2nd European-American Conference on Religious Freedom

Church Autonomy and Religious Liberty
May 27 to May 30 1999 in Trier / Germany


  • Andries; Edward M., Dr.; J.D., M.A.(phil); Carr Goodson Warner, P.C.; USA; Washington DC; Religious and Philosophical Norms in the Constitution of Germany and the United States
  • Ariens; Michael S.; Prof.; St. Mary's Law School; USA; San Antonio; Defining "Church" in American Law
  • van Bijsterveld; Sophie C.; Dr.; Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid; Netherlands; Le Tilburg; Religious Liberty and Church Autonomy in the Netherlands
  • Boothby; Lee; Vice President; Law Offices of Boothby & Yingst; USA; Washington DC
  • Frhr. v. Campenhausen; Axel; Prof. Dr.; Kirchenrechtliches Institut der EKD; Göttingen; Germany, Church Autonomy in Germany
  • Casey; James P.; Prof. Dr.; Faculty of Law; Ireland; Dublin; Church Autonomy and Religious Liberty in Ireland
  • Chopko; Mark E.; United States Catholic Conference; USA; Washington DC; Constitutional Protection for Church Autonomy: A Practitioner's View
  • Christians; Louis-Leon, Faculté de droit de l'U.CL., Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium
  • Dane; Perry; Prof.; Rutgers University; USA; Camden N.J.; The Varieties of Religious Autonomy
  • Destro; Robert A.; Prof.; Columbus School of Law; USA; Washington D.C.; Church Autonomy - Approaches in US legal practise
  • Doe; Norman; Dr.; Cardiff Law School; UK; Cardiff
  • Durham; W. Cole; Prof.; J. Reuben Clark Law School; USA; Provo, Utah; Church Autonomy in America
  • Esbeck; Carl H.; Professor; University of Missouri; USA; Columbia, Missouri; The American System of Church-State Relations (and its Bearing on Church Autonomy)
  • Esbeck; Nathan; University of Missouri; USA; Columbia, Missouri
  • Gaffney; Edward M., Prof., Valparaiso University, School of Law, USA, Valparaiso, Indiana; Religious Autonomy and the Exemption of Religious Organizations from Federal Taxation in the United States
  • Gedicks; Frederick Mark; Prof.; Brigham Young University; USA; Provo Utah; Towards an LDS Understanding of Church Autonomy
  • Grawe, Antje; University of Trier; Germany
  • Hill; Mark; Pump Court Temple; UK; London; Church Autonomy in the United Kingdom
  • Horák; Záboj, Mag. jur.; Prague, Czech Republic
  • Kiviorg; Merilin; University of Tartu; Estonia, Tartu; Church Autonomy in Estonia
  • Kraft, Flavia; doctorand, München
  • Lash; Kurt T.; Prof.; Loyola-Marymount University; USA; Los Angeles; Five Models of Church Autonomy: An Historical Look at Religious Liberty under the United States Constitution
  • Laycock; Doug; Prof.; University of Texas; USA; Austin, Texas
  • Long; Gianni; Prof.; Italy; Rome; Church Autonomy in Italy
  • Madera; Adelaide; Università di Messina; Italy; Messina
  • Martínez de Codes; Rosa María; Dra.; Ministerio de Justicia; Spain; Madrid
  • Martínez-Torrón; Javier; Prof.; Catedratico Universidad de Granada; Spain; Granada; Church Autonomy and Religious Liberty in Spain
  • Mazurkiewicz; Piotr, Dr.; Kath.-Theol. Akademie Warschau; Poland; Warsaw; Autonomy of the Church and Freedom of Religion in Poland
  • Messner; Francis; Prof. Dr.; Société Droit et Religion en Europe; France; Strasbourg
  • Minnerath; Roland; Prof.; Faculté de Théologie Catholique; France; Strasbourg; Church Autonomy in Europe
  • Mortensen; Viggo; Prof. Dr.; Department. of Theology; Denmark; Aarhus; Church Autonomy and Religious Liberty in Denmark
  • Mousin; Craig B.; Rev.; Center for Church/State Studies; USA; Chicago, Illinois; State Constitutions and the Autonomy of Religious Institutions
  • Papastathis; Charalambos K.; Prof. Dr.; Faculty of Law; Greece; Thessaloniki; Religious Self-Administration in the Hellenic Republic
  • Pauly; Alexis; Frère; 8, rue Majerus; Luxembourg; Mersch; Church Autonomy in Luxembourg
  • Plesner, Ingvill T.; Ministry for Church and Education; Norway; Oslo; Church Autonomy in Norway
  • Podoprigora; Roman; Dr.; Higher School of Law "Adilet"; Kazakstan; Almaty; Church Autonomy and Religious Liberty in Kazakstan
  • Potz; Richard; Prof. Dr.; Institut für Kirchenrecht; Austria; Wien
  • Puza; Richard; Prof. Dr.; Lehrstuhl für Kirchenrecht; Eberthard-Karls-Universität; Germany; Tübingen
  • Robbers; Gerhard; Prof. Dr.; Institut für Europäisches Verfassungsrecht; Universität Trier, Germany
  • Rodriguez Moya; Almudena; Dra.; Departamento de Derecho Eclesiástico; Spain; Madrid
  • Roudik; Peter L.; Dr.; Law Library of Congress; USA; Washington DC, Church Autonomy in the Russian Federation
  • Rutz; Gregor; lic.iur.; Institut für Kirchenrecht und Staatskirchenrecht; Switzerland; Freiburg; Church Autonomy in Switzerland
  • Schanda; Balázs; Dr. iur; Verfassungsgericht der Republik Ungarn; Hungary; Budapest; Church Autonomy and Religious Liberty in Hungary
  • Schinkele; Brigitte; Prof. Dr.; Universität Wien; Austria; Wien; Church Autonomy in Austria
  • de Sousa e Brito, José; Prof.; Tribunal Constitucional; Lisbon; Church Autonomy in Portugal
  • Souto Galván; Esther; Dra.; Departamento de Derecho Eclesiástico; Spain; Madrid
  • Torfs; Rik; Prof. Dr.; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Belgium; Leuven; Church Autonomy in Belgium
  • Tretera; Jiri R.; Dr. Iur.; Faculty of Law, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic, Prague, Church Autonomy in the Czech Republic
  • Turowski; Leopold; Rechtsanwalt; Kommissariat der Dt. Bischöfe; Kath. Büro Bonn; Germany, Bonn
  • Tyner; Michell A.; International Religious Liberty Association; USA; Silver Spring; Maryland
  • van der Vyver; Johan; Prof.; Emory University School of Law; USA; Atlanta, Georgia; Sphere Sovereignty of Religious Institutions: A Contemporary Calvinistic Theory of Church-State Relations
  • Verfaillie; Maurice; Sécretaire général; Association Internationale pour la Défense de la Liberté Religieuse; Berne