristic für den Aktienmarkt [Talk]. 44. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog*innen, Chemnitz, Germany.
2Serwe, S., Holling, H., & Frings, C. (2002, Sep. 22-26). Aktiengewinne durch die recognition heuristic? [Talk]. 43. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Berlin, Germany.
1Frings, C. & Wentura, D. (2001, April 9-12). Schauen Sie Big Brother? Die Vorhersage des Fernsehkonsums durch affektives Priming [Poster]. 43. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Regensburg, 9.-12.4.2001.

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