VIII. Comparative Law
The best search option for comparative public law is via the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law catalog, which, however, offers literature references and not full texts, and the Westlaw full-text search.
Handbuch Ius Publicum Europaeum (can be found on Juris)
Training for Examination
Coester-Waltjen/Mäsch, Übungen in Internationalem Privatrecht und Rechtsvergleichung
Magazines Europe
European Constitutional Law Review
German Law Journal (free)
Hague Journal on the Rule of Law
Les nouveaux Cahiers du Conseil constitutionnel
Magazines America
American Journal of Comparative Law
Brigham Young University Law Review (free)
Cardozo Law Review (free)
Columbia Law Review (free)
Georgetown Law Journal (free)
Canadian Journal of Human Rights (free)
Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence
Canadian Journal of Law and Society
Case Western Reserve Law Review (free)
Chicago Kent Journal of International and Comparative Law (free)
Cornell Law Review (free)
Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law (free)
Duke Journal of Constitutional Law & Public Policy (free)
Duke Law Journal (free)
Emory Law Journal (free)
Fordham Law Review (free)
Harvard Law Review (1887-2018, 2006 - aktuell)
Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy (free)
New York University Law Review (free)
Vanderbilt Law Review (free)
Yale Law Journal (1891-1922, ab 2000 (free))
Magazines Africa
African Human Rights Law Journal (free)
African Journal of Legal Studies
Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa (free)
Magazines Asia
Asian Journal of Comparative Law (bis 2014, 2013-aktuell)
Overarching Magazines
International and Comparative Law Quarterly
International Journal of Constitutional Law
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