Colloquium Cognitive Psychology WS 2023/24
Colloquium Cognitive Psychology, every monday from 2:30 s.t. to 4 pm, room D 032 | ||
Date | Title | Speaker |
2023-10-23 | Scheduling and organization | |
2023-10-30 | Time flies: Event file decay and inhibition of return | Lars-Michael Schöpper |
2023-11-06 | The (revised) difference between temporary and persistent tactile landmarks | Paula Soballa |
2023-11-13 | Perceived location & perceived speed-are they connected? | Simon Merz |
2023-11-20 | Of tusks and horns. Task-driven modulations of binding and retrieval of object features | Nicolas Münster |
2023-11-27 | Kapazitätslimitierungen von Distraktor-Response-Bindungen: Ein Experimentalüberblick | Lorena Hell |
2023-12-04 | A critical reevaluation of external grouping in S-R binding | Philip Schmalbrock |
2023-12-11 | Post-response beta synchronization and target-based event-file decay | Bernhard Pastötter |
2023-12-18 | 1126 days of stress – What has come of it? | Christoph Geissler |
2024-01-08 | The role of prototypicality in distractor-response binding | Ruth Laub |
Higher-order interactions of distractor and response features | Tarini Singh | |
2024-01-15 | Decision making in and outside the lab (soccer, tennis, basketball,…) | Prof. Dr. Wim Notebaert, Ghent University, Belgium |
2024-01-22 | Variations on: Binding of responses across boundaries of perceived events | Birte Moeller |
Ideomotor effects in response-response binding: Responses do not need to be executed to retrieve other responses | Maria Nemeth | |
2024-01-29 | Investigation of Change Blindness Phenomenon in Terms of High-Level Scene Perception | Nilay Türkan |
2024-02-05 | The mutual influence of task and response selection in multitasking settings: Evidence of episodic retrieval in task switching | Elena Benini, RWTH Aachen |
2024-02-15 12-2 pm K 101 | Poster session for all bachelor and master theses | BSc. und MSc. students |
Colloquium Cognitive Psychology- SoSe 2023
Colloquium Cognitive Psychology, every tuesday from 12 to 2 pm, room D 031 | ||
Date | Title | Speaker |
2023-04-18 | Scheduling and organization | |
2023-04-25 | The importance of baseline trials | Paula Soballa |
2023-05-02 | Kapazitätslimitierungen von Distraktor-Antwort-Bindungen | Lorena Hell |
2023-05-09 | Put your hands where I can see them - Der Einfluss von Handposition und Sichtbarkeit auf Response-Response Binding | Silvia Selimi |
2023-05-16 | S-R binding effects for complex but not for simple backgrounds | Philip Schmalbrock |
2023-05-23 | A Matter of Perspective: Orientation as a Stimulus Feature in S-R Binding | Nicolas Münster |
2023-06-06 | Macht Sport die Welt bunter? Der Einfluss von Sport auf Farbsehen und Stroop-Performanz | Christoph Geißler |
2023-06-13 | Motion Perception and sensory uncertainty | Simon Merz |
2023-06-20 | No more total eclipse of the heart: Retrieval of response-irrelevant size as a target and distractor feature | Tarini Singh |
Lars-Michael Schöpper | ||
2023-06-27 | BRAC in the EEG: Hyperbinding in patients with functional movement disorders | Bernhard Pastötter |
2023-07-04 | Binding and retrieval of responses across boundaries of perceived events | Birte Moeller |
2023-07-11 | Response-response bindings effects do not vary shortly after integration | Maria Nemeth |
2023-07-18 K 101 | Postersession der Qualifikationsarbeiten |
Colloquium Cognitive Psychology - WS 2022/2023
Colloquium Cognitive Psychology, every monday from 2 to 4 pm, room D 032 | ||
Date | Title | Speaker |
