I. Monographien
We, the King: Creating Royal Legislation in the Sixteenth Century Spanish New World, Cambridge University Press. (Im Druck März 2023)
The Radical Spanish Empire, Erscheint bei Harvard University Press (gem. mit Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra) (in Vorbereitung)
II. Artikel und Beiträge
Mit Philip Hahn: ,,Chinesische Immigration, koloniale Gewalt und kein Ende der Bedrohung: Manila im 17. Jahrhundert”, 472-486, in: Krisen Anders Denken. Wie Menschen mit Bedrohungen umgegangen sind und was wir daraus lernen können, hrsg. v. Ewald Frie, Mischa Meier, Renate Dürr, Astrid Franke, Klaus Gestwa, Boris Nieswand, Steffen Patzold & Max Rhiem. Berlin: Propyläen 2023, 472-486.
“¿Por qué se decretaron las Leyes Nuevas de 1542? Nuevas luces sobre conquistadores peruleros, mujeres palaciegas y Bartolomé de las Casas en las reformas de Indias,” Revista de Indias, Vol. 82, Num. 285 (2022) 293–327.
Adrian Masters und Bradley Dixon, “Indigenous Petitioners in the British and Spanish New World: A Comparative and Entangled Overview,” in Petitioning in the Atlantic World: Empires, Revolutions and Social Movements, ed. Miguel Alexandre Dantas da Cruz, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022)
“Influential Women, New World Riches, and Masculine Anxieties in the Development of the Spanish Council of the Indies, 1524-1600,” Renaissance Quarterly, Vol. 74, Num. 1 (2021) 94-136.
“The Two, the One, the Many, the None: Rethinking the Republics of Spaniards and Indians in the Sixteenth-Century Spanish Indies,” 3-36, The Americas, Vol. 78, Num. 1 (2021) 3-36.
“Black,” in New World Objects of Knowledge: A Cabinet of Curiosities, ed. Mark Thurner and Juan Pimentel (University of London). Im Druck 2021.
Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra and Adrian Masters, “Law and the Old Testament in Colonial Spanish America,” in R.S. Sugirtharajah, ed. Oxford Handbook of Postcolonial Biblical Criticism (Oxford University Press) (Online 2019, im Druck 2023).
“A Thousand Invisible Architects: Vassals, the Petition-and-Response System, and the Creation of Spanish Imperial Caste Legislation,” 377-406, Hispanic American Historical Review,Vol. 98 Num. 3 (2018) 377-406.