Trier Centre for Sustainable Systems

The Trier Centre for Sustainable Systems (TriCSS) was formed by merging the two research clusters GlobalChange and forumstat, which were already supported by the research initiative of the federal state Rhineland-Palatinate.

The research focus on environmental and regional sciences of Trier University will be further developed during the research initiative of the federal state Rhineland-Palatinate 2014 - 2018. The already existing clusters forumstat (FS) and global change (GC) developed a common strategy based on excellence and sustainability to establish long term research structures. These two cluster have already started collaborating during the first phase of the research initiative. This is why they decided to merge into the research cluster TriCSS – Trier Center for Sustainable Systems in 2014.  

The aim of TriCSS is to develop methods, models and measurements to promote sustainability and to control transformation processes in border regions. In order to reach this common goal, researchers of departments IV, V and VI of Trier University are collaborating.

Project NameTriCSS – Trier Centre for Sustainable Systems
Duration01/2014 - 12/2016
Contracting authority

Federal state Rhineland-Palatinate


Prof. Dr. Ralf Münnich, Prof. Dr. Michael Veith

The department of economic and social statistics is currently focusing on following research topics:   

  • Complex small area estimation techniques for the estimation of tree populations for forest inventories. High resolution satellite data can be used as auxiliary information. This results in big datasets that have to be handled (Big Data).
  • Multinomial small area models to improve the estimation of biodiversity measures. Accurate estimations of indicators are especially challenging when information is needed on regional dissagregated level.

Further Information about TriCSS can be found here.

Contacts economic and social statistics:

Prof. Dr. Ralf Münnich 

Philip Rosenthal