2022-10-24 | Scheduling and organization | |
2022-10-31 | CRC intiative: Dynamics of perception-action integration – basic idea and approach | Christian Frings |
2022-11-07 | Inhibition versus retrieval: Negative compatibility effect meets S-R binding | Lars-Michael Schöpper |
2022-11-14 | Ageing and control of complex actions – a preliminary | Silvia Selimi |
2022-11-21 | Prestimulus alpha power signals episodic memory retrieval mode | Bernhard Pastötter |
2022-11-28 | cancelled due to illness | Philip Schalbrock |
Semantic Desktop: Neuronale Korrelate von Cognitive Offloadfing | Christoph Geißler | |
2022-12-05 | A time-frequency based comparison of retrieval-confounded and confound-minimzed congruency-sequence effects in the Simon task | Céline Haciahmet |
2022-12-12 | Landmark attraction in vision and touch | Paula Soballa |
2022-12-19 digital talk | cancelled due to illness | Lorena Hell |
Motion perception: An exploration of the influence of speed characteristics within an experimental context. ID: 869 8845 0032, Code: z0672Gns | Simon Merz | |
2023-01-02 digital talk | Effort influences Response-response binding effects | Birte Moeller |
2023-01-09 D 435 | PD Dr. Kerstin Fröber, Universität Regensburg: On how to be flexible (or not): What we learnt about the flexibility-stability-balance from (voluntary) task switching studies. | |
2023-01-16 | Testing for differences in EC effects via S-R Binding and Operant Conditioning – v2 | Tarini Singh |
Distractor-response binding in a daily working context | Ruth Laub | |
2023-01-23 D 435 | Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christina Pfeuffer, Kath. Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt: Binding and Long(er)-term Retrieval of Stimulus-Classification and Stimulus-Action Associations. | |
2023-01-30 | Age differences in feature binding tasks | Nicolas Münster |
2023-02-06 A 9/10 | Bachelor and Master theses (Postersession) | Various students |
Colloquium Cognitive Psychology - SoSe 2022
Date | Title | Speaker |
2022-04-05 | Scheduling and organization | - |
2022-04-12 | Influence of peripheral tactile Landmarks | P. Soballa |
2022-04-19 | Stimulus grouping in the context of complex action control | S. Selimi |
2022-04-26 | My Brain knows Me: Neural Oscillatory Markers for the Self-Prioritization Effect | C. Haciahmet |
2022-05-03 | Response-response binding across event boundaries | B. Moeller |
The forward testing effect is robust to psychosocial retrieval stress | B. Pastötter | |
2022-05-10 | Binding of self-relevant stimuli in action control | Marcel Pauly Universität des Saarlandes |
May the association be with you! A test for indirect response transfer using previous S-S associations | M. Arunkumar Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena | |
2022-05-17 | Can speed expectations eliminate Representational Momentum? | S. Merz |
2022-05-24 | Evaluative Conditioning via Response-Response Learning and Operant Conditioning | T. Singh |
Investigating distractor processing in an applied context | R. Laub | |
2022-05-31 | Tracking DRB with the Mouse – The Tracking Part | P. Schmalbrock |
2022-06-14 online via zoom* | Affordances and response inhibition | Lari Vainio PhD, University of Helsinki, FI |
2022-06-21 | Feature-response-transLASERED: Investigating the presence and absence of S-R binding with fNIR | L.-M. Schöpper |
C. Geißler | ||
Friday, 2022-07-01 1-3 PM D 435 | Self-organized task scheduling in Multitasking | Prof. Dr. Andrea Kiesel Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg |
