Prof. Dr. Ralf Münnich

Research Interests

  • Survey Statistics
  • Survey sampling, variance estimation, and data quality in complex surveys
  • Computational statistics and Monte-Carlo methods
  • Small area estimation
  • Indices and indicators
  • Microsimulation methods and applications
  • Numerical algrorithms in survey statistics

Scientific Career

2005         Habilitation, University of Tübingen. Venia legendi: Statistics and Operations Research. Title of the habilitation thesis: Datenqualität in komplexen Stichprobenerhebungen (Data quality in komplex surveys)
1996Dr. rer. pol., University of Tübingen. Title of the dissertation: Gebundene Hochrechnung bei Stichprobenerhebungen mit Hilfe von Splines  (Regression estimation in survey sampling using splines)
1987-1991Study of mathematics and economics, University of Tübingen 
1984-1987Study of mathematics and economics, University of Heidelberg 

Academic Positions

since 2011Full Professor (W3), Professor for Economic and Social Statistics
2006-2011Full Professor (W2), Professor for Economic and Social Statistics
2005-2006Substitute Professor (W2), Chair of Economic and Social Statistics
1997- 2005Akademischer Rat (Assistant professor with tenure), University of Tübingen, Chair of Statistics, Economics and Operations Research
1991-1997Research and teaching assistant, University of Tübingen, Chair of Statistics, Econometrics and Operations Research

Professional Recognition

since 16/09/2020Chairman of the German Statistical Association
2013-2017     Council Member of the International Association of Survey Statisticians (IASS)
since 2013Representative of the German Statistical Association in the Statistics Board of Germany
2012Job appointment to Stockholm University
2011   Elected Member of the International Statistical institute
2011Job appointment to TU Dortmund University and Bielefeld University
2011-2012Dean of Faculty IV (Business Administration, Economics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Business Informatics), Trier University
since 2009Board member in the German Statistical Association
2009-2014Head of the Section of Survey Methods in the German Statistical Association
since 2008Representative of Germany in the International Association of Survey Statisticans (IASS)
2006-2009Director of the International Graduate Centre, Trier University

Editorial Boards

2011-2016Editor in chief, AStA: Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv
2007-2011Associate Editor of AStA: Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv
since 2010Associate Editor of IJSMS: International Journal of Statistics and Management System
2009-2013Associate Editor of AStA: Advances in Statistical Analysis
since 2007Associate Editor of Survey Research Methods

Selected Projects

since 2018

DFG-Forschergruppe FOR2559: Sektorenübergreifendes kleinräumiges Mikrosimulationsmodell (MikroSim) 
Speaker: Ralf Münnich

since 2016Research Training Group ALOP
2014-2019Statistisches Bundesamt: Research Initiative for Official and Survey Statistics (RIFOSS)
2010-2013FP7-SSH-2009-6-BLUE-ETS: BLUE-Enterprises and Trade Statistics (BLUE-ETS)
2009-2011Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, Bundesamt für Statistik: Simulation der Strukturerhebung und Kleingebiet-Schätzungen zur Schweizerischen Volkszählung 2010 (Schweizer Zensus)
2008-2011FP7-SSH-2007-1-217322-AMELI: Advanced Methodology for European Laeken Indicators (AMELI)
2008-2011Bundesministerium des Inneren / Statistisches Bundesamt: Der registergestützte Zensus 2011: Methoden und Stichproben. Forschungsprojekt zusammen mit der GESIS Mannheim (PD Dr. Siegfried Gabler) (Zensus 2011)

Further informations to the recent and current research projects are available here.

Recent Publications

Wagner, Julian; Münnich, Ralf; Hill, Joachim; Stoffels, Johannes; Udelhoven, Thomas: Nonparametric Small Area Models using Shape-Constrained Penalized B-Splines. In: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A (2017). Accepted.

Münnich, Ralf; Wagner, Julian; Hill, Joachim; Stoffels, Johannes; Buddenbaum,Henning; Udelhoven, Thomas: Estimation of timber reserves using remote sensing data. In: AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv (2016), 1-18. (

Gattone, Stefano A.; Mohamed, Esha; Dryver, Arthur L.; Münnich, Ralf T.: Adaptive cluster sampling for negatively correlated data. In: Environmetrics 27 (2016), No. 2, E103-E113. (

Dostal, Lucie; Gabler, Siegfried; Ganninger, Matthias; Münnich, Ralf T.: Frame Correction Modeling with Applications to the German Register-assisted Census 2011. In: Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 43 (2016), No. 3, 904-920. (

Schmid, Timo; Tzavidis, Nikos; Münnich, Ralf T.; Chambers, Ray: Outlier robust small area estimation under spatial correlation. In: Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 43 (2016), No. 3, 806-826. (

Münnich, Ralf T. ; Burgard, Jan P. ; Gabler, Siegfried ; Ganninger, Matthias ; Kolb, Jan-Philipp: Small area estimation in the German Census 2011. In: Statistics in Transition and Survey Methodology 17 (2016), No. 1, 25-40. (

A complete list of publications can be found here (as of August 12, 2016).