Sommersemester 2023

 International Energy Markets (Part II)

LecturerProf. Dr. Ludwig von Auer and Karolina Urban M.Sc.
Course typMaster Seminar
Course number14402748
ContentThis seminar is based on the lecture "European Energy Markets (Part I)" that was offered during the winter semester 2022/23. In this seminar, some energy-related topics will be further elaborated.
  • MA4ECON2143: International Energy Markets
  • MA3POE0008: Energy, Climate, Enviroment, Health

This course is offered for students enrolled in the programs M.Sc. Economics or M.A. International Economics and Public Policy.

Requirements for participationSuccessfully passing the exam "International Energy Markets (Part I)"
Time/Place2 - 6 pm, C 502