2022-07-05 | Aufmerksamkeitsmodulation sakkadischer Response-Priming-Effekte | L. Hell |
2022-07-12 | Bachelor and Master theses (Postersession) | various students |
Colloquium Cognitive Psychology - WS 2021/2022
Date | Title | Speaker |
2021-10-25 | Scheduling and organization | - |
2021-11-08. | Dimensional binding: Dimensions, features, locations, and responses | L.M. Schöpper R. Hoffmann (FoPra) |
2021-11-15 | Congruency triggers Response Facilitation in EEG Time Frequency Data | C. Haciahmet |
2021-11-22 | Understanding the „speed“ component of the speed prior account | S. Merz |
2021-11-29 | Response grouping in response-response binding | S. Selimi |
2021-12-06 | Various binding effects – Response-response binding: Duration and Distractor-repsonse binding: Conceptual | B. Moeller |
2021-12-13 | Cognitive representation of action | Prof. Dr. Lynn Huestegge Universität Würzburg |
2021-12-20 | Effects of Predictability in Binding depend on Spatial Information | P. Schmalbrock |
Will take place online via zoom | ||
2022-01-03 | DRB in the EEG: What about the Probe? | B. Pastötter |
2022-01-10 | RRB³: How to overcome interference from partial action repetition? | C. Geißler |
2022-01-17 | The Headings They Are A-Changin’: Differentiation of mental workload levels in the flight simulator using EEG and fNIRS | A. Hamann & Dr. N. Carstengerdes DLR Braunschweig |
2022-01-24 | Individual and age differences in hybrid foraging | Dr. Iris Wiegand Radboud University, Nijmegen NL |
2022-01-31 | Tactile landmark attraction | P. Soballa |
2022-02-07 | Bachelor and Master theses (Postersession) | various students |
Colloquium SoSe 2021
Date | Title | Speaker |
06.04.2021 | Scheduling and organization | |
13.04.2021 | Die zeitabhängigen Einflüsse von Stress auf das Arbeitsgedächtnis | C. Geißler |
20.04.2021 | Endogenous orienting effects through the lense of action control theories: The role of retrieval | L.-M. Schöpper |
27.04.2021 | Vier auf einen Streich – Lokalisationsverzerrungen von dynamischen Objekten als Konsequenz der Stimulusgeschwindigkeit | S. Merz |
Inhibition of Return – Onlinestudie zu Zeitverlauf und Richtungseffekten | P. Soballa (MSc. thesis) | |
04.05.2021 | Salience in Binding 2 | P. Schmalbrock |
11.05.2021 | 4 years of early sensory conflict processing in the EEG - an overview | C. Haciahmet |
18.05.2021 | Behavioral dynamics reveals multicausality and nesting of time scales: Temporally tracking Stroop interference and conflict adaptation | Sven Panis, Ph.D. TU Kaiserslautern |
01.06.2021 | Response-Response Binding: Event Segmentation and Mental Effort | B. Möller |
The Role of effect distance in binding responses | S. Selimi | |
08.06.2021 | Sensorimotor decision making - Action selection as a biased competition between multiple options | Dr. Christian Seegelke Uni Bielefeld |
15.06.2021 | Stress effects on the forward testing effect | B. Pastötter |
The interleaving effect in inductive category learning: An EEG study | J. Huschens (MSc. thesis) | |
22.06.2021 | Investigating the binding strength of self-relevance in an action control setting | M. Pauly (MSc. thesis) |
Do we have an idea of "the self" so far? Integration of result to get a (mostly) conclusive definition of the self | S. Schäfer | |
29.06.2021 | Escaping the humdrum - the influence of time on task on mind wandering in mental fatigue experiments | H. Herschel (BSc. thesis) |
Selektives gerichtetes Vergessen von Texten | N. Karallus (BSc. thesis) | |
