
Intellectual history

Enlightenment history

History of the press

The Age of Revolutions

Atlantic history

French colonial history

Caribbean history

Slavery and race



04/2023           A French Catholic Undercurrent of Abolitionism Between Senegal And Haiti? Abbé Giudicelli’s Critique of the Slave Trade in the 1820s,
                        European Social Science History Conference, Göteborgs Universitet, Sweden

01/2023           Revolutionary Catholicism: Reflections on an Enslaved Religion Between Saint-Domingue and Haiti, ERC-Project Atlantic Exiles,
                        Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany

12/2022           The 'Lord's vineyard' in Sugar Plantations: Missions in the French Caribbean in the 18th C., Experiencias de las misiones en América,
                        Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid. Spain.

10/2022           Une religion révolutionnaire? Le catholicisme à Haïti entre époque coloniale, Révolution Haïtienne & premiere independence,
                         Institut Historique Allemand, Paris, France.

06/2022           Sulle tracce della Regina di Haiti a Pisa, Sponde italiche e mari lontani Italienzentrum, Universität Trier, Germany.

11/2021           Risorgimento zwischen Atlantik und Mittelmeer? Ideen- und Personentransfer im Zeitalter der Revolutionen, Italienzentrum,
                        Universität Trier, Germany.

09/2021           Pensare l’“impensabile”: la rivoluzione haitiana nel primo Ottocento italiano, Società italiana per lo studio della storia contemporanea, Cagliari, Italy.

09/2021           Thinking of Haiti in Early Nineteenth Century Italy, 12th Annual Conference of the Research Network on the History of the Idea of Europe,
                        Athens, Greece.

06/2021           Confessing Slaves in the 18th Century French Caribbean, Stigma, Discrimination, Birth: Racisms and their Dis/Connection with the
                        Christian Experience, Fondazione per le scienze religiose Giovani XXIII, Bologna, Italy.

05/2021           A Game of Robes: The Clerical Battle for Africans’ Soul during the Haitian Revolution, ERC-Project ConnecCaribbean,
                        Institut des Hautes Études de l'Amérique Latine, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, France.

05/2019           “Une île qui dévore ses habitants?” 18th Century Jesuit Reports from Saint-Domingue, Centre for Atlantic and Global Studies,
                         Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany.

07/2018           Leonardo da Vinci: Historical Contexts and Legacy,New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Albuquerque, NM, USA

06/2018           Das Volk aus dem Wald: der Mythos des germanischen Waldes zwischen Romantik und Nationalsozialismus,
                        University of New Mexico German Summer School, Taos, USA

06/2015           How did French Historiography Put England on the (Mental) Map of Europeans? Conference in Early Modern Intellectual History,
                        University of Newcastle, UK

11/2014           Rapin’s Histoire d’Angleterre: A Best-Seller in the Republic of Letters, Moveable Types: People, Ideas and Objects. Cultural Exchange in
                        Early Modern Europe, University of Kent, UK

05/2014           Publishing ‘A Book which Should Be in Every Englishman’s Hands in the 18th Century, Book History in Global Context: Print Culture in Global
                        and Transnational Context, University of Leicester, UK