
In order to gain some experience before attending the WorldMUN in New York City, the delegation takes part in several other simulations throughout the semester (usually from Friday through to Sunday).

Previous simulations the TriMUN delegations have attended were in Erfurt, Weimar and Berlin. There, the delegation from Trier meets up with delegations from other universities and colleges all over Germany and receives the opportunity to put the theory learned in seminars into practice. In contrast to the World MUN, where the complete delegation represents one nation, each member represents one country in one of the UN committees during the previous simulations (e.g. General Assembly, Security Council, ECOSOC, etc.).

During the simulations, groups of countries which pursue the same goals gather in so-called working groups. By negotiating within a group, the participants try to include the points that are important to their represented country. Putting their skills at negotiating and diplomacy to use, the delegates have to attempt gaining the agreement and support of other work groups in order to receive a majority of agreement to their working papers within the final voting procedure. These simulations are also a great opportunity to meet students from all over Germany and Europe as well as making new friends.

Oncoming Simulations

The TriMUN delegation will participate in the following simulations:

BlankMUN - in Blankenheim

13. - 15. December 2024

EfMUN - in Erfurt

17. - 19. January 2025

GerMUN - in Berlin

27. February - 02. March 2025

NMUN - in New York

06. - 10. April 2025