Auswirkungen auditiver Stimuli auf kognitive Performanz | I. Hasenpusch & L. Birkmann (BSc. thesis) | |
06.07.2021 | cancelled | Dr. Iris Wiegand Uni Bielefeld |
13.07.2021 | Self-relevance and negative valence | A. Diemer (BSc. thesis) |
Bin ich im Assoziationsvorteil? Über den Unterschied zwischen selbstrelevanten und negativen Assoziationen | E. Haumann (BSc. thesis) | |
Different Aspects of the Self-Concept | J. Kustermann (MSc. thesis) | |
Konzeptuelle Distraktor-Reaktionsbindungen | J. Forster (BSc. thesis) |
Colloquium WS 2020/2021
Date | Title | Speaker |
02.11.2020 | Scheduling and organization | |
09.11.2020 | When timing is everything: revision of an old paradigm measuring surprise | Silvia Selimi |
16.11.2020 | Influences of experimental context on Representational Momentum | Dr. Simon Merz |
Repräsentatives Momentum und der Thompson Effekt | P. Soballa (internship) | |
23.11.2020 | Can Distractor Saliency result in Overshadowing?: In the context of Contingency Learning and Stimulus Response Binding | Mrudula Arunkumar, Jena University |
30.11.2020 | Same, but different: Binding effects in auditory, but not visual detection performance | Lars Schöpper |
You can(’t) touch this. The impact of valence on feature-integration | A. Jerusalem (BSc. thesis) | |
07.12.2020 | The (non-)social mind: About the influences of self-relevance on cognitive processes | Dr. Sarah Schäfer |
14.12.2020 | Pseudo-mechanistic explanations in psychology and cognitive neuroscience | Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hommel, Leiden University, NL |
21.12.2020 | Figure, Ground, Binding? - Figure-Ground Segmentation in Distractor-Response Binding | Philip Schmalbrock |
04.01.2021 | Cognitive Control in a colour-word Stroop Task: a time-frequency based approach to (sequential) conflict adaptation | Céline Haciahmet |
11.01.2021 | Exploring the Self-Prioritization Effect: A drift diffusion model account | Dr Marius Golubickis, University of Plymouth, UK |
18.01.2021 | The decay of features in event-files: D or T does it matter? | Prof. Dr. Christian Frings |
25.01.2021 | Electrophysiological correlates of saving-enhanced memory. | PD Dr. Bernhard Pastötter |
01.02.2021 | Events und Response-Response Bindungen | PD Dr. Birte Moeller |
Binding under light: Measuring the frontal hemodynamics of response-response binding with fNIRS | Christoph Geißler | |
08.02.2021 | You can('t) touch this (Part 2): No influence of valence on IOR. | L. Lötzke (BSc. thesis) |
Der Assoziationsvorteil durch Selbstrelevanz – getestet durch den Distraktor-Reaktions-Bindungseffekt. | M. Pauly (MSc. thesis) | |
Response-Response Binding: Einfluss von Reaktionsgruppierung? | M. Kirmse (BSc. thesis) | |
Der vorwärts gerichtete Abrufübungseffekt bei Vorschulkindern zwischen vier und sechs Jahren. | S. Falkenberg (BSc. thesis) |
Colloquium SoSe 2020
Date | Title | Speaker |
07.04.2020 | Cancelled | |
14.04.2020 | Cancelled |
21.04.2020 | Scheduling and organization | |
28.04.2020 | Finding the difference: Wem kann man glauben, Stichprobe 1 oder 2? | Dr. S. Schäfer |
05.05.2020 | Search it, see it, translate to retrieve it. About the occurrence of binding effects in localization tasks | L.-M. Schöpper |
12.05.2020 | Pertubation of the right prefrontal cortex disrupts interference control | M. Friehs |
19.05.2020 | Driving with lights on: Neuronale Korrelate simulierten Fahrens gemessen mit fNIRS | C. Geißler |
