Link list literature

The University of Trier offers students and scientists the possibility to access electronic books and journals via the university network. In the following, we have compiled references and links to important electronic literature sources on the fields of work of the chair. For research purposes, we also recommend working with full-text databases (for German law Juris and BeckOnline, for comparative or international law Westlaw and Nexis). You can find a complete overview of the services offered by the University of Trier at the Database-Infosystem of the Trier University Library itself.

Here are some technical hints:

  • In some cases, direct linking is not possible for technical reasons - in this case, you would first have to access directly the database on your own. This applies, for example, to the UTB database, where the books mentioned can be found at the top right under the tab "Licensed texts" ("Lizensierte Texte") or under the category Law (Recht).
  • For some journals, the most recent volumes are unfortunately not available.
  • The databases marked as "free" ("frei") are freely accessible on the Internet.
  • The databases Westlaw can be used better with Internet Explorer than with Mozilla Firefox.
  • For research with Juris, a prior user login is helpful to open the link directly.

Expanded access to e-resources in the Corona crisis:

Many providers are responding to the global Corona crisis by making e-books, articles, journals, and databases temporarily available for free:

Helpful hints can also be found on the IRDT pages in the "Hinweisen zu digitalem Studium und Forschung an der Universität Trier im Fachbereich V".

The page is continuously updated. We are grateful for hints by mail.

We hope you enjoy reading,

Antje von Ungern-Sternberg and the team of the chair


I. General

II. Constitutional Law

III. Administrative Law

IV. European Law

V. Private International Law

VI. Digitalization

VII. History and Legal History

VIII. Comparative Law

IX. Religious Constitutional Law