26.05.2020 | Not so social after all: Video-based acquisition of observational stimulus-response bindings | Prof. Dr. C. Frings & Dr. C. Giesen, Uni Jena |
Brightness versus darkness: The influence of stimulus intensity on the distractor-response binding effect | Dr. R. Laub | |
02.06.2020 | Evoked at first glance? Oscillatory dynamics of response and stimulus conflict in midfrontal theta | C. Haciahmet |
DRB in the EEG: Watching the Brain as it Binds | PD Dr. B.Pastötter | |
09.06.2020 | various Bachelor and Master theses | Students |
16.06.2020 | Tactile Representational Momentum – is it the environment? | Dr. S. Merz |
23.06.2020 | Integrating salience and action - Increased integration strength through salience | P. Schmalbrock |
30.06.2020 | Hierarchische Struktur von Bindungen in der Handlungssteuerung | Dr. B. Moeller |
07.07.2020 | various Bachelor and Master theses | Students |
14.07.2020 | various Bachelor and Master theses | Students |
Colloquium WS 2019/2020
Datum | Titel | Referent*innen |
28.10.2019 | Scheduling and organization | |
04.11.2019 D 435 | I wish I was Special: Self-Prioritization Reconsidered | Prof. C. N. Macrae, |
11.11.2019 | A Double Surprise? - Surprise Decline In A Two Singelton Setup | Philip Schmalbrock |
18.11.2019 | To spatial n-back and beyond: Prefrontal correlates of cognitive load in laboratory setting, laboratory-stress setting and simulated driving | Christoph Geißler |
25.11.2019 | Taking a closer look: Die Untersuchung von Distraktor-Reaktions-Bindungen bei Augenbewegungen | Lars-Michael Schöpper |
02.12.2019 | Electrophysiological effects of response and stimulus conflict in theta oscillations | C. Haciahmet (M.Sc.-Arbeit) |
09.12.2019 | Representational Momentum meets EmPra and WiPro – the interesting bits | Dr. Simon Merz |
16.12.2019 | Personal Information Management: Benefits of memory offloading in an applied setting Becoming relevant: Exploring benefits of an external item prioritization | Yannick Runge |
06.01.2020 | Investigating the influence of salience on distractor-response binding A background story: Examining the preconditions for the integration of background features into stimulus-response episodes Between the shades: Investigating the influence of stimulus intensity on the distractor-response binding effect How stimulus-response compatibility affects binding and inhibition of irrelevant stimuli | Dr. Ruth Laub |
13.01.2020 in D 435 | Retaining Action Plans in Working Memory: Insights into Action Plan Representation and Construction for Newly Learned Tasks | Prof. Lisa R. Fournier Washington State University (USA) |
20.01.2020 | Where do I find me? Affecting the representational-momentum forward shift by switching the location of the perceived self. | Dr. Sarah Schäfer |
27.01.2020 16-18 Uhr in D 435 | Wie selektiver Abruf das Erinnern verändert | Prof. Karl-Heinz T. Bäuml, Universität Regensburg |
03.02.2020 | Stress and retrieval practice effects: Behavior and EEG | PD Dr. Bernhard Pastötter & B.Sc./M.Sc.-Arbeiten |
10.02.2020 | Effects of prefrontal TMS on interference control | Maximilian Friehs L. Brauner (B.Sc.-Arbeit) C. Wittkamp (M.Sc.-Arbeit |
Colloquium SoSe 2019
Datum | Titel | ReferentIn |
09.04.2019 | Planung & Organisation | |
16.04.2019 | Taking tDCS to the "field" - Replication & Application. | Maximilian Friehs |
23.04.2019 | Der Einfluss einer (in)direkten Reaktionsumsetzung auf Bindungseffekte bei Lokalisationsaufgaben. | Lars Michael Schöpper |
30.04.2019 | Der Einfluss von perceptual Load auf die Bindung von irrelevanten Reizen. | Dr. Ruth Laub |
Kontingenzlernen im DRB-Paradigma. (FoPra) | René Hoffmann | |
07.05.2019 | Titel folgt | Anne Jensen |
14.05.2019 | Representational Momentum: Crossmodale Beeinflussungen. | Simon Merz |
Vergleich der Fehllokalisation des Start- und Endpunktes taktiler Bewegung. (B.Sc.-Arbeit) | Paula Soballa | |
21.05.2019 | Prozesse der Handlungssteuerung in Alltagssituationen. | Dr. Birte Moeller |
28.05.2019 | Präfrontale hämodynamische Aktivität in Flanker- und n-Back-Task. | Christoph Geißler |
04.06.2019 | Handeln aus der Perspektive eines Avatars: Inwieweit werden wir eins mit ihr/ihm? | Prof. Dr. Jochen Müsseler, RWTH Aachen |
18.06.2019 | Wie flexible ist das Selbstkonzept?: Testung der Integration von Selbstkonzept-inkongruenten Reizen in das Selbstnetzwerk. | Dr. Sarah Schäfer |
Das geht meinem Avatar zu nah: Replikation des Distanzeffektes bei selbstrelevanten Avataren. (B.Sc. Arbeit) | Katrin Linnig | |
Feeling close to each other: Prioritization of others in space. (B.Sc. Arbeit) | Marcel Pauly | |
25.06.2019 | EEG correlates of test-potentiated (new) learning. | PD Dr. Bernhard Pastötter |
The forward testing effect under acute psychosocial stress. (B.Sc. Arbeit) | Benjamin Kollas | |
(Reversed) testing effect for complex text. (B.Sc. Arbeit) | Julie Daniels Mara Pickhardt | |
02.07.2019 | Nutzen von Memory Offloading für die Enkodierungsgüte motorischer Sequenzen. | Yannick Runge |
Directed Forgetting und Saving-Enhanced Memory im Bereich Schach: Eine Untersuchung deutscher Vereinsspieler. (M.Sc. Arbeit) | Niklas van der Valk | |
Human-Forgetful Computer Interaction: Empirical Study on Task-Switching with a Self-Reorganizing Knowledge Work Support System. (M.Sc. Arbeit) | Janina Schuhmacher | |
Montag 08.07.19 fällt aus | Wie selektiver Abruf unser Erinnern verändert. | Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz T. Bäuml, Uni Regensburg |
Colloquium WS 2018/2019
Datum | Titel | ReferentIn |
22.10.2018 | Planung & Organisation | |
29.10.2018 | Make no Mistake under Stress! - tDCS and SECPT Influences on Working Memory | Maximilian Friehs |
05.11.2018 | Representational Momentum im visuell-taktilen Vergleich | Simon Merz |
12.11.2018 | Sind Bindungseffekte effektorspezifisch? Die Untersuchung von Bindungseffekten mittels Augenbewegungen | Lars-Michael Schöpper |
19.11.2018 | Event-file decay | Christian Frings |
26.11.2018 | EEG oscillatory activities related to distractor-response binding | Bernhard Pastötter |
03.12.2018 | Reiz-Reaktionsstrukturen in Event Files | Birte Moeller |
10.12.2018 | Effekte computergestützten Vergessens auf menschliche Gedächtnisleistung und Problemlösefähigkeit | Yannick Runge |
17.12.2018 | Titel folgt; | |
07.01.2019 | Binding in multisensory selection on perceptual level Studien zur objektiven Erfassung des Selbst: Gibt es einen Platz für unser Selbst? Und kann unser Selbst projiziert werden? | Anne Jensen; Sarah Schäfer |
14.01.2019 | Integration and Retrieval in action control: Taking a closer look at the processes contributing to the binding of irrelevant information | Ruth Laub |
21.01.2019 | Einführung in die funktionelle Nahinfrarotspektroskopie | Christoph Geißler |
28.01.2019 D 435 | Zeitbasierte Erwartung: Grundlagen und Anwendungen; |
04.02.2018 | studentische Abschlussarbeiten |
Colloqiuim SoSe 2018
Datum | Titel | ReferentIn |
10.04.2018 | Planung & Organisation | |
19.04.2018 Ausfall | Multisensory mechanisms of body ownership | Prof. Dr. Henrik Erhsson, University of Stockholm, Sveden, Karolinka Institute |
24.04.2018 | Borders of the self: assessing the prioritization of self-associated stimuli | Sarah Schäfer & M. Pauly (FoPra) |
The BRAC Framework | Christian Frings | |
08.05.2018 | From Empirical Aesthetics to Action Control | Lars Schöpper |
15.05.2018 | Managed Forgetting: Beneficial Intentional Forgetting in Naturalistic Settings BSc. Arbeit: The ethical consumer: How important are fair wages? | Yannick Runge N. Tänzer |
29.05.2018 | Wie robust ist der vorwärts gerichtete Abrufübungseffekt? Response-Response Binding 3.0 | Bernhard Pastötter Birte Möller |
05.06.2018 | Grouping beats salience: Competition for the integration of salient and non-salient distractors. BSc. Arbeit: The distractor-response-binding effects in audition, touch and crossmodal. BSc. Arbeit: The power of learning: Do implicit long-term associations influence distractor-based retrieval. | Ruth Laub H. Dröschel J. Huschens |
12.06.2018 | BSc. Arbeiten: Studien zum vorwärtsgerichteten Abrufübungseffekt | M. Engel, P. Deutsch, K. Henkelmann & T. Krug |
BSc. Arbeit: Studie zum rückwärtsgerichteten Abrufübungseffekt | F. Feuerberg | |
19.06.2018 in D 435 | Statistical learning drives visual selection | Prof. Dr. Jan Theeuwes, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
26.06.2018 | Processing of irrelevant stimuli in multisensory selection ist feature-based MSc. Arbeit: Multisensory nearby-hands | Anne Jensen K.Lendermann |
03.07.2018 | The influence of social vs. physical stress on distractor processing BSc. Arbeiten: Einflüsse von akutem Stress auf Gedächtnis- und Entscheidungsprozesse | Tarini Singh Julia Lohner, Sina Schmidt |
10.07.2018 | Einflüsse von tDCS und Stress auf das Arbeitsgedächtnis | Maximilian Friehs |
Colloquium WS 2017/2018
Datum | Titel | ReferentIn |
16.10.2017 | Planung, Organisatorisches | |
23.10.2017 | Multisensory distractor processing is modulated by gaze | Anne Jensen |
02.11.2017 14-16 Uhr | Untersuchung der Grenzen des eigenen Selbst mittels objektiver Reizpriorisierung | Dr. Sarah Schäfer |
06.11.2017 | Kurzeinführung in tDCS und Vorstellung einer Studie zur Modulation der Stop-Signal Task Performance | Maximilian Friehs |
13.11.2017 | Response-Response Binding - Erste Befunde und Implikationen | Dr. Birte Moeller |
20.11.2017 | Okzipitale top-down Effekte bei natürlichem Lesetempo? | Dr. Markus Hofmann, Bergische Universität Wuppertal |
27.11.2017 | Bindung und Abruf von perzeptuellen Distraktor-Eigenschaften Die Macht des Unsichtbaren: Werden abstrakte, nicht-perzeptuelle Eigenschaften eines Distraktors gebunden? | Ruth Laub Julia Huschens, FoPra |
04.12.2017 | Bridging Learning and Binding with a Neural Network of Episodic Memory | Dr. James Schmidt, Universiteit Gent |
11.12.2017 | Prüfungsangst | PD Dr. Tobias Tempel |
18.12.2017 | Einflussfaktoren auf taktiles Representational Momentum | Simon Merz |
08.01.2018 | Testing feature-response bindings for multiple irrelevant features. BSc. Arbeit: The Distracting Self: Does Self-Relevance modulate the Distractor-Response-Binding Effect? | Tarini Singh & A. Langert |
15.01.2018 | Visuo-spatial working memory as a fundamental component of the eye movement system | Dr. Stefan Van der Stigchel, Universiteit Utrecht |
22.01.2018 | Memory Offloading: Costs and Benefits for Subsequent Memory Performance | Yannick Runge |
29.01.2018 | MSc. Arbeit: Abrufinduziertes Vergessen motorischer Sequenzen: Eine EEG-Studie | Ch. Geißler |
05.02.2018 | Studentische Abschlussarbeiten |